Im Neuenheimer Feld 348
EG, Raum 012B

Geographisches Institut
Abt. Geoinformatik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 348
69120 Heidelberg
Tel: +49 6221 54-5504
Fax: +49 6221 54-4529

Nikolaos Kolaxidis

Nikolaos Kolaxidis is a Research Associate at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg with a background in physical geography and geoinformatics. His research focuses on improving geographical deep learning models to make them more sustainable and effective as well as using volunteered geographic information for novel applications.

  • Big Spatial Data Analysis
  • Climate Action & Environmental Sustainability
  • Deep Learning
  • Remote Sensing
  • Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)
  • HEAL: Heat adaptation for people at-risk
  • GeoWiKI: Utilizing geographic knowledge from OSM to improve deep learning models


  • 10/2021 – 08/2024 Master of Science in Geography with a focus on Geoinformatics, Heidelberg University, Germany
    Thesis: Enhancing LULC Semantic Segmentation Models by Integrating Spatial Contextual Information from OpenStreetMap Road Networks
  • 10/2016 – 09/2021: Bachelor of Science in Applied Physical Geography, University of Trier, Germany
    Thesis: Der Einfluss aromatischer Kräuter im Unterstockbereich auf das Rebenwachstum - Quantifizierung durch Drohnenaufnahmen am Beispiel des Wawerner Jesuitenbergs
  • 10/2014 – 09/2016: Bachelor Environmental Sciences, University of Trier, Germany (discontinued)

Professional Occupation

  • 11/2022 – 09/2024: Research Assistant, HeiGIT gGmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 01/2022 – 12/2022: Working Student, Soil protection and water authority, City of Mannheim, Germany
  • 03/2021 – 09/2021: Student Assistant, Physical Geography, University of Trier, Germany
  • 09/2017 – 12/2021: Working Student, Central Student Advice Center, University of Trier, Germany

  • Ludwig, C., Psotta, J., Buch, A., Kolaxidis, N., Fendrich, S., Zia, M., Fürle, J., Rousell, R. & Zipf, A. (2023). Traffic Speed Modelling to Improve Travel Time Estimation in Openrouteservice. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 48, 109-116. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W7-2023-109-2023
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Letzte Änderung: 21.10.2024
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