Marcus Götz

Dr. Marcus Goetz

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Dr. Marcus Goetz has been working as Post-Doc Researcher at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg until december 2012.

Research interests
  • 3D Graphics
  • Web 3D Services
  • WPS / WMS / WFS
  • Java implementations
  • Locations Based Services
  • 3D (Indoor) Routing
  • Crowdsourcing Indoor Geodata
Subject of Thesis

Using Volunteered Geographic Information for an Automated Provision of Indoor Location Based Services

Cross institutional responsibilities
Offered Courses
  • Winter 2012/2013: Mobile Geo-Technologien für Umweltmanagement u. Echtzeit-Städte
  • Summer 2012: Humangeographische Anwendungen von frei verfügbaren Geodaten
  • Summer 2012: Mobile GIS-Anwendungen im Tourismus
  • Winter 2011/2012: Erhebung von humangeographischen Daten zur Erstellung von nutzerorientierten Karten
  • Sommer 2011: Einführung in die objektorientierte Programmierung für Geographen anhand der Programmiersprache Java
  • Sommer 2011: Nutzung von Volunteered Geographic Information zur Erstellung von nutzerorientierten Karten
  • Winter 2010/2011: Einführung in die objektorientierte Programmierung für Geographen anhand der Programmiersprache Java
Curriculum vitae
  • Since 11/2012: PostDoc Researcher in the working group of Alexander Zipf at the Heidelberg University
  • 04/2010 - 11/2012: Research assistant in the working group of Alexander Zipf at the Heidelberg University
  • 10/2005 – 03/2010: Study of Computer Science (Diploma) at the KIT / University of Karlsruhe (TH)

Neis, P., M. Goetz, A. Zipf (2012): Towards Automatic Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2012, 1(3), 315-332; doi:10.3390/ijgi1030315.

Goetz, M. and Zipf, A. (2012): Using Crowdsourced Indoor Geodata for Agent-Based Indoor Evacuation Simulations. In: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 1(2), 186-208. MDPI. (DOI: 10.3390/ijgi1020186).

Goetz, M. (2012): Towards generating highly detailed 3D CityGML models from OpenStreetMap. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). Taylor & Francis. (accepted).

Jochem R. and Goetz M. (2012): Towards Interactive 3D City Models on the Web. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM), Special Issue on Visualizing 3D Geographic Information on the Web (Eds. M. Goetz, J. G. Rocha, A. Zipf). IGI-Global. (accepted).

Goetz, M. & Zipf, A. (2012): Indoor Route Planning with Volunteered Geographic Information on a (Mobile) Web-based Platform. 9th Symposium on Location Based Services. Munich. Germany.

Li, M., Fan, H., Goetz, M., Zipf, A. (2012): Adapting OSM-3D to the Mobile World - Challenges and Potentials. 9th Symposium on Location Based Services. Munich. Germany.

Goetz, M. (2012): Using Crowdsourced Indoor Geodata for the Creation of a Three-Dimensional Indoor Routing Web Application. In: Future Internet, 4 (2), 575-591 MPDI. (DOI: 10.3390/fi4020575).

Uden, M., Schilling, A., Li, M., Goetz, M., Zipf, A.(2012): Creating a worldwide 3D globe from user-generated data. DGFK Workshop on "Map creation from user generated data", Hannover, Germany (together with Deutscher Kartographentag).

Jochem, R. & M. Goetz (2012): Towards interactive 3D city models on the Web. In: 3D Web Visualization of Geographic Data. Workshop in conjunction with AGILE 2012 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Avignon, France.

Goetz, M., Zipf, A. (2012): OpenStreetMap in 3D – Detailed Insights on the Current Situation in Germany. AGILE 2012. Avignon, France.

Goetz, M. and A. Zipf (2012 in press): The Evolution of Geo-Crowdsourcing: Bringing Volunteered Geographic Information to the Third Dimension In: Sui, D.Z., Elwood, S. and M.F. Goodchild (eds.), 2012. Volunteered Geographic Information, Public Participation, and Crowdsourced Production of Geographic Knowledge. Berlin: Springer.

Goetz, M., Zipf, A. (2012): Towards Defining a Framework for the Automatic Derivation of 3D CityGML Models from Volunteered Geographic Information. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM), 1(2). IGI-Global.

