Publikationen (GIScience)
Journal Papers
- Martinez-Soto A, Jimenez-Gallardo C, Villarroel-Lopez A, Reyes-Riveros A, Höhl J. Toward Sustainable Indoor Environments: Assessing the Impact of Thermal Insulation Measures on Air Quality in Buildings—A Case Study in Temuco, Chile. Sustainability. 2024; 16(2):547.
- Carlos Rojas-Herrera, Aner Martínez-Soto, Constanza Avendaño-Vera, Juan Pablo Cárdenas-R, Characterization and utilization of sawdust waste generated from advanced manufacture for its application as a thermal insulation in sustainable buildings using the blowing technique, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 88, 2024, 109217, ISSN 2352-7102,
- Knoblauch, S., Yin, M. S., Chatrinan, K., de Aragão Rocha, A. A., Haddawy, P., Biljecki, F., Lautenbach, S., Resch, B., Arifi, D., Jänisch, T., Morales, I. & Zipf, A. (2024): High-resolution mapping of urban Aedes aegypti immature abundance through breeding site detection based on satellite and street view imagery, Scientific Reports volume 14.
- Foshag, K., Fürle, J., Ludwig, C., Fallmann, J., Lautenbach, S., Rupp, S., Burst, P., Betsch, M., Zipf, A., Aeschbach, N., 2024. How to assess the needs of vulnerable population groups towards heat-sensitive routing?: An evidence-based and practical approach to reducing urban heat stress. ERDKUNDE 1–33. 10.3112/erdkunde.2024.01.01
- Hong, D., Zhang, B., Li, H., Li, Y., Yao, J., Li, C, Werner, M., Chanussot, J., Zipf, A., Zhu, X. X. (2023): Cross-city matters: A multimodal remote sensing benchmark dataset for cross-city semantic segmentation using high-resolution domain adaptation networks, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 299.
- Blinn M., Fischer, A., Lautenbach, S., Weiß, D., Grade, J., Heyn, T., Abraham, T., Lennartz, F., Kötter, T. (2023): Flächeneffiziente Siedlungsentwicklung in dynamischen Stadtregionen – Szenarien zur Umsetzung des Nachhaltigkeitsziels Fläche am Beispiel der Region Köln, fub - Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung, 5, 197-207
- Bayer, A. D., Lautenbach, S., Arneth, A. (2023): Benefits and trade-offs of optimizing global land use for food, water, and carbon, PNAS 120, 42, e2220371120,
- de Albuquerque, J., Anderson, L., Calvillo, N., Cattino, M., Clarke, A., Cunha, M., Garde-Hansen, J., Klonner, C., Lima-Silva, F., Marchezini, V., da Mata Martins, M., Grajales, D., Pitidis, V., Rizwan, M., Tkacz, N., Trajber, R. (2023): Dialogic data innovations for sustainability transformations and flood resilience: The case for waterproofing data, Global Environmental Change Volume 82.
- Klinkhardt, C., Kühnel, F. Heilig, M., Lautenbach, S., Wörle, T., Vortisch, P., Kuhnimhof, T. (2023): Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap’s Points of Interest with Large-Scale Real Data, Transportation Research Record, 03611981231169280
- Herfort, B., Lautenbach, Porto de Albuquerque, S. J., Anderson, J., Zipf, A. (2023): A spatio-temporal analysis investigating completeness and inequalities of global urban building data in OpenStreetMap, Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 3985
- Martinez-Soto, A., Fürle, J., Zipf, A. (2023): Urban Heat Island Intensity Prediction in the Context of Heat Waves: An Evaluation of Model Performance. Engineering Proceedings. 39(1):80.
- Ulrich, V., Schultz, M., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A. (2023): Carbon fluxes related to land use and land cover change in Baden-Württemberg. Environ Monit Assess 195, 616.
- Knoblauch S, Li H, Lautenbach S, Elshiaty Y, Rocha A, Resch B, Arifi D, Jänisch T, Morales I, Zipf A. (2023): Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegypti, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 119,
- Ulrich V, Brückner J, Schultz M, Vardag SN, Ludwig C, Fürle J, Zia M, Lautenbach S, Zipf A. (2023): Private Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation at Street Level for Berlin Based on Open Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 12(4):138.
- Ullah T, Lautenbach S, Herfort B, Reinmuth M, Schorlemmer D. (2023): Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 12(4):143.
