Carolina Ramírez Núñez

Dr. Carolina Ramírez Núñez

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Selected pages of this website are being preserved for archiving purposes. Since their contents are not getting updated anymore, the given information may be out of date or inaccurate.

Research Interest
  • DEM and image processing algorithms applied to geoscience
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Fluvial quantitative geomorphology
  • Urban Geography
Curriculum Vitae
  • Since 2016: PostDoc at Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg.
  • 2015: PhD., National Autonomous University of Mexico.
  • 2010: M.Sc., National Autonomous University of Mexico.
  • 2011-2015: Assistant professor. Geomatics Diploma, Institute of Geography, UNAM.
  • 2005: Assistant professor. Geomorphology, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Journal Papers
  • Ramírez-Núñez, C., Parrot, J.-F. 2015. Digital Elevation Model of coastal and flood plains obtained from vector data: an alternative method applied to the Coatzacoalcos fluvial plain (Mexico). (Un Modèle Numérique de Terrain des plaines côtières et inondables obtenu à partir de données vectorielles : une méthode alternative appliquée à la plaine fluviale de Coatzacoalcos (Mexique). Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement, 2 (2), 43-60.
  • Parrot, J.-F., Ramírez-Núñez, C. 2015. LiDAR DTM: artifacts, and correction for river altitude. Investigaciones Geográficas (in press).
Book Chapters
  • Parrot, J.-F., Ramírez-Núñez, C., 2014. Urban characterization by means of dynamic fractal parameters. In: Efe, R. Onay, T.T., Sharuho, I., Atasoy, E. (Eds.) Urban and urbanization. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia. ISBN: 978-954-07-3772-0, 183-191.
  • Ramírez-Núñez, C., Parrot, J.-F., 2012. Reconocimiento automatizado de las zonas de encharcamiento a partir de un Modelo Digital de Elevación. Ejemplo de la zona urbana de Valle de Chalco, México (Automated recognition of flooding areas using DEMs: an example of the urban zones in Valle de Chalco, Mexico). Temas Selectos de Geomática: Métodos y Aplicaciones. Coord. J.A. Quintero-Pérez, Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, p. 183-195. ISBN: 970-32-2976-X.
  • Parrot, J.-F., Ramírez-Núñez, C., 2012. MultiDim_V2 Software. Copyright: 03-2013-032113464200-01. (software and user’s manual).
  • Ramírez-Núñez, C., Parrot, J.-F., 2015. Dynamic LiDAR-NDVI classification of fluvial landscape units. Vol. 17, EGU2015-14770, EGU General Assembly 2015.
  • Ramírez-Núñez, C., Parrot, J.-F., 2014. Flood simulation in the coastal plain of Coatzacoalcos (Veracruz, Mexico) using LiDAR. IGARSS, 2014.
  • Garcés-Escamilla, I., Parrot, J.-F., Ramírez-Núñez, C., 2013. Peri-urban growth in Mexico-City. A local evaluation of the landscape damage due to massive house production. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology.
  • Ramírez-Núñez, C., Parrot, J.-F., Hernández-Juárez, M., 2013. Urban constructions in steep zones. A diachronic analysis of Mexico City. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology.
  • Ramírez-Núñez, C., Parrot, J.-F., 2013. Regional characterization based on a new drainage network parameter. The case of the Coatzacoalcos fluvial system. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology.
  • Parrot, J.-F., Ramírez-Núñez, C., 2013. River flux modelling. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology.
Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2018-04-22
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