Navigation Intelligence & Location Based Services
Das Projekt lief bis Juni 2019 und wurde als HeiGIT gGmbH weitergeführt. Aktuelle Informationen finden sich auf der Webseite des HeiGIT
Nutzung, Qualitätssicherung und Veredelung von nutzergenerierten Geodaten für Verkehr, Mobilität, Navigation und Routing
Während z.B. Logistikunternehmen Anfahrtswege stets optimieren müssen, suchen Outdoor-Sportler nach Routen, die ihren individuellen Ansprüchen genügen. Um solch unterschiedliche Szenarien zu gewährleisten, müssen skalierbare, zuverlässige und innovative Geo-Services geschaffen werden, die maßgeschneidert auf die Nutzungsanforderungen angepasst sind. Hierzu entwickeln wir global verfügbare Services und Schnittstellen, die eine Vielzahl spezieller Mobilitätsprofile mit wesentlichem Mehrwert für den Nutzer bieten.
Unsere Leistungen
- Verkehr- und Mobilitätslösungen, Erreichbarkeitsuntersuchungen, Datenanalyse und Modellierung in Bezug auf Mobilität und Transport
- Entwicklung von Cloud-Lösungen sowie Schnittstellen (APIs) für spezialisierte Routing- und Navigationslösungen mit globaler Abdeckung
- Entwicklung spezifier Web-basierter und mobiler Dienste und Anwendungen mit geographischem Kontext
Langjährige Expertise von
-basierten Diensten und Qualitätssicherung von nutzergenerierten Daten für Ortsbasierte Dienste - Datenaufbereitung und –management, sowie Hosting in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung von Datenschutz und Privacy
Ausgewählte Referenzen
- (early test versions)
- Campus Mobil
- CAP4Access
- TeleAgro+
- OpenMapSurfer
- worldwide
- Mobilitätsdatenmarkt (TMC-OSM Integration)
Weitere Projekte - Veröffentlichungen - PhD Thesis
Weiterführende Links
- Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
- Big Spatial Data Analytics
- Disaster Mapping - (V)GI für humanitäre Hilfe
The 15-minute city concept is gaining traction in urban planning, aiming to ensure that essential services are within a short walk or bike ride. As the older population grows, walking remains a key factor in their well-being, yet their mobility is highly dependent on the built environment. A new research project, Silver Ways, is tackling […]
We are proud to announce the release of openrouteservice version 9.0.0, codename “Europa”. In this release, there are a number of new features that make running your own instance a whole lot easier, and some changes that improve the general routing results. For our API users, this release will not mean much, as just a […]
The openrouteservice (ORS) continuously evolves, bringing a suite of new features: the export and snap endpoints. These new features will change the way users interact with and process routing data, making it easier to handle complex use cases or pre-process points for routing queries. Export Feature While openrouteservice does not directly provide tools for network […]
The OpenStreetMap (OSM) and openrouteservice (ORS) provide free geospatial data that serve a multitude of research and practical applications. OSM thrives on its community-driven approach, ensuring its data is always up-to-date and versatile. ORS takes this a step further by providing sophisticated routing services for various modes of transport, including walking, cycling, driving, and wheelchair […]
Open-source tools that incorporate open geospatial data, such as openrouteservice (ORS), prove to be beneficial for both academic research and practical applications. These tools enable researchers to pursue innovative approaches aimed at addressing complex societal challenges and beyond. A great illustration of this is presented in the journal paper titled “Modeling health and well-being measures […]
The openrouteservice (ORS) QGIS plugin continues to evolve, bringing a suite of new features, improvements, and fixes that enhance its functionality and user experience. This update incorporates significant changes that will benefit users working on diverse geospatial projects. In this post, we highlight the key updates in the latest version of the ORS QGIS plugin. […]
We’re proud to share our recent conference experience with you! Our HeiGIT Product Owners for Big Data and Smart Mobility, Benjamin Herfort and Julian Psotta, had the privilege of attending the FOSSGIS 2024 conference, where they contributed valuable insights and expertise. The results of an exciting six years of joint work and shared projects between HeiGIT and the Federal Agency for Cartography […]
We’re thrilled to announce the release of openrouteservice (ors) version 8.0, designated “Wilfried”, as a tribute to Prof. Dr. Wilfried Juling, whose steady support and advice fundamentally shaped the growth and success of HeiGIT since its beginning. With countless hours and dedication poured into development and innovation, we’re excited to present a rich set of […]
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news – our colleagues Julian Psotta and Benjamin Herfort are set to deliver talks at FOSSGIS 2024 in Hamburg, Germany! Julian Psotta will be presenting the openrouteservice project together with the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG). Their joint talk “From openrouteservice to RoutingPlus – Insights into a […]
Introduction In an era where technology continuously reshapes our world, the fusion of artificial intelligence and geospatial data offers exciting possibilities. HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology), a pioneering research organization, has unveiled a novel web application that not only simplifies navigation but also empowers users to access a wealth of location-based data. This proof-of-concept […]