Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer
Main research an research regions
- Geomorphology, Soil Science, Quaternary Research, Geochronology, Geoarchaeology
- Drylands, NE-Africa, Morocco, Eastern Mediterranean, Namibia, China, Germany
Research Projects (Leader/PI)
- since 04/2023: The River WESCHNITZ FLUVIOSCAPE and its Interaction with the Lorsch Abbey, subproject in the Priority Programme (SPP) 2361 On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere, funded by the DFG, together with T. Becker, B. Mächtle, U. Recker, G.J. Schenk, A. Vött.
- since 01/2023: Geophysikalische und geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im Brudertal bei Engen. Kooperationsforschung mit dem Landesamt für Denkmalpflege BW (Dr. Y. Tafelmaier).
- since 07/2016: Data mangement & spatial analysis, subproject Z2, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre 1211 “Evolution at the dry limit", funded by the DFG, together with G. Bareth.
- since 07/2016: Ground based observations & experiments, subproject Z3, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre 1211 Evolution at the dry limit, funded by the DFG, together with G. Bareth.
- 07/2016-6/2020: Hillslope processes, subproject C3, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre 1211 Evolution at the dry limit, funded by the DFG.
- 2009-2021: Out of Africa – Late Pleistocene Rock Shelter Stratigraphies and Palaeoenvironments in Northeast Africa, subproject A1, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre 806 Our Way To Europe: Culture-Environment Interaction and Human Mobility in the Late Quaternary, funded by the DFG, together with K. Kindermann, J. Richter, R. Vogelsang and K. Kindermann.
- 2009-2021: Data Management and Data Services, subproject Z2, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre 806 Our Way To Europe: Culture-Environment Interaction and Human Mobility in the Late Quaternary, funded by the DFG, together with G. Bareth.
- 09/2009: Sino-German Geoarchaeological Summerschool in Turfan (NW-China), together with C.-S. Li, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and X. Li, Academia Turfanica, funded by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion (DFG), the National Nature Chinese Science Foundation (NNCSF) and the Academia Turfanica. [Campus-TV]
- 01/2014-12/2015: Wadi Sura - A rock shelter and its rock paintings – landscape and archaeological context in the Gilf Kebir, Egypt, DFG, together with R. Kuper and H. Leisen.
- 09/2010-12/2014: Mensch und Landschaft im Holozän an einer geoökologischen Schlüsselstelle – Geomorphologisch-bodengeographische Untersuchungen im Raum Vráble, Slowakei, subproject Forschungsverbund Fidvár bei Vráble – eine Siedlung an der Schnittstelle der alteuropäischen Metallurgieprovinzen. Interkulturelle Dynamik und Umweltveränderungen an einer landschaftsökologischen Schlüsselregion im östlichen Zentraleuropa, funded by the DFG, together with B. Eitel, S. Hecht and G. Schukraft.
- 06/2009-5/2011: Palaeodrainage systems, hydroclimatic changes and traditional water use in Egypt and Jordan, subproject in the network Water in Sensitive Regions start-up project – preparation of a Cluster Proposal within the framework Global Change and Globalization, Heidelberg Initiative for Excellence, funded by the Heidelberg University and Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
- 03/2009-02/2010: Entwicklung eines wissenschaftlichen Systemmodells zur Klimaveränderung durch Bodeninanspruchnahmen, part of the EU-Project Urban-SMS, Projekt-Nr. 6.56, in cooperation with Umweltamt Stadt Stuttgart, together with B. Mächtle.
- 01/2009-06/2012: Reinigung industrieller Abwässer durch eine Dachpflanzenkläranlage: Bilanzierung der Reinigungsleistung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten, in cooperation with and funded by John Deere Mannheim, together with G. Schukraft, PhD project of T. Frese.
- 06/2009: Geoelektrische und geoarchäologische Untersuchungen in Ramat Rachel und Azekah, Israel , in cooperation with Prof. Dr. M. Oeming, Faculty of Theology, Heidelberg Universitäty, funded by MLP Heidelberg, together with S. Hecht.
- 05/2008-04/2013: Water Resource Efficiency in Urumqi, subproject 3 of RECAST Urumqi – Meeting the Resource Efficiency Challenge in a Climate SensiTive Dryland Megacity Environment – Urumqi as a Model City for Central Asia, together with K. Roth, PhD project of K. Fricke, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF.