- Benedyk, A., Moldavski, A., Reichert, M., Reinhard, I., Lohr, S., Schwarz, K., Berhe, O., Höflich, A., Lautenbach, S., von der Goltz, C., Ebner-Priemer, U., Zipf, A., Tost, H., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., (2023): Initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic on real-life well-being, social contact and roaming behavior in patients with schizophrenia, major depression and healthy controls: A longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study. European Neuropsychopharmacology S0924977X23000172.
- Blinn, M., Fischer, A., Lautenbach, S., Weiß, D., Grade, J., Heyn, T., Abraham, T., Lennartz, F., Kötter, T. (2022): Szenarien zur Landnutzung in dynamischen Stadtregionen – Ansätze und Potenziale für agri urbane Entwicklungen am Beispiel der Region Köln, zfv – Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement 318–328.
- Hartmann, M., Schott, M., Dsouza, A., Metz, Y., Volpi, M., Purves, R. (2022): A text and image analysis workflow using citizen science data to extract relevant social media records: Combining red kite observations from Flickr, eBird and iNaturalist, Ecological Informatics, Volume 71, 101782, ISSN 1574-9541,
- Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Chen, J., Zipf, A. (2022): Improving OpenStreetMap missing building detection using few-shot transfer learning in sub-Saharan Africa, Transactions in GIS, 26 (8), 3125-3146, doi:
- Petricola, S., Reinmuth, M., Lautenbach, S., Hatfield, C., Zipf, A. (2022): Assessing road criticality and loss of healthcare accessibility during floods: the case of Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019. Internat. Journal of Health Geographies 21, 14 (2022).
- Novack, T.; Vorbeck, L.; Zipf, A. (2022) An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities, Geo-spatial Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2022.2124127
- Zia, M.; Fürle, J.; Ludwig, C.; Lautenbach, S.; Gumbrich, S.; Zipf, A. SocialMedia2Traffic: Derivation of Traffic Information from Social Media Data. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 482.
- de Castro, P.I.B., Yin, H., Teixera Junior, P.D., Lacerda, E., Pedroso, R., Lautenbach, S., Vicens, R.S., 2022. Sugarcane abandonment mapping in Rio de Janeiro state Brazil. Remote Sensing of Environment 280, 113194.
- Marchezini, V., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Pitidis, V., Rudorff, C.d.M., Lima-Silva, F., Klonner, C. and Martins, M.H.d.M. (2022), Flood risk governance in Brazil and the UK: facilitating knowledge exchange through research gaps and the potential of citizen-generated data, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 31 No. 6, pp. 30-44.
- Reichert, M., Brüßler, S., Reinhard, I. et al. The association of stress and physical activity: Mind the ecological fallacy. Ger J Exerc Sport Res 52, 282–289 (2022).
- Li, H., Yuan, Z., Novack, T., Huang, W., Zipf, A., (2022): Understanding spatiotemporal trip purposes of urban micro-mobility from the lens of dockless e-scooter sharing. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 96, June 2022, 101848,
- Li, H., Zech, J., Hong, D., Ghamisi, P., Schultz, M., Zipf, A. (2022): Leveraging OpenStreetMap and Multimodal Remote Sensing Data with Joint Deep Learning for Wastewater Treatment Plants Detection. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 110, June 2022, 102804,
- Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Chen, J. & Zipf, A. (2022): Improving OpenStreetMap missing building detection using few-shot transfer learning in sub-Saharan Africa. Transactions in GIS, 00, 1– 22.
- Schmidt, S,, Kinne, J., Lautenbach, S., Blaschke, T., Lenz, D., Resch, B. (2022): Greenwashing in the US metal industry? A novel approach combining SO2 concentrations from satellite data, a plant-level firm database and web text mining. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 835, 155512.
- M. Jungmann, S. N. Vardag, F. Kutzner, F. Keppler, M. Schmidt, N. Aeschbach, U. Gerhard, A. Zipf, S. Lautenbach, A. Siegmund, T. Goeschl & A. Butz (2022):, Zooming-in for climate action—hyperlocal greenhouse gas data for mitigation action?. Climate Action 1, 8 (2022).
- H. Lee, B. Seo, A. F. Cord, M. Volk, S. Lautenbach (2022), Using crowdsourced images to study selected cultural ecosystem services and their relationships with species richness and carbon sequestration, Ecosystem Services, 54,2022,
- C. Geiss, E. Brzoska, P. Aravena Pelizari, S. Lautenbach, H. Taubenböck (2022): Multi- target Regressor Chains with Repetitive Permutation Scheme for Characterization of Built Environments with Remote Sensing, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 106, .
