Dr. Hongchao Fan
Dr. Hongchao Fan is Group Leader at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg.
Research interests
- Map generalization
- Generalization for 3D buildings
- Visualization of 3D buildings
- Reconstruction of 3D buildings
- Volunteered Geographic Information
- Spatiotemporal analysis
Offered courses
- 3D smart city SS2015 and SS2016
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 04/2012: PostDoc at GIScience research group, Heidelberg University
- 12/2010-03/2012: Lecturer at the Department of Surveying and Geomatics, Tongji University, Shanghai
- 10/2010: Promotion Dr.-Ing. (Advisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Liqiu Meng, Prof. Dr. –Ing. Rüdiger Westermann) at the Technical University of Munich
- 07/2007-11/2010: Research assistant at the Department of Cartography, Technical University of Munich
- 10/2002-11/2006: Study of geodesy and geoinformatics at the University of Stuttgart
- 09/2001-09/2002: German course at the language center of the University of Stuttgart
- 08/2000-07/2001: Assistant engineer at the Hainan Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
- 09/1996-07/2000: Study of geodesy and geoinformatics at the Wuhan University
PhD student exchange
- 05/2009: The State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS) at Wuhan University
- 08/2009-10/2009: Division of Geoinformatics at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden; Department of Surveying at the Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki Finland
- 2010/05-2010/06 Center for Spatial Analysis at the University of Oklahoma, USA
- 2007/07-2011/01 Scholarship from the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE), Technische Universität München
Journal papers:
- Li, M., Sagl, G., Mburu, L., Fan, H. (2016): A contextualized and personalized model to predict user interest using location-based social networks. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 58, July 2016, pp. 97–106, DOI:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.03.006.
- Ming, L., Westerholt, R., Fan, H., Zipf, A. (2016): Assessing spatiotemporal predictability of LBSN: A case study of three Foursquare datasets. GeoInformatica. Volume and issue pending. DOI:10.1007/s10707-016-0279-5.
- Fan, H., A. Zipf and H. Wu (2016): Detecting repetitive structures on building footprints for the purpose of 3D modeling and reconstruction. International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE). 1-13. dx.doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2016.1252433.
- Shen, J., Fan, H., Mao, B., Wang, M. (2016): Typification for Façade Structures Based on User Perception. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2016, 5, 239. doi:10.3390/ijgi5120239.
- Wu H. and Fan H. 2016. Registration of airborne LiDAR point clouds by matching the linear plane features of building roof facets. In: Remote Sensing 8(6):447, DOI: 10.3390/rs8060447
- Yang, A., H. Fan, N. Jing, Y. Sun, A. Zipf (2016): Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMap: A Comparative Study for Four Countries. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 5(1), 5.
- Yang A., H. Fan, N. Jing (2016): Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major Contributors in OpenStreetMap Based on Contributing Behaviors, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 5(21) ; doi:10.3390/ijgi5020021
- Hongchao Fan, Bisheng Yang, Alexander Zipf & Adam Rousell (2015): A polygon-based approach for matching OpenStreetMap road networks with regional transit authority data, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1100732
- Sun, Y. and Fan, H. 2015. Identifying city center using human travel flows generated from location-based social networking data. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. (accepted).
- Li M., Sun Y. and Fan H. 2015.A Conceptual Framework towards Context-adaptive 3D Geo-visualization Using Volunteered Geographic Information. In: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. (accepted)
- Fan H, Yao W, Fu Q. 2014. Segmentation of Sloped Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using Ridge-Based Hierarchical Decomposition. In: Remote Sensing 6(4), pp. 3284-3301.
- Li Q., Fan H., Luan X., Yang B. and Liu L. 2014. Polygon-based Approach for Extracting Multilane Road from OpenStreetMap Urban Road Networks. In: International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). Taylor & Francis (accepted).
- Fan H., Zipf A., Fu Q. and Neis P. 2014. Quality assessment for building footprints data on OpenStreetMap. In: International Journal of Geographical Information Science. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2013.867495
- Fan H. and Yao W. 2013. Identifying man-made objects along urban road corridors from mobile LiDAR point clouds. In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. (accepted).
- Luan X., Fan H., and Yang B. 2013. Extraction of high-layer road network in Urban area based on polygon analysis. In: Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. (in Chinese), (accepted).
- Fan H. and Meng L. 2012. A three-step approach of simplifying 3D buildings. International Journal of Geoinformation Science (IJGIS). Vol. 26, Iss. 6, pp. 1091-1107
- Fan H., Mao B., Shen J. and Meng L. 2011. Shell model representation as a substitute of LoD3 for 3D modelling in CityGML. In: Geo-Spatial Information Science, Vol. 14, No. 2. (1 June 2011), pp. 79-84.
- Krisp J., Peters S., Murphy C. and Fan H. 2009. Visual Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Maps. PFG - Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation, 5(5/2009):p.441-450
Conference papers:
- Degrossi C.L., Albuquerque J., Fan H. and Zipf A. A conceptual model for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information in citizen observatories. In: AGILE 2016, Helsinki, Finland, June 14-17, 2016.
