Institute of Geography
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
D-69120 Heidelberg
Former Projects

Geoinformatics Research (GIScience)


We cooperate closely with the HeiGIT gGmbH at Heidelberg University. The aim of the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) is to improve the transfer of knowledge and technology from basic geoinformatics research into practice by using innovative geoinformation technologies. It was founded in 2019 as an affiliated institute of Heidelberg University and has since then been core-funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. The institute researches and develops intelligent routing and navigation services for sustainable mobility and provides geodata for humanitarian missions. In addition, innovative services from the research areas spatial data mining and machine learning are used to analyze, process, enrich and visualize user-generated geodata (e.g. OpenStreetMap).

Focus Areas:

Current GIScience Projects

Former projects at Heidelberg University

Former projects at University of Bonn

Former projects at i3mainz, FH Mainz

Former projects at EML (European Media Laboratory Heidelberg)

  • SmartKom
    BMBF-lead project on Human-Computer-Interaction Multi-Modal Mobile Assistance and Navigation System
    CReation of User-friendly Mobile services PErsonalized for Tourism; (LBS) EU-Project; 5th. Framework; IST
  • Deep Map GIS
    Phd-Project of Prof. Zipf, Multi-Modal Distributed and Mobile Tourism Information System funded through the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation, KTS, Heidelberg; including:
    • FourthDimension – adding time to space
    • VirtualTourists – VR-tours through Heidelberg
    • WebGuide – a city guide for the internet
    • TouristBase – a database for tourists
    • Deep-OA-Map – Deep Map objects and agents
    • FindIT – personalized tour planning on the web
    as well affiliated with the GIS, 3D/VR and DB related parts in other projects within the "Personal Memory" group at EML.
    the latest versions of Deep Map – Technology is being used within the company Heidelberg Mobil and its products.
Completed PhDs
Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2024-10-17
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