- Anders, K., Winiwarter, L., Mara, H., Lindenbergh, R. C., Vos, S. E. & Höfle, B. (2021): Influence of Spatial and Temporal Resolution on Time Series-Based Coastal Surface Change Analysis using Hourly Terrestrial Laser Scans. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammy, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, V-2-2021, 137–144. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-annals-V-2-2021-137-2021.
- Fritz, O., Auer, M., Zipf, A. (2021): Entwicklung eines Regressionsmodells für die Vollständigkeitsanalyse des globalen OpenStreetMap-Datenbestands an Nahverkehrs-Busstrecken. AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik. 7-2021.
- Witt, R.; Loos, L.; Zipf, A. (2021): Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 528.
Li, H. J. Zech, C. Ludwig, S. Fendrich, A. Shapiro, M. Schultz, A. Zipf (2021): Automatic mapping of national surface water with OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 MSI data using deep learning..
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol 104, 2021, 102571. -
De Albuquerque, J. P., L. Anderson, N. Calvillo, J. Coaffee, M. Cunha, L. Degrossi, G. Dolif, F. Horita, C. Klonner, F. Lima-Silva, V. Marchezini, M .H. da Mata Martins, D.-Grajales, V. Pitidis, C. Rudorff, N. Tkacz, R. Traijber, A. Zipf (2021): The role of data in transformations to sustainability: a critical research agenda.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 49, 2021, pp 153-163. - Castillo, C., Pérez, R. & Vallejo Orti, M. (2021): The impact of recent gully filling practices on wheat yield at the Campiña landscape in Southern Spain. Soil and Tillage Research, 221, pp. 1-13.
- Ludwig, C.; Hecht, R.; Lautenbach, S.; Schorcht, M.; Zipf, A. (2021): Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 251.
- Klonner, C., Hartmann, M., Dischl, R., Djami, L., Anderson, L., Raifer, M., Lima-Silva, F., Degrossi, L. C., Zipf, A., de Albuquerque, J. P. (2021): The Sketch Map Tool Facilitates the Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data for Participatory Mapping.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10:130.
Grinberger, A.Y., Schott, M., Raifer, M., Zipf, A. (2021): An analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of large‐scale data production events in OpenStreetMap. Transactions in GIS. 2021; 00: 1– 20. -
Schott, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A. (2021):
The Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap — Establishing a Framework for Online Community Member Activity Analyses. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 164. - Anders, K., Winiwarter, L., Mara, H., Lindenbergh, R., Vos, S. E., Höfle, B. (2021): Fully automatic spatiotemporal segmentation of 3D LiDAR time series for the extraction of natural surface changes. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 173, pp. 297-308. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.01.015.
Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Anderson, J., Zipf, A. (2021):
The evolution of humanitarian mapping within the OpenStreetMap community. Scientific Reports 11, 3037 (2021).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82404-z -
Hu, X., Noskov, A., Fan, H., Novack, T., Li, H., Gu, F., Shang, J. & Zipf, A. (2021): Tagging the main entrances of public buildings based on OpenStreetMap and binary imbalanced learning, International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1861282 - Klonner, C., Usón, T.J., Aeschbach, N. & Höfle B. (2021): Participatory Mapping and Visualization of Local Knowledge: An Example from Eberbach, Germany. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12(1), pp. 56-71.
- Vallejo Orti, M., Winiwarter, L., Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, E., Williams, J. G., Bubenzer, O. & Höfle, B. (2021): Use of TanDEM-X and Sentinel products to derive gully activity maps in Kunene Region (Namibia) based on automatic iterative Random Forest approach. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, pp. 607-623.
- Weiser, H., Winiwarter, L., Anders, K., Fassnacht, F.E. & Höfle, B. (2021): Opaque voxel-based tree models for virtual laser scanning in forestry applications. Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol. 265, pp. 112641. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112641.
- Williams, J.G., Anders, K., Winiwarter, L., Zahs, V., Höfle, B. (2021): Multi-directional change detection between point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 172, pp. 95-113.
- Winiwarter, L., Anders, K., Höfle, B. (2021): M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 178, pp. 240–258. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.06.011.
