Geoinformatics Research (GIScience)
We cooperate closely with the HeiGIT gGmbH at Heidelberg University. The aim of the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) is to improve the transfer of knowledge and technology from basic geoinformatics research into practice by using innovative geoinformation technologies. It was founded in 2019 as an affiliated institute of Heidelberg University and has since then been core-funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. The institute researches and develops intelligent routing and navigation services for sustainable mobility and provides geodata for humanitarian missions. In addition, innovative services from the research areas spatial data mining and machine learning are used to analyze, process, enrich and visualize user-generated geodata (e.g. OpenStreetMap).
Focus Areas:
Current GIScience Projects
- Harnessing spatiotemporal crowdsourced data to identify key spatial and behavioral factors that inform the design and delivery of targeted public health interventions as a framework for pandemic preparedness
- GeCO: Generating high-resolution CO2 maps by Machine Learning-based geodata fusion and atmospheric transport modelling
- Climate Change and Health: Improving health care for vulnerable populations in Africa through spatially high-resolution monitoring of the natural and anthropogenic environment
- HEAL - Heat adaptation for people at-risk. A safe way through the heat: Transdisciplinary project HEAL makes everyday life easier for at-risk groups.
- GeoWiKI - Utilizing geographic knowledge from OSM to improve deep learning models
- geoEpi
- SocialMedia2Traffic – Derivation of traffic information from social media data
- LOKI – Airborne Assessment of Critical Infrastructures (BMBF)
- HCE: Klimahandeln fundiert gestalten - Fallstudie Baden-Württemberg/Kalifornien
- IDEAL-VGI – Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from Volunteered Geographic Information
- meinGrün - information and navigation on urban green spaces in cities
- Waterproofing Data
- DeepVGI – Deep Learning Volunteered Geographic Information
- Psychogeography – Psychoepidemiology and HealthGIS in the Metropole Region Rhein-Neckar (Psychoepidemiologisches Zentrum PEZ @ ZI Mannheim)
- OSM Landuse/Landcover – Karte über Landnutzungsinformationen basierend auf OpenStreetMap
Former projects at Heidelberg University
- Sketch Map Tool
- OpenStreetMap Exposure & Vulnerability datasets to support risk assessment
- Heterogeneity and Convergence in Shared Data Sources. The Importance of cognitive Coherence in Collective Decision Making (Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
- Accessibility Routing
- LandSense – A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring (EU Horizon 2020)
- Netzwerk – Geoinformation der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar, GeoNet.MRN
- HeiMap – Virtueller Kartentisch
- Campus Mobil – Routing and Navigation (extending ORS)
- WeGovNow – Towards We Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges (EU Horizon 2020)
- Zur agentenbasierten und qualitätsbewussten Integration von Daten aus geosozialen Netzwerken – Datenintegration als gemeinschaftlicher Verhandlungsprozess (DFG)
- Spatial Correlations in Social Media Data: Identification and Quantification of Spatial Correlation Structures in Georeferenced Twitter Feeds (DFG VisVGI)
- A framework for measuring the fitness for purpose of OpenStreetMap data based on intrinsic quality indicators (DFG VisVGI)
- HCE: Klimahandeln fundiert gestalten - Fallstudie Heidelberg/Rhein-Neckar-Kreis
- Project Tardur
- Landcover monitoring with emphasis on vegetation under the climatic change pressure using multitemporal and multisource remote sensing data fusion (4EU+ University Alliance)
- Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator HELIOS – a highly flexible laser scanning simulation framework
- Aufbau des
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
getragen von der Klaus Tschira Stiftung
now transferred into HeiGIT gGmbH - PhD Graduate School: CrowdAnalyser – Spatio-temporal Analysis of User-generated Content
- 4DEMON – 4D Near Real-Time Environmental Monitoring
- PermaSAR – Development of a Method to Detect Subsidence by Means of D-InSAR in Permafrost Regions
- NEOHAZ: NEOgeography of a Digital Earth: Geoinformation Science as Methodological Bridge in Interdisciplinary Natural HAZard Analysis LingOSM: Identifying the Cultural and Linguistic Influence on Mapping Behavior
- 3D-MAPP: 3D-MicroMapping von großen Geodatensätzen im Web
- Crowd FDA – Crowdsourcing for Forensic Disaster Analysis
- 3D-TAIGER: Multi-Source 3D Geoinformation Extraction for Improved Management of Forest and Natural Hazards – Collaboration between TAIwan and GERmany
- LS-VISA – 3D Laser Scanning – Vegetation Investigation and Signature Analysis
- Urban Emotions – Development of a methodology to extract contextual emotional information for spatial planning based on real-time people-as-sensors and crowdsourcing approaches within social media (DFG)
- Tools for Energy Potential Analysis and Structural Optimisation of Storage Facilities in Regional Energy Systems
- Web-based GIS for Lloyd's Lists – An Integrated Web-Based Information And Analysis System For Historic Geodata: The Case of Lloyd’s Lists
- ENERGIC: ICT COST Action IC1203: European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd
- Klaus-Tschira Incubator Research Groups "Advancing GIScience"
- Disaster Mapping 2.0: Collaborative Geographic Information Systems for Building Resilience against Disasters
- CAP4Access/ – Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities & Regions (EU FP7)
- AGORA: A Geospatial Open collaborative Architecture for Enhancing Public Awareness about Environmental Risks and Subsidizing Disaster Management
- Open Flood Risk Map: A decision support system based on user-generated spatial data for communities in support of emergency response planning in flood management
- Generating Knowledge for the City – new methods of public partcipation through interactive urban planning with Web 2.0 technologies. The case of the energy turn, Project Part 4 of Urban Office Heidelberg together with IBA Heidelberg.