- Fan H. and Ding L. 2015. Can FCD data indicate problems in urban planning? A case study in Shanghai. In: Proceedings of LBS2015. the 12th Symposium on Location Based Services, 16-18 September, Augsburg, Germany.
- Xu H., Shang J. and Fan H. Grid Model-aided Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Indoor Environments. In: Proceedings of LBS2015. the 12th Symposium on Location Based Services, 16-18 September, Augsburg, Germany.
- Ding L., Fan H. and Meng L. 2015. Understanding taxi driving behaviors from movement data. Lect.Notes Geoinf.,Cartography, Fernando Bacao et al. (Eds): AGILE 2015, 978-3-319-16786-2, 333788_1_En, (13).
- Fan H., Zipf A. and Fu Q. 2014. Estimation of building types on OpenStreetMap based on urban morphology analysis. Accepted as full paper by AGILE Conference, 3-6 June 2014, Castellón, Spain, for publication in the series Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place".
- Sun Y. and Fan H. 2014. Event identification from Georeferenced Image. Accepted as full paper by AGILE Conference, 3-6 June 2014, Castellón, Spain, for publication in the series Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place".
- Fan H., Gong H. and Fu Q. 2013. A novel approach of selecting arterial road network for route planning purpose. In: Springer LNGC volume "Cartography from Pole to Pole", 26th International Cartographic Conference, August 25-30, 2013, Dresden, Germany.
- Yang B., Fan H. and Luan X. 2013. A Multilane Roads Detection Approach for Urban Transport Skeleton Knowledge Discovery. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on GeoComputation 2013. May 23-25, 2013, Wuhan, China.
- Yao W. and Fan H. 2013. Automated detection of 3D individual trees along urban road corridors by mobile laser scanning systems. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT) 2013, May 1st -3rd, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Fan H. 2012. A Novel Approach for Segmentation of Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud Located on Roof Structure. In: XXII ISPRS Congress 2012. Melbourne. Australia.
- Krisp J., Polous K., Peters S., Fan H. and Meng L. (2012): Getting in and out of a taxi: spatio-temporal hotspot analysis for floating taxi data in Shanghai. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium Networks for Mobility, 27/28 September, 2012, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Sun, Y., Helbich, M., Fan, H., Zipf, A.(2012): Analyzing Human Activities through Volunteered Geographic Information: Using Flickr to Analyze Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Tourist Accommodation. 9th Symposium on Location Based Services. Munich. Germany.
- Li, M., Fan, H., Goetz, M., Zipf, A. (2012): Adapting OSM-3D to the Mobile World - Challenges and Potentials. 9th Symposium on Location Based Services. Munich. Germany.
- Chen, W., Fan, H., Feng, T. 2012. An intelligent visualization system for landslide monitoring with sensor network. In: Proceedings of Geoinformatics 2012. Jun 15-17, 2012, HK, China.
- Fan H. and Meng L. 2010. A generic approach of simplifying building ground plans. In: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalization and Multiple Representation. Zurich 2010, Switzerland.
- Mao B., Fan H., Harrie L. and Ban Y. 2010. 3D city model relative similarity measurement using Nested Earth Mover’s Distance. In: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalization and Multiple Representation. Zurich 2010, Switzerland.
- Fan H., Meng L. and Jahnke M. 2009. Generalization of 3D buildings modeled by CityGML. In: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Advances in GIScience. Springer Heidelberg Berlin pp. 387-405.
- Jahnke M., Fan H. and Meng L. 2009. A user perspective on typification of facade of 3D building models. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference (ICC), Santiago, Chile, 15-22 Nov. 2009.
- Fan H. and Meng L. 2009. Automatic derivation of different levels of detail for 3D buildings modeled by CityGML. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference (ICC), Santiago, Chile, 15-22 Nov. 2009.
- Fan H., Liu L. and Meng L. 2009. A mathematical model for event detection in spatiotemporal city environment. In: ISPRS workshop on Quality, Scale and Analysis Aspects of Urban City models. Lund, Sweden, 3-4 Dec. 2009.
- Fu Q., Fan H, Wehr A. and Stilla U. 2008. Estimation of opto-mechanical parameters for calibration of laser scanners. XXI ISPRS Congress, Proceedings. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Geoinformation Sciences, Vol 37(B3B):55-60
- Fan H., Meng L. and Stilla U. 2008. A concept for integrating time-dependent features in 3D building models. XXI ISPRS Congress, Proceedings. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Geoinformation Sciences, Vol 37(B2):45-50
- Fan H. and Meng L. 2008. Analysis of events in 3D building models. Proceeding of SPIE, the 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics and the Joint conference on GIS and Built Environment, Guangzhou, China. 28-29 June 2008.
- Peifer N., Dorninger P., Haring A. and Fan H. 2007. Investigating terrestrial laser scanning intensity data: quality and functional relations. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Optical 3D Measurement Techniques VIII, Zurich, Switzerland.
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