Amin Mobasheri
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Research Interests
- Open geo-data, Open geo-services & software
- Crowd Sensing and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)
- Geo-Web 2.0 and Geo-data Infrastructures
- Applied Remote Sensing
- Geospatial data quality
- Geo-informatics for urban studies
- Geo-informatics for environmental studies
- CAP4Access – Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities & Regions
- Intrisic OSM Quality – A framework for measuring the fitness for purpose of OpenStreetMap data based on intrinsic quality indicators
- Web-based GIS for Lloyd's Lists – An Integrated Web-Based Information And Analysis System For Historic Geodata: The Case of Lloyd’s Lists
- GRIPS – GIS system for risk analysis, information and planning for disaster evacuation
- 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure (3D SDI) – The Next Generation (3D) Infrastructures on the Maasvlakte 2, Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Education and Work
- Since 03/2013: Researcher and PhD candidate at GIScience research group, Heidelberg University as well as research and project member at Cluster of Excellence
Asia and Europe in a global context
, Germany - Since 01/2016: Managing Editor, Journal of Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, Springer-Verlag
- Aug-Sep 2016: Visiting Scholar, Mobility Information Engineering (MIE) lab, Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Aug-Sep 2015: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC), University of São Paulo, Brazil
- 11/2011–03/2013: Research Associate at section GIS Technology of OTB Research Institute, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- 2009–2010: Master of Science in Geo-informatics, University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands
- 2003–2008: Bachelor of Science in Computer Software Engineering, Tehran University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran
Honors and Awards
- September 2018: Top 1% of reviewers in Assorted on Publons global reviewer database from The Managing director of Publons
- April 2018: Outsanding reviewer award from The Editors of Environment International Journal, ELSEVIER in recognition of the contributions made to the quality of the journal
- 23/08/2015: ICA Research Scholarship award from The International Cartographic Association (ICA) in the 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 26/07/2015–31/07/2015: Grant award from IEEE to attend the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2015 (IGARSS 2015), Milan, Italy
- 10/05/2015–15/05/2015: Grant award from the European Commission (COST Action TD1202: Mapping and the Citizen Sensor) to attend the TD1202 COST meeting: Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG), Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- 06/07/2014–12/07/2014: Grant award from the European Commission - COST Action IC1203 (ENERGIC): European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd (ENERGIC), to attend the IC1203 COST meeting: VGI and Citizen Science: engaging, creating and understanding, Fiesole, Florence, Italy
- 03/06/2014–06/06/2014: Grant award from ESRI and AGILE Council to attend the 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Castellón, Spain
- 19/05/2014–28/05/2014: Grant award from the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) to attend the ISPRS Technical Commission VI Symposium, as well as the Geo-informatics summer camp & 11th ISPRS summer school & 5th ISPRS 3S-Summer Students Seminar, Wuhan, China
- 11/2013: Best paper and presentation award for paper entitled:
Towards Integrated Web Processing Services for Spatio-temporal Analysis of Geo-data, The Case of Lloyd’s Lists
, at the 4th Conference on Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage (SCCH’13), Heidelberg, Germany - 01/03/2013–29/02/2016: Full PhD Scholarship award funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation (DFG) to study at GIScience research group, Heidelberg University, Germany
Selected publications
Journal articles
- Mobasheri, A., Zipf, A., Francis. L. (2018). OpenStreetMap Data Quality Enrichment through Awareness Raising and Collective Action Tools – Experiences from a European project. Journal of Geo-spatial Information Science, 21:3, 234-246, DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2018.1493817
- Mocnik, F. B., Mobasheri, A., Griesbaum, L., Eckle, M., Jacobs, C., & Klonner, C. (2018). A grounding-based ontology of data quality measures. Journal of Spatial Information Science (16), 1-25.