Goetz, M., Lauer, J., Auer, A. (2012): An Algorithm Based Methodology for the Creation of a Regularly Updated Global Online Map Derived From Volunteered Geographic Information, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services. GEOProcessing 2012. Valencia, Spain.

Goetz M., Zipf A. (2011): Extending OpenStreetMap to Indoor Environments: Bringing Volunteered Geographic Information to the Next Level, In: Rumor, M., Zlatanova, S., LeDoux, H. (eds.) Urban and Regional Data Management: Udms Annual 2011: Delft, The Netherlands. p. 47-58.

Goetz, M., Zipf, A. (2011): Formal Definition of an User-adaptive and Length-optimal Routing Graph for Complex Indoor Environments. In: Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS). Volume 14, Issue 2. Springer.

Goetz M., Zipf A. (2010): Open Issues in Bringing 3D to Location Based Services (LBS) - A Review Focusing on 3D Data Streaming and 3D Indoor Navigation. 5th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Berlin, Germany.

Schilling A., Goetz M. (2010): Decision Support Systems using 3D OGC Services and Indoor Routing – Example Scenario from the OWS-6 Testbed. 5th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Berlin, Germany.


Goetz, M. (2012): OpenStreetMap – Datenqualität und Nutzungspotenzial für Gebäudebestandsanalysen. 4. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium "Genauere Daten – informierte Akteure – praktisches Handeln". Dresden, Germany.

Goetz, M. (2012): Towards Crowdsourcing Indoor Geodata: Potentials and Applications. Lunch Meetings at the OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment (TU Delft). Delft, Netherlands.

Goetz, M. (2012): Virtuelle 3D Stadtmodelle für die moderne Stadtplanung. Stadtplanung in Deutschland. Heidelberg, Germany

Goetz, M., Hubel, A., Kerber, F. (2012): Indoor OSM - Mapping the World Indoors. FOSSGIS 2012. Dessau, Germany

Goetz, M. (2011): Converting OpenStreetMap Data to CityGML. OGC TC/PC Meetings, 3DIM. Brussels, Belgium.

Goetz, M. (2011): Qualitative und quantitative Entwicklung von Geodaten Infrastrukuren in der zweiten und dritten Dimension. 10. VoGIS Fachforum „Geodaten - Infrastrukturen?“. Feldkirch, Austria

Goetz, M. (2011): Deriving Standardized 3D City Models From Crowdsourced Geodata. Hengstberger Symposium „Towards Digital Earth - 3D Spatial Data Infrastructures“. Heidelberg, Germany

Goetz, M. (2011): Towards Defining a Framework for the Automatic Derivation of 3D CityGML Models from Volunteered Geographic Information. Joint ISPRS Workshop on 3D City Modelling & Applications and the 6th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Wuhan, China


Jochem, A., Höfle, B., Goetz, M. (2011): Fusion of VGI and highly accurate laser scanning data for 3D city modeling. Poster @ Hengstberger Symposium „Towards Digital Earth - 3D Spatial Data Infrastructures“. Heidelberg, Germany

Lauer, J., Goetz, M., Auer, M., Zipf, A. (2011): Processing and Visualizing Dynamic Global Geo Data - OGC WMS based on VGI. Poster @ AGIT 2011. Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik. Salzburg, Austria.

Goetz, M., Zipf, A. (2010): Open Issues in Bringing 3D to Location Based Services (LBS) - A Review Focusing on 3D Data Streaming and 3D Indoor Navigation. Poster @ 5th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Berlin, Germany.


Goetz, M., Zipf A. (2012): Mapping the Indoor World – Towards Crowdsourcing Geographic Information about Indoor Spaces. Invited Feature Article for GIM International. March 2012, pp. 30-34.

Idealo (2012): Indoor-Navi: OpenStreetMap für Gebäude. Online Press Release by Idealo.

Grüner, S. (2012): Openstreetmap auch für Innenräume möglich. Online Press Release by Golem.

Benthin, F. (2012): OpenStreetMap wendet sich Innenräumen zu. Online Press Release by Pro-Linux.

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Latest Revision: 2022-07-01
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