Lucy Mburu

Lucy Mburu, M.Sc.

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Lucy Mburu was a doctoral candidate and research assistant at the Chair of GIScience until June 2016. In this summer season, she is set to complete her Doctoral Degree in Applied Geoinformatics at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University

Subject of Thesis

Bridging theory with practice: A framework for conceptualizing and evaluating models of criminal behavior using geographic data

Research interests
  • Spatial modeling
  • Open Source Geographic information systems (GIS)
  • Geo-computation
  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • Geographic profiling of crime patterns
  • DBMS and Information Systems
  • Open source GIS
  • since 10/2012: Doctoral candidate in the GIScience Research Group, University of Heidelberg
  • Since 2008: Lecturer in Geo-informatics and database management systems, KCA University – Ruaraka, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 09/2004 – 01/2007: Post-graduate certificate, Diploma and Master study in Computer-based Information Systems , University of Sunderland, UK
  • 09/1998 –10/2002: Bachelor study at the faculty of Arts, Maseno University, Kenya.

Journal papers

Conferences and workshops

Master Thesis

Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2018-04-22
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