- Ulrich, V., Williams, J.G., Zahs, V., Anders, K., Hecht, S., Höfle, B. (2021): Measurement of rock glacier surface change over different timescales using terrestrial laser scanning point clouds. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9, pp. 19-28.
Reichert, M.; Braun, U.; Gan, G.; Reinhard, I.; Giurgiu, M.; Ma, R.; Zang, Z.; Hennig, O.; Koch, E. D.; Wieland, L.; Schweiger, J.; Inta, D.; Hoell, A.; Akdeniz, C.; Zipf, A.; Ebner-Priemer, U.W.; Tost, H.; Meyer-Lindenberg, A.(2020):
A neural mechanism for affective well-being: Subgenual cingulate cortex mediates real-life effects of nonexercise activity on energy. Science Advances. -
Ludwig, C.; Fendrich, S.; Zipf, A. (2020): Regional variations of context‐based association rules in OpenStreetMap. Transactions in GIS. Wiley.
DOI: - Geldsetzer, P.; Reinmuth, M.; O Ouma, P.; Lautenbach, S.; A Okiro, E.; Bärnighausen, T.; Zipf, A. (2020): Mapping physical access to health care for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa and implications for the COVID-19 response: a cross-sectional analysis The LANCET Healthy Longevity, Vol 1, Issue 1.
- Winiwarter, L., Anders, K., Wujanz, D., & Höfle, B. (2020): Influence of Ranging Uncertainty of Terrestrial Laser Scanning on Change Detection in Topographic 3D Point Clouds. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-2-2020, 789–796,
- Z. Wang, T. Novack, Y. Yan and A. Zipf, “Quiet Route Planning for Pedestrians in Traffic Noise Polluted Environments,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, http://doi:10.1109/TITS.2020.3004660.
- E. D. Koch, H. Tost , U. Braun, G. Gan, M. Giurgiu, I. Reinhard, A. Zipf, A. Meyer‐Lindenberg, U Ebner‐Priemer, M. Reichert (2020): Relationships between Incidental Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sports with subsequent Mood in Adolescents. The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sport.
- Li, H.; Ghamisi, P.; Rasti, B.; Wu, Z.; Shapiro, A.; Schultz, M.; Zipf, A. A Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework Based on Coupled Residual Convolutional Neural Networks. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12, 2067. DOI:
- Reichert M., Giurgiu M., Koch E., Wieland L. M., Lautenbach S., Neubauer A. B., von Haaren-Mack B., Schilling R., Timm I., Notthoff N., Marzi I., Hill H., Brüßler S., Eckert T., Fiedler J., Burchartz A., Anedda B., Wunsch K., Gerber M., Jekauc D., Woll A., Dunton G. F., Kanning M., Nigg C. R., Ebner-Priemer U., Liao Y. (2020): Ambulatory assessment for physical activity research: State of the science, best practices and future directions, Psychology of Sport & Exercise,
Li, H., Herfort, B., Huang, W., Zia, M. and Zipf, A. (2020):
Exploration of OpenStreetMap Missing Built-up Areas using Twitter Hierarchical Clustering and Deep Learning in Mozambique. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. - Ries M., Mechler K., Smith D.L., Herfort B., Visintini J., Santana A.V., Zipf A., Lautenbach S.(2020): Intuitive Global Insight Into COVID‐19 Clinical Research Activities—The “COVID‐19 Map of Hope”, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,
- Foshag, K., Aeschbach, N., Höfle, B., Winkler, R., Siegmund, A. & Aeschbach, W. (2020): Viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat: A transdisciplinary approach. Sustainable Cities and Society 59, pp. 1-10. DOI:
- P. Castro, R. Pedroso, S. Lautenbach,R. Vicens(2020): Farmland abandonment in Rio de Janeiro: Underlying and contributory causes of an announced development Land Use Policy 95,
- Juhász, L., Novack T., Hochmair, H., Qiao, S. (2020): Cartographic Vandalism in the Era of Location-Based Games—The Case of OpenStreetMap and Pokémon GO ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(4):197. DOI:
- Yan, Y., C. Feng, W. Huang, H. Fan, Y. Wang & A. Zipf (2020): Volunteered geographic information research in the first decade: a narrative review of selected journal articles in GIScience. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1730848
- Westerholt, R., Lorei, H. & Höfle, B.(2020): Behavioural Effects of Spatially Structured Scoring Systems in Location-Based Serious Games - A Case Study in the Context of OpenStreetMap. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9(2), pp. 1-27. DOI:
- Anders, K., Marx, S., Boike, J., Herfort, B., Wilcox, E.J., Langer, M., Marsh, P. & Höfle, B. (2020): Multitemporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Thaw Subsidence Observation at Arctic Permafrost Monitoring Sites.Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,
- Novack T., Vorbeck L., Lorei H., Zipf A. (2020): Towards Detecting Building Facades with Graffiti Artwork Based on Street View Images. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(2):98.
