Professur für Geoinformatik / GIScience (GIS)
Die Abteilung Geoinformatik betreibt Grundlagenforschung und angewandte Forschung im Bereich GIScience und Geoinformatik. Dabei liegt ein Fokus auf der Untersuchung nutzergenerierter Geoinformationen (VGI, Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science). Zu diesem Zweck entwickeln wir innovative Methoden und Analyseverfahren u.a. in den Bereichen Humanitäre Hilfe (Katastrophenmanagement), Smart Mobility und Big Spatial Data Analytics (VGI Datenqualität etc.). Das „Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology“ (HeiGIT gGmbH), An-Institut an der Universität Heidelberg, erlaubt uns dabei, die in der Forschung erlangten Erkenntnisse in praktische Lösungsansätze umzusetzen. Zudem unterstützen wir die Lehre in unseren Geographie-Studiengängen in Form eines breiten Kursangebotes - im Master Geographie ist dabei die Wahl eines ausgewiesenen Schwerpunktes "Geoinformatik" möglich.
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Aktuelle Nachrichten
Tagesaktuelle Nachrichten aus unserer Forschungsgruppe finden Sie auf (dieser ist auch als RSS-Feed erhältlich). Unsere Publikationen in wissenschaftlichen Journalen und Beiträge auf Konferenzen finden sich jeweils auf eigenen Seiten. Sie können uns ebenfalls auf Facebook und Twitter folgen.
The renewable energy (RE) sector is a cornerstone of global climate action, yet its workforce remains marked by gender inequality. Women are significantly underrepresented, often relegated to lower-paid, non-technical roles. Traditional analyses of this disparity frequently ignore the spatial dimensions that influence women’s employment opportunities—factors like public transportation access, safety, and neighborhood walkability. Addressing these […]
Studies have long assessed people’s accessibility to amenities through public transportation, typically using General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data. GTFS reflects planned transportation schedules, detailing the intended services and routes of transit systems. However, this approach raises an important question: are we missing critical insights by not incorporating real-time information? A recent study led by […]
The ohsome-py Python package is a client for the ohsome API, designed to facilitate the extraction and analysis of historical OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. The package simplifies handling API requests and responses by converting them into pandas or GeoPandas data frames, making data analysis and visualization easier. With ohsome-py, you gain all the functionalities of the […]
In the field of humanitarian aid, Anticipatory Action (AA) is emerging as an important strategy to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters. At HeiGIT, we have been actively working with this approach to support local communities in building resilience. Unlike traditional reactive responses, AA aims to initiate predefined actions based on weather forecasts and risk […]
With 2024 drawing to a close, we reflect on a year filled with events, accomplishments and opportunities to make a positive impact. Halfway through the year, we celebrated HeiGIT’s fifth anniversary—a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come and everything we’ve accomplished together. From our early days to the milestones of 2024, our growth sets […]
Anticipatory Action for Disaster Management In the field of humanitarian aid, Anticipatory Action (AA) is emerging as an important strategy to mitigate the impact of hazards. Anticipatory Action is an innovative mechanism that intends to make humanitarian resources available before the disaster happens, based on prior data-driven forecasts and risk assessments. This approach seeks to […]
We are proud to announce the release of openrouteservice version 9.0.0, codename “Europa”. In this release, there are a number of new features that make running your own instance a whole lot easier, and some changes that improve the general routing results. For our API users, this release will not mean much, as just a […]
On December 18, 2024, GIScience PhD candidate Steffen Knoblauch will present his research on “Habitat-Scale Environmental Suitability Mapping for Aedes aegypti.” The public lecture will take place at 9:00 AM in the Conference Room, 5th Floor, Mathematikon, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg, and will be followed by a non-public PhD defense examination. Geoinformatics Research […]
Recently, our colleagues traveled to Chile as part of our ongoing collaboration with the Heidelberg Center Latin America. During their visit, they hosted a block course, met with local research institutes, and participated in an alumni meeting for the master’s program “Governance of Risk and Resources” at the Heidelberg Center Latin America. Anne Schauss and […]
We are happy to release a new major version of HELIOS++: What’s new in this release? Installation The new way to install HELIOS++ is via the conda or mamba package managers. We recommend mamba or micromamba. After creating a dedicated Python environment for your HELIOS++ project and activating it, run: mamba install helios or […]
The Call for Papers for the 10th EUGEO Congress 2025 is open! The Climate Action team at HeiGIT is looking forward to actively participate in next year´s congress with two sessions chaired by Kirsten von Elverfeldt, Maria Martin and Sebastián Block.
GIScience Teamfotos
In Memoriam Peter Meusburger
Am 18. Dezember 2017 starb viel zu früh Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Peter Meusburger. Wir trauern um einen großen Wissenschaftler, Lehrer und geschätzten Kollegen. Mitte der 90er etablierte er den ersten GIS-Pool an der Universität Heidelberg und startete GIS-bezogene Forschungsaktivitäten. Wir werden Ihn nicht vergessen. (Trauermeldung der Universität)