- Mocnik, F. B., Mobasheri, A., Zipf, A.(2018). Open Source Data Mining Infrastructure for Exploring and Analysing OpenStreetMap. Journal of Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 3: 7, doi:
- Mobasheri, A., Huang. H., Castro Degrossi, L., Zipf, A. (2018). Enrichment of OpenStreetMap data completeness with sidewalk geometries using data mining techniques. Sensors, 18(2), 509.
- Mobasheri, A., Deister, J., Dieterich, H. (2017). Wheelmap: The Wheelchair Accessibility Crowdsourcing Platform . Journal of Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 2: 27, doi:
- Mobasheri, A. (2017). A rule-based spatial reasoning approach for OpenStreetMap Data quality enrichment; Case study of routing and navigation. Sensors, 17(11), 2498.
- Mobasheri, A., Sun, Y., Loos, L., and Ali, A. L. (2017). Are Crowdsourced Datasets Suitable for Specialized Routing Services? Case Study of OpenStreetMap for Routing of People with Limited Mobility. Sustainability, 9(6), 997.
- Senaratne, H., Mobasheri, A., Ali, A.L. , Capineri, C, and Haklay, M. (2017): A review of Volunteered Geographic Information quality assessment methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), 31(1), 139-167. DOI:10.1080/13658816.2016.1189556
- Sun, Y., Mobasheri, A. (2017). Utilizing Crowdsourced Data for Studies of Cycling and Air Pollution Exposure: A Case Study Using Strava Data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 274.
- Sun, Y., Mobasheri, A., Hu, X., Wang, W. (2017). Investigating Impacts of Environmental Factors on the Cycling Behavior of Bicycle-Sharing Users. Sustainability , 9(6), 1060.
- Ali A.L., Sirilertworakul, N. , Zipf, A., Mobasheri, A. (2016). Guided Classification System for Conceptual Overlapping Classes in OpenStreetMap. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2016, 5(6), 87; doi:10.3390/ijgi5060087
- Bakillah, M., Liang, S., Mobasheri, A., Jokar Arsanjani, J., & Zipf, A. (2014). Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(9), 1940-1963.
Book chapters
- Mobasheri, A., Zipf, A., Ducruet, C. (2017). Spatio-temporal data modeling of ship-to-ship interactions in mid-19th-century high seas. A book chapter in César Ducruet, Advances in Shipping Data Analysis and Modeling. Tracking and Mapping Maritime Flows in the Age of Big Data , pp.263-272, 2017, Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis, Taylor and Francis.
- Zipf, A., Mobasheri, A., Rousell, A., Hahmann, S. (2016). Crowdsourcing for individual needs - the case of routing and navigation for mobility-impaired persons, a book chapter in C. Capineri et al., eds. European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information, Ubiquity Press.
- Bakillah, M., Lauer, J., Liang, S., Zipf, A., Jokar Arsanjani, J., Mobasheri, A., Loos, L. (2014). Exploiting Big VGI to Improve Routing and Navigation Services, a book chapter in Karimi H.A., Big Data Techniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Conference papers
- Castro Degrossi, L., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Restrepo-Estrada, C.E., Mobasheri, A., Zipf, A. (2017). Exploring the geographical context for quality assessment of VGI in flood management domain. The 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, MA, USA.
- Rousell, A., Hahmann, S., Mobasheri, A. (2016). A Two-Tiered Approach to OSM Data collection for Novice Users. The 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Helsinki, Finnland.
