Current Projects | Former Projects |
4EU+ European University Alliance (2023)
Bernhard Höfle, Katharina Anders, Zhaleh Siabi
LOKI - Airborne Observation of Critical Infrastructures
BMBF (2020-2023)
Bernhard Höfle, Alexander Zipf, Katharina Anders, Carolin Klonner, Benjamin Herfort, Vivien Zahs
SYSSIFOSS – Synthetic structural remote sensing data for improved forest inventory models
DFG (2019–2022)
Bernhard Höfle, Fabian Faßnacht (KIT), Nina Krašovec, Hannah Weiser
4EU+ European University Alliance (2022)
Bernhard Höfle, Katharina Anders, Sylvia Pscheidl
4EU+ European University Alliance (2021)
Bernhard Höfle et al.
ER3DS – Emission Reduction in Smart Cities Using 3D Spatial Sensing and Analysis
BMBF (2019–2021)
Nicole Aeschbach, Katharina Anders, Bernhard Höfle, Lukas Winiwarter, Vivien Zahs
Auto3Dscapes – Autonomous 3D Earth Observation of Dynamic Landscapes
HGS MathComp (2017–2021)
Katharina Anders, Bernhard Höfle, Hubert Mara
GEODYNAMO4D - Tracing geographic dynamics on 4D Point Clouds
Heidelberg University (2019–2020)
Bernhard Höfle, Lukas Winiwarter
Heidelberg University (2019–2020)
Bernhard Höfle et al.
HELIOS: Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator: a highly flexible laser scanning simulation framework
Heidelberg University (2012–2020)
Bernhard Höfle, Niko Lucač, Jorge Martínez Sánchez, Alberto Manuel Esmorís Pena, Katharina Anders, Lukas Winiwarter, Hannah Weiser, Mark Searle
4EU+ University Alliance (2019–2020)
Bernhard Höfle, Markéta Potůčková, Alexander Prishchepov, Adriana Marcinkowska-Ochtyra
PermaSAR: Development of a Method to Detect Subsidence by Means of D-InSAR in
BMWi, DLR (2015–2019)
Julia Boike, Inga Beck, Sabrina Marx, Katharina Anders
HAdW (2014–2018)
Michael Hölscher, Carolin Klonner, Sabrina Marx, Tomás Usón
DAAD & MOST (2016–2017)
Ming-Chee Wu, Chi-Kuei Wang, Kristina König, Martin Hämmerle
4DEMON - 4D Near Real-Time Environmental Monitoring
Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, Baden- Wuerttemberg (2015–2017)
Dirk Hoffmeister, Martin Hämmerle, Evelyn Schmitz
3D-MAPP - 3D-MicroMapping of Big 3D Geo-Datasets in the Web
Vector Foundation (2016)
Benjamin Herfort, Florian Hillen, Marcel Kaibel
PhD Graduate School: CrowdAnalyser - Spatio-temporal Analysis of User-generated Content
Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg (2012–2015)
Alexander Zipf, Michael Gertz, Björn Ommer
3D Laser Scanning: Vegetation Investigation and Signature Analysis (LS-VISA)
Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, Baden-Wuerttemberg (2014–2016)
Kristina König, Andreas Kiefer, Luisa Griesbaum, Zsófia Koma
MUSIEKE: Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage
HeiKA (2015)
Christian Witschel, Caroline Y. Robertson von Trotha, Alexander Zipf, Stefan Hinz, Thomas Vögtle, Hubert Mara, Ralf Schneider
Teaching Excellence Grant: 3D GIScience Methods for Geographic Analysis
Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, Baden-Wuerttemberg (2014)
Bernhard Höfle
Landscape and Climate Change in the Last 2000 Years in the Altmühltal/Bavaria
German Research Foundation Excellence Initiative & HCE (2013–2014)
Cooperation with Environmental Physics and Institute of Pre- and Early History
Climate Impact on Malnutrition – a Geospatial and Public Health Approach
German Research Foundation Excellence Initiative & HCE (2013–2014)
Cooperation with Institute of Public Health
ESOB: Multi-sensor technology for the optimization of plant production ratings
Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Martin Hämmerle, Sabrina Marx, Larissa Müller, Fabian Schütt
Country-wide assessment of photovoltaics applications for noise barrier walls
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
Sabrina Marx, Sudhanshu Shekhar, Andreas Reimer
HedALS - Predictive Accuracy of Large-Scale Spatial Hedonic Price Models Using Laser
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation(2011–2013)
Marco Helbich, Andreas Jochem
German Research Foundation (2011–2012)
Marco Hellbich
HyLand: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Precision Farming
BMWi & DLR (2010–2013)
Cooperation with University Osnabrück, Technichal University Munich, Julius-Kühn-Insitute Braunschweig
The list of all former research projects of the GIScience and 3D Geodata Processing groups can be accessed here.