Nils Nolde
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Nils Nolde was Research Assistant at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg.
Research Interests
- Geostatistics
- Open-source software and open data
- Controlled-source electromagnetics
Curriculum Vitae
- 2016-2017: Business/GIS Analyst at Zalando, Berlin. Optimizing future warehouse locations
- 2013-2016: Geophysicist/GIS Analyst at EMGS ASA, Oslo, Norway. Providing O&G with CSEM expertise
- 2011-2013: Exploration Geologist at Dahrouge Geological Consulting, Vancouver, Canada. Exploring various prospective bodies in Quebec and B.C.
- 2005-2011: Diplom studies in Geosciences with major in petrology and geochemistry. Diplom thesis: REE systematics of shallow and deep groundwaters from SW-Germany and the corresponding aquifer systems.
- Susanne Göb, Anselm Loges, Nils Nolde, Michael Bau, Dorrit E. Jacob, Gregor Markl (2013): Major and trace element compositions (including REE) of mineral, thermal, mine and surface waters in SW Germany and implications for water-rock interaction. In Applied Geochemistry, Volume 33, 2013
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