- HistOSM – Historic WebMapService of Europe
- OpenStreetMap 3D Global
Bringing OpenStreetMap to the 3rd Dimension – Global 3D Web Service - MayaArch3D – A web-based 3D-GIS for analysing the archaeology of Copan, Honduras
- MUSIEKE: Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage
- Mobility Data Marketplace (MDM) – Derivation of an OSM graph with TMC LCL information to provide real time traffic services in collaboration with Straßen NRW and the German federal road agency (BAST)
- People as Sensors and Collective Sensing – Real-time Geo-Analysis and Visualisation of Urban Processes
- osmAGENT: How Good Can Agent-Based Modeling Predict OpenStreetMap Data?
- GDI 3D – Heidelberg 3D
3D spatial data infrastructure for the city of Heidelberg - Data quality assurance in web-based citizen science systems for occurances of local fauna and flora (biodiversity) collected by volunteers (BfN Program
Biologische Vielfalt
) - OSMatrix
- GDI_2.0
Zur Erweiterung von 3D-GeoDatenInfrastrukturen - TeleAgro+ – Evaluation of agricultural telematics data to improve business processes and optimize agricultural logistics
- SucaP – Strategi urban area aggregation and caricature project
- Lithium in drinking water and prescriptions effects on suicide mortality
- – Raumbezogene Analysemöglichkeiten zur Unterstützung historischer Forschung am Beispiel der Regesta Imperii
- GRIPS: GIS basiertes Risikoanalyse-, Informations- und Planungssystem für die Evakuierung von Gebieten
Agenten-basierte Evakuierungssimulation - Global Network – Heidelberg – Berkeley – Vienna: Airborne Laser Scanning for 3D Vegetation Characterization: Set-up of an International Signature Database.
- OSM Truck Routing
- 3D-Sutren
Interaktive Analysewerkzeuge für einen Atlas gescannter Sutratexte - HyLand
Nutzung hyperspektraler Fernerkundung zur Bereitstellung landwirtschaftlicher Boden- und Pflanzenparameter für Precision Farming und Ertragsprognosen - XNavigator W3DS-Client
- EU Project BLAST – Bringing Land and Sea Together: Web-based 3D Visualization of Climate Change for EU Project BLAST
- ESOB – Multi-sensor technology for the optimization of plant production ratings
- Global Network: Heidelberg – University College London – Louisiana State University – Temple University Philadelphia:
Data Mining of Crime Information from the General Public
- BarSolPot – Nationwide cadaster for the solar potential of photovoltaic systems on noise and wildlife barriers
- 3D PIE – OGC 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment
- Predictive Accuracy of Large-Scale Spatial Hedonic Price Models Using Laser Scanning Data
- GI_Testbed: OGC-EUROSDR-AGIlLE persistent test bed for Europe
- Abgrenzung urbaner Räume mittels OpenStreetMap und maschinellen Lernverfahren
- Interoperable Focus Maps with OSM data
- GEOSS – Global Earth Observation System of Systems
Security Information Management and Security Analysis System - 100 Gründe hinauszugehen
Serviceplattform für Ziele und Wege im Stadtteil speziell von und für Menschen ab 60 - Erkennung und Nutzung von Landmarken in der 3D-Navigation
- SLD-Explorer – the Online OGC SLD-Editor
Former projects at University of Bonn
- OWS-6 – OGC Web Services Phase 6
- Flex-I-Geo-Web
- GDI 3D – NRW-3D
- Delhi Transit Routing Pilot Interoperability Initiative
- GDI-Grid – Geodateninfrastruktur-Grid
Offenes Katastrophenmanagement mit freiem GIS -
- Integration of Wind Simulation Models in 3D City Models
Former projects at i3mainz, FH Mainz
- Historic Information System for the Germany States 1815-1938
- ImmoSDSS
A Web Spatial Decision Support System for the real estate market in RLP. - Base Map Francfort Airport Online. FRAPORT AG.
