
Information on the conference proceedings can be found here



40th Annual Conference of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Geography in Heidelberg
13-15 June 2024

My HTML Document Programme Conference venue Registration Contact

After a break of 5 years, we invite you for the first time again to an independent annual conference of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Geography (AMK) in presence from 13-15 June 2024. Conference venues away from the coast have a long tradition at the AMK, so we hope that we will be able to welcome you in large numbers to the International Science Forum of Heidelberg University (IWH), in the heart of the old town directly below Heidelberg Castle.

The annual meeting of the AMK is aimed at all those who are involved in scientific or applied coastal and marine geography topics, especially at the intersections with neighbouring disciplines such as earth sciences, biosciences, political and social sciences, archaeology, urban and spatial planning, remote sensing and geoinformatics, hydraulic engineering and fisheries. The working group is particularly interdisciplinary and integrates physical and human geography like hardly any other forum under the umbrella of the DGfG. The main topics of the conference include:

- Long-term and recent coastal dynamics
- Storm surges, tsunamis and other extreme wave events
- Climate change and sea level rise at the coast
- Vulnerability and adaptation to coastal hazards
- Risk perception and management
- Coastal protection, ecosystems and water quality of coasts and seas
- Marine resource utilisation, energy production and aquaculture
- Coastal spatial planning
- Coasts and seas as economic and transport areas
- Human-environmental systems and ecosystem services of the seas and coasts
- Integrated coastal zone management
- Coastal geoarchaeology

Conference languages are German and English. Young researchers in particular are invited to submit presentations. You can download the invitation to the annual conference here.


You can download the current conference programme here.

Submission of conference contribution

The contributions can be submitted as a lecture (with discussion) or as a poster. A special poster session with a short presentation of the posters is planned. Please submit the contributions in the form of an abstract of max. 400 words as well as title, authors, and affiliation, stating a preference for the format (lecture or poster) by 01 March 2024. Please send the completed conference paper submission form by e-mail to: AMK2024@uni-heidelberg.de

The organising committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the type of presentation under certain circumstances, as we only have a limited amount of time available.


Registration for the AMK annual conference is now open. Please send the completed registration form by email to AMK2024@uni-heidelberg.de. Registration for the conference is possible until 22 April 2024. After the end of the registration period, it will only be possible to take part at an increased fee (€120 regular; €70 reduced). The privacy policy and the data processing agreement can be found here.

The conference fee is EUR 90.00 per participant (until 15 April). Students and doctoral candidates pay EUR 50.00. The conference fee includes a conference bag with conference documents, catering during coffee breaks and the poster session, icebreaker event, conference dinner and helps to the conference venue of IWH.

Conference Proceedings
This year's 40th annual conference will again be accompanied by conference proceedings, which will be published in the journal ERDKUNDE. Further information can be found here.

Conference venue

Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH)
Hauptstraße 242
69117 Heidelberg

You will find a detailed description of how to get here.

Unfortunately, we are no longer able to offer you overnight accommodation in the IWH Villa, as all rooms in the IWH are now occupied by conference participants.


Organising committee: Dr. Max Engel, Dr. Thomas Neise, Katharina Heß

If you have any questions, please contact the following e-mail address: AMK2024@uni-heidelberg.de

Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2024-06-07
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