- 03/2008-02/2009: Buried in the Sand – 3000 Years of Man and Environment along the Silk Road, Initiative for Excellence, Heidelberg University (3. Line), Subproject Global Networks, together with S. Hecht, B. Mächtle and G. Schukraft.
- 01/2005-12/2007: Climatic Change and Human Settlement between the Nile Valley and the Central Sahara, subproject A1, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre Arid Climate, Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in Africa (ACACIA), Cologne, funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), together with R. Kuper (Archaeology).
- 01/2002-12/2007: GIS-based Atlas of Holocene Land Use Potential for Selected Research Areas, subproject E1, multidisciplinary collaborative research centre “Arid Climate, Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in Africa” (ACACIA), Cologne, funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG).
Research Projects (Participant)
- Darb el-Tawil: Potenziale und Methoden einer Desert Road Archaeology am Beispiel einer Karawanenroute durch die Westwüste Ägyptens (
- At the margin of Late Pleistocene subcontinental networks – Interdisciplinary investigations of the cultural, chronological and environmental sequence of Pockenbank (Namibia)
- INQUA – Project 0704: Sand seas and dune fields of the world: a digital Quaternary atlas (
- Sand Accumulations in Egypt (Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt)
Expeditions and Excursions
- since 1996: Organisation and realisation of scientific expeditions and excursions to Chile (Atacama), China (AR Xinjiang), Eygpt (Western Desert, Eastern Desert), Sudan (Wadi Howar), Morocco (Erg Chebbi), Namibia (Namib Desert), Australia (Simpson and Strzelecki Desert, Eyre Peninsula), USA (Hawaii), Greece (Crete), and Italy (South Tyrol, Alps)
Graduate Studies
- 06/1992: Diploma, Geography, Geology and Soil Sciences
- 1985-1992: Study of Geography, Geology, Meteorology and Soil Sciences, Universities of Cologne (Köln) and Bonn, Germany
Ph.D. Studies
- 7/1998: Dissertation (PhD) (Dr. rer. nat), Thesis: Sedimentfallen als Zeugen der spät- und postglazialen Hang- und Talbodenentwicklung im Einzugsgebiet der Schwülme (Südniedersachsen), University of Cologne (Köln), a contribution to the Priority Programme Changes of the Geo-Biosphere during the last 15,000 Years. Continental Sediments as Evidence for Changing Environmental Conditions of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) as part of IGBP-Pages and PEPIII.
Present Appointment
- since 07/2023: Member of the extended executive board, Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) (
- since 07/2022: President, Heidelberg Geographische Gesellschaft e.V. (HGG) (")
- since 09/2017: Full Professor (W3), Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University, Germany (
- 01/2015-01/2023: Vice President, Heinrich-Barth-Institute of Archaeology & Environment of Africa (HBI e.V.), Cologne, Germany (")
- since 1/2008: Speaker of the working group Desert Margin Research of the German Geographical Society (")
- 2014-2022: Member and treasurer, Steering Committee Verband für Geographie an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen (VGDH), Germany (")
Scientific Career
- since 09/2017: Full Professor (W3), Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University, Germany
- 07/2012-08/2017: Full Professor (W2), Institute of Geography, University of Cologne (Köln), Germany
- 07/2011-06/2012: Managing Director of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE), Germany
- 4/2009-3/2010: Marsilius Fellow, Initiative for Excellence (Center for Advanced Studies), Heidelberg University, Germany (
- 10/2008-09/2010: Vice Dean Earth Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, Germany
- 10/2007-06/2012: Professor (representation of Prof. Dr. B. Eitel), Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University, Germany
- 04/2006-03/2014: Secretary of the Commission Arid Lands, Humankind and Environment of the International Geographical Union (IGU)
- 1/2004-09/2007: Assistant Professor (C2), Department of Geography, University of Cologne (Köln), Germany
- 10/1998-12/2003: Senior Lecturer (C1), Department of Geography, University of Cologne (Köln), Germany
- 10/1993-9/1998: Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cologne (Köln), Germany
- 8/1992-9/1993: Assistent Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cologne (Köln), Germany
- 8/1991-11/1991: Research Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Göttingen; Germany
- 8/1990-1/1991: Work experience, LANDSCAPE Geo Press Services, Cologne (Köln), Germany
- 4/1987-2/1991: Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Cologne (Köln), Germany
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