- Hahmann, S., Zipf, A., Rousell, A. Mobasheri, A., Rylov, M., Steiger, E., Loos, L., Lauer, J. (2016). GIS-Werkzeuge zur Verbesserung der barrierefreien Routenplanung aus dem Projekt CAP4Access. AGIT - Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik. Vol. 2, pp. 328-333. DOI: 10.14627/537622047
- Voss, H., Hahmann, S., Mobasheri, A., Rousell, A., Spindler, R. (2015).Utilizing Viennese Geographic Open Government Data For Better Inclusion Of Mobility-Impaired Persons. European Data Forum (EDF) 2015, Luxembourg.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M., Zipf, A. (2015). Web Mapping of Geo-tagged Shipping Information; Case Study: The LLOYDS Lists. The 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M., Zipf, A. (2015). Visualizing Sidewalk Information for People with Limited Mobilities; Cartographic Challenges and Requirements. The 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Vahidi, H., Mobasheri, A., Yan, W. (2015). Looking for Human Footprint in Nature: Collaborative Mapping for Monitoring of Self-organized Patterns in Human Trail Systems. The 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M.(2015). Towards a unified infrastructure for automated management and integration of heterogeneous geo-datasets in disaster response. The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2015 (IGARSS 2015), Milan, Italy.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M., Rousell, A., Hahmann, S., Zipf, A. (2015). On the completeness of sidewalk information in OpenStreetMap, a case study of Germany. The 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Bakillah, M., Mobasheri, A., Rousell, A., Hahmann, S., Jokar Arsanjani, J., Liang, S.H.L. (2015). Towards a collective tagging Android application for gathering accessibility-related geospatial data in European cities. The 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Hahmann, S., Bakillah, M., Mobasheri, A., Rousell, A. (2015). Integrating options for wheelchair users into an open route planning service: state-of-the-art and open challenges. GI Forum 2015. Salzburg, Austria.
- Rousell, A., Bakillah, M., Hahmann, S., Mobasheri, A. (2015). Extraction of landmarks from OpenStreetMap for use in navigational instructions. The 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
- John, S., Hahmann, S., Zipf, A., Bakillah, M., Mobasheri, A., Rousell, A. (2015). Towards deriving incline values for street networks from voluntarily collected GPS data. GI Forum 2015. Salzburg, Austria.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M. (2014). Towards Spatio-temporal Data Modeling of Geo-tagged Shipping Information. The 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Castellón, Spain.
- Vahidi, H., Mobasheri, A., Alimardani, M., Guan, Q., Bakillah, M. (2014). Towards a location-based service for early mental health interventions in disaster response using minimalistic tele-operated android robots technology. ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium on Geo-spatial Databases and Location Based Services, Suzhou, China.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M., Schultes, K., Zipf, A. (2013). Towards Integrated Web Processing Services for Spatio-temporal Analysis of Geo-data, The Case of Lloyd’s Lists. The 4th Conference on Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage (SCCH’13), Heidelberg, Germany.
- Mobasheri, A., Bakillah, M., Zipf, A., Liang, S.H.L. (2013). QualEvS4Geo: A peer-to-peer system architecture for semi-automated quality evaluation of geo-data in SDI. The IEEE 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, London, United Kingdom.
- Bakillah, M., Mobasheri, A., Liang, S.H.L., Zipf, A. (2013). Towards an Efficient Routing Web Processing Service through Capturing Real-time Road Conditions from Big Data. The IEEE 5th Computer Science & Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC’13), Colchester, United Kingdom.
- Mobasheri, A., van Oosterom, P.J.M., Zlatanova, S. (2013). Semantic annotation of existing geo-datasets, a case study of disaster response in Netherlands. The 29th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2013), London, United Kingdom.
- Mobasheri, A. (2012). Designing formal semantics of geo-information for disaster response, GISt report No. 60, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-77029-34-3, ISSN: 1569-0245.
- Master Thesis
- Mobasheri, A. 2010. Automated quality evaluation in the context of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Master of Science thesis, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, The Netherlands. Unpublished. (link to presentation slides)
Scientific Project Presentations
OpenStreetMap data quality assessment for routing of people with restricted mobility; development of open source tools and technologies
, Final year project evaluation meeting for CAP4Access project at European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. -
Public awareness and community engagement in CAP4Access project; Lessons learned from management of piloting activities in Heidelberg, Germany
, Final year project evaluation meeting for CAP4Access project at European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. - 07.07.2016: VGI data quality assessment: concepts and challenges of intrinsic analysis, at Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation , Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.
