
Vector Foundation

Duration: 2016


Research Project

3D-MAPP: 3D-MicroMapping of Big 3D Geo-Datasets in the Web


The research project 3D-MAPP develops a web-based methodology to obtain digital geodata via the combination of data analysis by human and machine. Through a quick and easy-to-use 3D Web visualization users are able – in a few seconds – to solve 3D micro mapping tasks, which can hardly or even not be solved by automatic algorithms. Based on an extensive user study the idea of 3D-MAPP shall be evaluated empirically.



Within the project we implemented two crowdsourcing tasks. Both applications can be tested here:

Further project-related news can be found in our GIScience News Blog.

Teaching and 3D-geodata

We developed a course to teach the basics of 3D-data at schools.

movie examples of 3D-MicroMapping

Project Vegetation:

Prestudy roof types:

Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2023-03-14
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