Wolfgang Johann Eder, Dipl.-Geogr.
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Wolfgang Johann Eder war im Jahr 2010 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Abteilung für Geoinformatik des Geographischen Instituts.
Subject of thesis
- Refined landuse classification from hyperspectral optical- and multifrequent SAR-data
Research interests
- Air flow simulation, 3D GDI, SOS, JAVA
- GDI - 3D
Offered Courses
- SoSe 2010: „GIS-Analysen mit freien und kommerziellen GIS“
- WiSe 2009/10: „Geodatenmodellierung mit ArcGIS und Post GIS“ Nr. 641008102
- SoSe 2009: „GIS Analysen mit kommerziellen und OpenSource GIS“ Nr. 641008204
- WiSe 2008/09: „Geodatenmodellierung“ Nr. 641008103
- SoSe 2008: „3D-Kartographie und -GIS“ Nr. 641900179
Curriculum Vitae
- since 04/10: research assistant in the GIScience research group, Heidelberg University
- 04/08 - 03/10: research assistant at chair of cartography, University of Bonn
- 2007: diploma degree in geography at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich.
Bach, H., W. Eder and S. Begiebing (09/2006): Autonomous atmospheric correction and model based land use classification of CHRIS data of the AquiferEx test-sites in Tunisia, Munich, CHRIS Proba Workshop 19. - 21.09.2006
Bach, H., W. Eder and S. Begiebing (11/2006): Model based land use classification using hyperspectral and multifrequent SAR data of the AquiferEx test-sites, Munich, 29.11.2006, AQUIFER internally published, project conclusion
Bach, H., S. Begiebing and W. Eder (04/2007): Analyses of CHRIS Data of the AQUIFEREX Test-Sitesin Tunisia Applying Radiative Transfer Models, Munich, ENVISAT Symposium 23. - 27.04.2007
Eder, W. & Zipf, A. (05/2009): Towards analysis and processing in spatial data infrastructures (SDI). Using OGC WPS in Research in Geography and Cartography. GI2009-Symposium / 9. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden. Germany.
Eder, W. & Zipf, A. (05/2009): Interoperable 2D- and 3D geoprocessing in the Spatial Web - Applying the deegree WPS in GIScience. deegree day 2009. Bonn. Germany.
Eder, W. and Zipf A. (09/2009): Towards interoperable atmospheric (air flow) models in Spatial Data Infrastructures using OGC Web Services- state of the art and research questions. Enviroinfo 2009. 23rd International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Berlin. Germany.
Eder, W. & Zipf A. (07/2010): Zur Integration von Windsimulationsmodellen in 3D Geodateninfrastrukturen mittels Web Processing Services (WPS). AGIT 2010. Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik. Salzburg. Austria.