Forschungsprojekt: GI_Testbed
OGC-EUROSDR-AGIlLE persistent test bed for Europe
The research group cartography of the Heidelberg University participates in the OGC-EUROSDR-AGIlLE persistent test bed for Europe. This testbed acts as a research test-bed for collaborative European research in geospatial interoperability:
- To aid the assessment of the current standards for geospatial interoperability in terms of research compatibility, completeness, consistency and ease of use and extensibility
- To provide an environment for teaching standards and techniques for geospatial interoperability
- To provide a resource to AGILE/EuroSDR/OGC for the coordination of research requirements as well as definition, testing, validation and development of open standards
The distributed test-bed will be based upon both ISO/OGC geospatial standards and appropriate IT standards (e.g. from W3C and OASIS).
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