Carolin Klonner

Im Neuenheimer Feld 348
Room 012a
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 54-4479
Fax: +49 6221 54-4529

Office Hours
by appointment

Dr. Carolin Klonner

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Carolin Klonner was a research assistant at the Chair of GIScience, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg.

Research Interests

  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • Multi-Source Geoinformation Fusion
  • Volunteered Geographic Information
  • Participatory Mapping



  • OpenStreetMap Sketch Map Tool - The Future of OpenStreetMap Field Papers. GeOnG: The 7th Humanitarian and Development Data Forum, online event, 02.-03.11.2020.
  • Quality Improvement of Remotely Volunteered Geographic Information via Country-Specific Mapping Instructions. ISCRAM 2017 Conference, Albi, France, 21.- 24.05.2017.
  • Risk Awareness Maps of Urban Flooding via OSM Field Papers- Case Study Santiago de Chile. ISCRAM 2016 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22.- 25.05.2016.
  • Anwendungsmöglichkeiten nutzergenerierter Geoinformation. Dialogforum Citizen Science, Leipzig, 17.09.-18.09. 2014.
  • OpenStreetMap und Airborne Laserscanning: Datenvergleich, Qualitätsanalyse und Fusion. Geoinformatik 2013, Heidelberg, 13.03.-15.03. 2013.

Invited Talks

  • Sketch Map Tool - Collection of Local Knowledge" together with Melanie Eckle-Elze. iMMAP Knowledge Management Series, online event, 14.09.2022.
  • Citizen-led Open Data for Participatory Urban Governance: Experiences from Germany, India and the Republic of Korea (27.06.2022). Panel discussion during the World Urban Forum, Katowice, Poland, 26-30 June 2022.
  • "Participatory Geographic Information: Missing Maps and the Waterproofing Data Project" together with Melanie Eckle-Elze. Red Cross Red Crescent Urban Collaboration Platform. Panel discussion about Data and Digitalisation in Urban Humanitarian Action, online event, 26.11.2021.
  • "Participatory Geographic Information". HeKKSaGOn (The German-Japanese University Alliance), Five Dialogues for Future Research and Science with Early Career Researchers, online forum, 23.11.2021.
  • Capturing Flood Risk Perception via Sketch Maps. CASCADE-NET: Civil Agency, Society and Climate Adaptation to Weather Extremes. University of Warwick, England, 11.02.2019.
  • Participatory Geographic Information within Disaster Management: Sketch Maps for the Visualization of Flood Risk Perception. National Centre of Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (Cemaden), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 14.11.2018.
  • OpenStreetMap in der Geoinformatik. National Express Yourself Conference 2016 within the EU Project Chain Reaction, Heidelberg, 15.03.2016.

Contribution to Podcasts and Blogs

Organization of Workshops and Conferences

  • Workshop "Waterproofing Data Project: Sharing experiences and accessing impacts", Heidelberg, 26.10.2021.
  • Session Chair "Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management" at ISCRAM 2019 Conference, Valencia, Spain, 19.-22.05.2019


    04–08/2022: Seminar for Bachelor and Master students at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: "Time to take action! New participatory (GIS) approaches and current GIS practices for disaster risk reduction and anticipatory action."
  • 03/2022: Seminar about "Geodata collection in the field and community mapping" during the course "Current Approaches and GIS Methods to Support Anticipatory Humanitarian Action (14.03-25.03.2022)" of the academy of humanitarian action and led by German Red Cross and Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT). More information can be found here.
  • 04/2021-09/2021: Research seminar for Master students at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: "Zwischen SimCity und „Daumen hoch“ – Digitalisierung und Gamification als Zukunft der Bürgerbeteilung in der Stadtentwicklung?"
  • 10/2020-03/2021: Seminar for Bachelor and Master students at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: "User-Generated Geographic Data in Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Aid"
  • 10/2019-03/2020: Seminar for Bachelor and Master students at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: User-Generated Geographic Data in Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Aid.
  • 05/2018: Teaching at the Master Programme Governance of Risks and Resources at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile.
  • 03/2018: KinderUni workshop at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: MapSwipe und uMap- Mach’ mit beim Mappen an PC, Tablet und Smartphone.
  • 04–08/2017: Seminar for Bachelor and Master students at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: Disaster Mapping 2.0 in Action: A project-based course on the use of Volunteered Geographic Information in Disaster Risk Management.
  • 05/2017: Teaching at the Master Programme Governance of Risks and Resources at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile.
  • 03/2017: KinderUni workshop at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: MapSwipe und uMap- Mach’ mit beim Mappen an PC, Tablet und Smartphone.
  • 05/2016: Teaching at the Master Programme Governance of Risks and Resources at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile.
  • 03/2016: Workshop on Crisis Mapping with OpenStreetMap in scope of the DFG Graduate School Natural Risk in a Changing World Spring School, University of Potsdam.
  • 04–08/2015: Seminar for Bachelor and Master students at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: Disaster Mapping 2.0 in Action: A project-based course on the use of Volunteered Geographic Information in Disaster Risk Management.
  • 05/2015: Teaching at the Master Programme Governance of Risks and Resources at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile.
  • 02/2015: KinderUni workshop at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: OpenStreetMap- die offene Weltkarte. Mach’ mit und werde ein Mapper!
  • 2010–2014: Tutor of the General Studies Programme at the Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg.
  • 2011–2014: Tutor of the First Semester Introduction at the Anglistische Seminar, University of Heidelberg.

Scientific Reviewing

  • Annals of the American Association of Geographers
  • ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
  • Hydrology
  • International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Natural Hazards
  • Urban Science
  • International Journal of Disaster Risk Science

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 11/2021: Postdoc at the Chair of GIScience, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg. Research Projects: LOKI - Airborne Observation of Critical Infrastructures (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen) and Sketch Map Tool
  • 08/2020-10/2021: Postdoc at the Chair of GIScience, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg. Research Project: Waterproofing Data (WPD)
  • 07/2020: Degree of Dr. rer. nat. (magna cum laude).
    Thesis: Participatory Geographic Information for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sketch Maps can Visualize Flood Risk Perception.
  • 11/2018-07/2020: Doctoral candidate and research assistant at the Chair of GIScience, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg. Research Project: Waterproofing Data (WPD).
  • 06/2014–10/2018: Doctoral candidate and research assistant at the LiDAR Research Group at the Chair of GIScience, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Höfle) and at the WIN-Kolleg of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (HAW). Research Project: Neogeography of a Digital Earth: Geoinformation Science as Methodological Bridge in Interdisciplinary Natural Hazard Analysis (NEOHAZ).
  • 05/2014: State Examinations of Geography, Anglistik and Romanistik.
  • 10/2011–06/2012: Studies of Geography and Spanish language and literature at the University of Salamanca, Spain. ERASMUS Programme.
  • 10/2008–06/2009: Teaching assistant at Hadleigh High School, Ipswich, England. Pädagogischer Austauschdienst Deutschland (PAD).
  • 10/2006–05/2014: Studies of English and Spanish language and literature (Anglistik, Romanistik) as well as studies of Geography (10/2007–05/2014) at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2023-02-14
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