- 26.04.2016: “Web-based information and analysis system for historic geo-data: the case of LLOYDS lists”, at Institute of Complex Systems, The French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France.
Developed tools for OpenStreetMap data quality assessment
, second year project evaluation meeting for CAP4Access project at European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. - 08.12.2015: “Modeling and analysis of LLOYDS lists geo-tagged shipping data”, Invited talk at Institute of Complex Systems, The French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France.
Statistical Analysis and Clustering of Geo-tagged Shipping Information; Case Study: The LLOYDS Lists
, Project meeting for The LLOYDS Lists project at H-GIS club, Heidelberg University, Germany. -
Open Geospatial Data Quality Assessment and Enrichment. The Case study of Routing and navigation services for people with limited mobility
, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil. -
Assesing the Completeness of Sidewalk Information in OpenStreetMap Data
, 4th PCC project meeting of CAP4Access project at Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. -
Developmenet of a Collective Tagging System for collection of accessibility-related geo-information for routing and navigation of people with limited mobility
, 4th PCC project meeting of CAP4Access project at Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. -
Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap data, a Fitness for Use Perspective
, first year project evaluation meeting for CAP4Access project at European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. -
Collective Tagging System for Geospatial Data Collection
, first year project evaluation meeting for CAP4Access project at European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. -
Research and Practical Challenges in Assesing the Quality of OpenStreetMap Data
, 3rd PCC project meeting of CAP4Access project, Elche, Spain. -
Small-scale population estimation using Volluntered Geographic Information (VGI)
, LabGeo (Geography lab), University of Florence, Italy. -
Inspection and Modeling of Geo-tagged Shipping Data, the case of Lloyds lists
, Project meeting for The LLOYDS Lists project at Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University, Germany. -
3D Spatial Data Infrastructure
, The 2nd Scientific Seminar of GIS in Western Iran with special attention to Spatial Data Infrastructure. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. (in Persian) - 15.11.2012:
Applying formal semantics of geo-information for disaster response
. Geo-information in Nederland (GIN) 2012 Conference, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. Invited talk for the special PhD track talks (without publication) - 08.12.2010:
Automated quality evaluation in the context of spatial data infrastructure
, research presentation for GIS technology group of TUDelft, Internal group meeting, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.(link)
Other Scientific Experiences:
- Since 2014: Scientific reviewer and editor for several indexed journals.
- 2018: Session Chair Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping WG 4, for ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2018, Delft, the Netherlands.
- 2018: Scientific committee member and reviewer for ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2018, Delft, the Netherlands.
- 2018: Scientific reviewer for International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2018), TRACK: Geographic Information Science, Rochester NY, USA.
- 2016: Scientific reviewer for ISPRS 2016 - XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech republic.
- 2016: Scientific reviewer for The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management, Vienna, Austria.
- 2016: Scientific reviewer for Indoor3D 2016 Conference, Athens, Greece.
- 2015: Scientific committee member for The 10th International Conference on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM 2015), ISPRS Geospatial Week, Montpellier, France
- 2015: Scientific reviewer and ambassador for Imperial College Computing Student Workshop (ICCSW’15), Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
- 2015: Scientific reviewer for International Conference of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2015), TRACK: Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS & T) for Crisis Response and Management. University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
- 2014: Scientific reviewer and ambassador for Imperial College Computing Student Workshop (ICCSW’14), Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
- 2014: Scientific reviewer for International Conference of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2014), TRACK: Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS & T) for Crisis Response and Management. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA
- 2013: Scientific reviewer and ambassador for Imperial College Computing Student Workshop (ICCSW’13), Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
- 2013: Scientific reviewer for International Conference of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2013), TRACK: Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS & T) for Crisis Response and Management. Baden-Baden, Germany.
- 2012: Local Organizing Committee member of The 8th International Conference on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM 2012), Enschede, the Netherlands.
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