Dr. Lu Liu

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  • Multimodal route planning in transportation networks
  • Cartographic visualization
  • Crowd-sourced geospatial information processing
  • Geocomputation on high performance computing infrastructure
  • Since 12/2016: PostDoc at GIScience research group, Heidelberg University
  • 03/2011-09/2016: Lecturer at the Department of Information Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • 02/2011: Promotion Dr.-Ing. (Advisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Liqiu Meng, Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf) at the Technical University of Munich. PhD thesis: Data Model and Algorithms for Multimodal Route Planning with Transportation Networks (http://d-nb.info/101084251X/34)
  • 01/2008-02/2011: Research assistant/PhD study at the Department of Cartography, Technical University of Munich
  • 09/2004-12/2007: Study of information and communication engineering at the National University of Defense Technology
  • 09/2000-07/2004: Study of communication engineering at the National University of Defense Technology

The projects are mainly related to multimodal navigation service in urban transportation networks based on OpenStreetMap data. Here are some of them:

A multimodal route planning demo for Munich is available online. It runs on a AWS minimal instance, so please don't give too much pressure on it because that will slow down my blog system. More open-source projects can be found from my Github page.

  • Lu Liu and Liqiu Meng, 2013, Multimodal Route Planning, In book: Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services, pp.107-124, DOI: 10.1201/b14940-6
  • Lu Liu and Liqiu Meng, 2010, Applying Traditional Speed-up Techniques into Switch-Point-based Mulitmodal shortest Paths Algorithms. 6th international conferences on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zürich, Switzerland
  • Jukka Krisp, Lu Liu and Thomas Berger, 2010, Goal Drected Visibility Polygon Routing for Pedestrian Navigation. 7th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Guangzhou, China
  • Hongchao Fan, Lu Liu and Liqiu Meng, 2009, A Mathematical Model for Event Detection in Spatiotemporal City Environment. In: ISPRS workshop on Quality, Scale and Analysis Aspects of Urban City models. Lund, Sweden
  • Lu Liu and Liqiu Meng, 2009, Algorithms of Multi-Modal Route Planning Based on the Concept of Switch Point. Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG) 5
  • Jukka Krisp and Lu Liu, 2009, Pedestrian Off-Road Navigation for Multimodal Routing. Proceedings 6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, 2.-4. September 2009, Nottingham, UK
  • Lu Liu and Liqiu Meng, 2008, Algorithmic Concerns of Multi-Modal Route Planing. 5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Salzburg, Austria
  • Meng Zhang, Lu Liu, Hongbo Gong and Liqiu Meng, 2008, An Automatic Approach to Integrate Routing-Relevant Information from Different Resources. 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS)
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Letzte Änderung: 01.07.2022
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