A geoportal for eXchanging Free geodata - NOAH – International Flood Information and Warning System
(FLIWAS; Consultant) - Advicer for EML
Advicer for EML within the BMBF projectAdvancement of Geoservices
- A web-based Flood Information System for the KABS
Kommunale Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekämpfung der Schnakenplage - A web-based Economic Atlas for France
Co-Operation with SUPdeCO Montpellier, France - MoNa3D – Mobile Navigation 3D
Former projects at EML (European Media Laboratory Heidelberg)
- SmartKom
BMBF-lead project on Human-Computer-Interaction Multi-Modal Mobile Assistance and Navigation System - CRUMPET
CReation of User-friendly Mobile services PErsonalized for Tourism
; (LBS) EU-Project; 5th. Framework; IST - Deep Map GIS
Phd-Project of Prof. Zipf, Multi-Modal Distributed and Mobile Tourism Information System funded through the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation, KTS, Heidelberg; including:- FourthDimension – adding time to space
- VirtualTourists – VR-tours through Heidelberg
- WebGuide – a city guide for the internet
- TouristBase – a database for tourists
- Deep-OA-Map – Deep Map objects and agents
- FindIT – personalized tour planning on the web
the latest versions of Deep Map – Technology is being used within the company Heidelberg Mobil and its products.
Completed PhDs
- Dr. Benjamin Herfort: Mapping what is not mapped - Investigating questions of representation and data quality in OpenStreetMap from the perspectives of humanitarian and machine learning-assisted mapping
- Dr. Hao Li: Deep Learning from Heterogeneous Geospatial Data for Automated Mapping of Man-made Infrastructures with OpenStreetMap
- Dr. Christina LudwigTowards a Global Map of Urban Green Spaces - Exploring Regional Variations and Uncertainty-Aware Methods using OpenStreetMap and Satellite Imagery
- Dr. Xuke Hu: Building Semantics Reasoning by Using Rules based on Available Geospatial Information
- Dr. Amin Mobasheri: Open Geospatial Data Quality Assessment and Enrichment; The case of routing and navigation of people with restricted mobility
- Dr. Johannes Lauer: Extraction of routing relevant geodata using telemetry sensor data of agricultural vehicles
- Dr. Rene Westerholt: The analysis of spatially superimposed heterogeneous random variables – using the example of geosocial media data
- Dr. Clemens Jacobs: Data Quality of Citizen Science Observations of Organisms: Plausibility Estimation Based on Volunteered Geographic Information Context
- Dr. Michael Auer: Advancing 3D WebGIS – browser-based Methods for Visualization and Analysis and their Integration in Virtual Research Environments in the Context of Cultural Heritage
- Dr. Carolin Klonner: Participatory Geographic Information for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sketch Maps can Visualize Flood Risk Perception
- Dr. Martin Hämmerle: The Analysis of 3D Point Clouds Acquired with Low-Cost Methods for Geoscientific Research on Natural Objects
- Dr. Ming Li: Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd from Location-based Social Networks: Theoretical Potentials and Practical Applications
- Dr. Enrico Steiger: Explorative Spatial and Temporal Human Mobility Analysis from User-Generated Data
- Dr. Julian Hagenauer: Artificial Neural Networks: Methods and Applications in Spatial Data Mining
- Investigating Potential of VGI Data for Revealing Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Human Activity
- Geographic profiling of crime patterns
- Dr. Pascal Neis: Analyse der Qualität nutzergenerierter Geodaten zur Realisierung von Routenplanungen für Menschen mit Einschränkungen
- Dr. Marcus Götz: Using Volunteered Geographic Information for an Automated Provision of Indoor Location Based Services
- Dr. Maksim Rylov: Models and Methods for Cartographic Label Placement
- Dr. Arne Schilling: 3D Spatial Data Infrastructures for web-based Visualization
- Dr. Hossein Shafeezahdeh: Exploring and Simulating Spatial Patterns of Urban Growth Using Data-driven and Knowledge-based approaches