Dr. David Jonietz
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- Spatial Analysis and Modeling
- Agent-Based Modeling
- Spatial Cognition
- Sustainable Transportation Systems
- Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)
- An Agent-Based and Quality-Aware Integration of Geo-Social Networks Data - Data Integration as a Collaborative Negotiation Process
- PsychoGeography: Psychoepidemiology and HealthGIS in the Metropole Region Rhein-Neckar
- since 2016: PostDoc-Researcher, GIScience Research Group, University of Heidelberg
- 2016: PhD in Geographical Information Science, University of Augsburg, Germany
- 2015: Research and Teaching Assistant, GIScience Research Group, University of Heidelberg
- 2011 – 2015: Research and Teaching Assistant, Professorship for Geoinformatics, University of Augsburg
- 2010: First State Examination for Teachers at Gymnasium (Geography/English), University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany and Edith-Cowan-University, Perth, Australia
- 2009: Student Assistant, Chair for Human Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Augsburg
- 2012 Best Poster Award at mobil.TUM 2012 conference, Munich
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2015): On the Relevance of Gibson's Affordance Concept for Geographical Information Science (GISc). Cognitive Processing – International Quarterly Cognitive Science 16(1 Suppl.): 265-269.
- Bitsch, J., Jonietz, D. , Timpf, S. (2016): Eine agentenbasierte Fußgängersimulation zur Bewertung der Bewegungs- und Nutzungsmuster eines städtischen Platzes. accepted at: AGIT 2016, Salzburg, Austria.
- Jonietz, D. (2016): Personalizing Walkability - A Concept for Pedestrian Needs Profiling Based on Movement Trajectories. accepted at: AGILE 2016, Helsinki, Finnland.
- Jonietz, D., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, C., Timpf, S. (2015): Assessing the Influence of Road Network Connectivity on the Predictive Quality of a Route Probability Calculation Model. accepted at: LBS 2015, Augsburg, Germany.
- Jonietz, D., von Groote-Bidlingmaier, C., Timpf, S. (2015): Testing a Route Probability Model with Floating Car Data. In: Proceedings of the Short Papers, AGILE 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
- von Groote-Bidlingmaier, C., Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2014): Calculating Route Probability from Uncertain Origins to a Destination. In: Gartner, G., Huang, H. [Eds.]: Progress in Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 19 - 32.
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2013): Incorporating the Influence of Walkability into a Model of Pedestrian Accessibility. In: Wulfhorst, G., Büttner, B. [Eds.]: Transportation Demand Management – Insights from the mobil.TUM 2012 International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, 31 - 43.
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2013): An Affordance-Based Simulation Framework for Assessing Spatial Suitability. In: Tenbrink, T., Stell, J., Galton, A., Wood, Z. [Eds.]: Spatial Information Theory – 11th International Conference, COSIT 2013,Scarborough, UK, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8116, 169-184.
- Jonietz, D., Rathmann, J. (2013): Entwicklung einer Methodik zur GIS-gestützten Analyse therapeutischer Landschaften. In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., Griesebner, G., Zagel, B. [Eds.]: Angewandte Geoinformatik 2013 – Beiträge zum 25. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, Berlin und Offenbach, 600 - 609.
- Jonietz, D., Schuster, W., Timpf, S. (2013): Modelling the Suitability of Urban Networks for Pedestrians: An Affordance-Based Framework. In: Vandenbroucke, D., Bucher, B., Crompvoets, J. [Eds.]: Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 369 - 382.
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2012): Towards an Affordance-Based Model of Walkability. In: Timpf, S. [Ed.]: Proceedings of the Short Papers of the SDH2012, Bonn, Germany, 21.-24.8.2012.
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2012): Entwicklung eines GIS-basierten Bikeablity-Index am Beispiel der Stadt Augsburg. In: Löwner, M.-O., Hillen F., Wohlfahrt, R. [Hrsg.]: Geoinformatik 2012: Mobilität und Umwelt. Konferenzband 28.-30. März 2012 Braunschweig, Aachen, 83 – 90.
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2014): Modelling the Suitability of Places for Actions. In: Geodesign Summit Europe. Delft, Netherlands
- Jonietz, D., Timpf, S. (2012): Incorporating the Influence of Urban Pedestrian Infrastructure into a Walking Accessibility Model (Poster). mobil.TUM 2012 International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, München, 19.-20. März 2012.
- An Agent-Based Model of Individual and Collective Place Formation. Kolloquium Geoinformatik (2015). University of Heidelberg, Germany.
- Navigational Difficulties in Building D, University of Augsburg. Presented at the Workshop Indoor Wayfinding Assistance. Spatial Cognition 2014, Bremen, Germany.
- Modeling the Process of Spatial Suitability Assessment with Affordances. Presented at the International Spatial Cognition Summer Institute (ISCSI) 2013, Santa Barbara, California.
- Creating an Affordance-based Model of Walkability. Presented at the Doctoral Colloquium. Spatial Cognition 2012, Kloster Seeon, Germany.
- Vorlesung Kartographie I – WS 2015/16 (with Dr. Hahmann and Prof. Zipf)
- Seminar: Place-basierte GIS: Grundlagen und Anwendungen – SS 2015 (University of Augsburg)
- Projektseminar: Mobile GIS und Ihre Anwendung – SS 2014 (University of Augsburg)
- Praktische Arbeitsmethoden: Räumliche Analyse mit GIS – SS 2014, WS 2014/15, SS 2015 (University of Augsburg)
- Projektseminar Geoinformatik: Modellierung der Routenwahl von Fußgängern – WS 2013/14 (University of Augsburg)
- Forschungsseminar: Der Faktor Mensch im GIS – SS 2013 (University of Augsburg)
- Praktische Arbeitsmethoden: Räumliche Analyse mit Rasterdaten – SS 2013 (University of Augsburg)
- Geoinformatik I Vorlesung – WS 2012/13 (with Carolin von Groote-Bidlingmaier) (University of Augsburg)
- Exkursion: Die Förderung nachhaltiger Verkehrssysteme in München – WS 2012/13, SS 2013 (University of Augsburg)
- Ausgewählte Themen der Verkehrsgeographie – SS 2012 (University of Augsburg)
- Projektseminar: Analyse therapeutischer Landschaften mit GIS – SS 2012 (with J. Rathmann) (University of Augsburg)
- Scientific English – SS 2012, WS 2012/13, WS 2013/14, WS 2014/15 (University of Augsburg)
- Praktische Arbeitsmethoden: Erfassung und Analyse mentaler Karten mit GIS – WS 2011/12 (University of Augsburg)
- Projektseminar Geoinformatik: Modellierung der Bikeability – WS 2011/12 (University of Augsburg)
- Übungen zur Geoinformatik – WS 2011/12, WS 2012/13, WS 2013/14, WS 2014/15 (University of Augsburg)
- Geoinformatik II Übungen – SS 2011, WS 2011/12, SS 2012, WS 2012/13, SS 2014 (University of Augsburg)
- Einführung in wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Präsentieren – SS 2011 (University of Augsburg)
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