Principle Investigators
Prof. Christian Witschel, Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik; Heidelber Center for Cultural Heritage (HCCH), Heidelberg University
Prof. Caroline Y. Robertson von Trotha, Centre for Cultural and General Studies (ZAK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Project Partners
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Höfle, Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, Institute of Geography, GIScience, Heidelberg University
Prof. Stefan Hinz & Dr. Thomas Vögtle, Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Dr. Hubert Mara, FCGL - Forensic Computational Geometry Laboratory, IWR, Heidelberg University
Dr. Ralf Schneider, Center of Digital Tradition (CODIGT), Centre for Cultural and General Studies (ZAK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Forschungsprojekt: MUSIEKE

MUSIEKE - Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage

Development of an interdisciplinary methodology to optimize measuring, viewing and understanding of cultural change in real and virtual Spaces

The project MUSIEKE aims at analyzing interrelations between perceptions and experiences of cultural heritage: in (1) museum environments, in (2) urban spaces and their spatio-temporal entanglements with the surrounding (cultural) landscape and in (3) virtual spaces. This comprises possibilities and limits of screening, viewing, projecting and experiencing cultural heritage. At the same time, the process of historic-archaeological research will be documented. The following steps and their interlock will be analyzed: assessment, measuring, vision, perception, and understanding. The basis of this work is the acquisition and processing of physical evidence into 3D-models, which requires their storage in interoperable file formats as well as enabling their access by the internet. Various fields in applied research and humanities rely on this technical process of preparing data and rendering it accessible. In turn, applied and basic research on the analysis of measured and evaluated data provide a deeper understanding of contexts, interpretations, meanings, and conflicts connected to the identification, analysis, processing and uses of cultural heritage. The Jupiter Column (Iupittergigantensäule) of Ladenburg will be used to test the interdisciplinary practices of making the various dimensions of cultural heritage perceptible. The Jupiter Column is an exemplary and representative object important for the rich cultural history of Ladenburg, a town with an impressive Roman history. Lessons learnt in this case study will be gathered in a joint research concept.

These are of the central questions raised by the participating disciplines:

  • Which interdisciplinary point of view on cultural heritage is relevant for the future?
  • Which approaches can be developed for the long-term sustainable protection of cultural heritage objects?
  • How do processes of decision-making and awareness relate to new and changing perceptions brought in by scientific, economic and social stakeholders?

The overall aim of HEIKA-MUSIEKE is to develop a transferable methodology for interdisciplinary research on cultural heritage and its sustainable protection. The project runs from January until December 2015 and is preliminary work for a full proposal. For the first time, an interdisciplinary student’s research class by Heidelberg University and KIT is accompanying the HEIKA-research project.

The project is funded within the research bridge Nature, Technology and Society (NTS) of the HEiKA – Heidelberg Karlsruhe Research Partnership.

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