- Hu, X., Ding, L., Shang, J., Fan, H., Novack, T., Noskov, A. & Zipf, A. (2020): Data-driven approach to learning salience models of indoor landmarks by using genetic programming, International Journal of Digital Earth,
- Anders, K., Winiwarter, L., Lindenbergh, R., Williams, J.G., Vos, S.E., & Höfle, B. (2020): 4D objects-by-change: Spatiotemporal segmentation of geomorphic surface change from LiDAR time series. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 159, pp. 352-363.
Reichert, M., Braun, U., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A., Ebner-Priemer, U., Tost, H., Meyer-Lindenberg, A. (2020): Studying the impact of built environments on human mental health in everyday life: methodological developments, state-of-the-art and technological frontiers. Current Opinion in Psychology 32, 158-164. -
Hu, X.; Fan, H.; Noskov, A. ; Wang, Z.; Zipf, A.; Gu, F.; Shang, J. (2020, accepted): Room Semantics Inference Using Random Forest and Relational Graph Convolutional Network. A Case Study of Research Buildings. Transactions in GIS. Wiley.
DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12664
- Williams, J.G., Rosser, N.J., Hardy, R.J. & Brain, M.J. (2019): The Importance of Monitoring Interval for Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Estimation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. Vol. 124 (12), pp. 2841-2853.
- Anders, K., Lindenbergh, R.C., Vos, S.E., Mara, H., de Vries, S. & Höfle, B. (2019: High-frequency 3D Geomorphic Observation using Hourly Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data of a Sandy Beach. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. IV-2/W5, pp. 317-324.
- Chabi, A., Lautenbach, S., Tondoh, J. E., Orekan, V. O. A., Adu-Bredu, S., Kyei-Baffour, N., Mama, V. J., Fonweban, J. (2019) The Relevance of Using in Situ Carbon and Nitrogen Data and Satellite Images to Assess Aboveground Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks for Supporting National REDD + Programmes in Africa. Carbon Balance and Management 14, Nr. 1.
- Winiwarter, L., Mandlburger, G., Schmohl, S., Pfeifer, N. (2019): Classification of ALS Point Clouds Using End-to-End Deep Learning. PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. Vol. 2019 (3), pp. 1-16.
- Herfort, B., Li, H., Fendrich, S., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A. (2019): Mapping Human Settlements with Higher Accuracy and Less Volunteer Efforts by Combining Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing 11(15), 1799.
- Tost, H., Reichert, M., Braun, U., Reinhard, I., Peters, R. , Lautenbach, S., Andreas, H., Schwarz, E., Ebner-Priemer, U., Zipf, A., Meyer-Lindenberg, A. (2019): Neural correlates of individual differences in affective benefit of real-life urban green space exposure. Nature Neuroscience.
- Hu X., Fan H., Noskov A., Zipf A., Wang Z., Shang J. (2019): Feasibility of Using Grammars to Infer Room Semantics. Remote Sensing. 11(13):1535.
- Schwaab, J., Lautenbach, S., Braun-Dubler, N., Gmünder M., Grêt-Regamey, A., Van Strien, M.J. (2019): The Difficulty of Steering Settlement Development to Reduce the Loss of Ecosystem Services: An Exploration of Different Development Scenarios in Switzerland Using Spatially Explicit Land-Use Models. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2019.1631762
- Zahs, V., Hämmerle, M., Anders, K., Hecht, S., Rutzinger, M., Sailer, R., Williams, J.G., Höfle, B. (2019): Multi-temporal 3D point cloud-based quantification and analysis of geomorphological activity at an alpine rock glacier using airborne and terrestrial LiDAR. Permafrost and Periglac Process. Vol. 30 (3), pp. 222-238.
- Antonova, S., Thiel, C., Höfle, B., Anders, K., Helm, V., Zwieback, S., Marx, S., Boike, J. (2019): Estimating tree height from TanDEM-X data at the northwestern Canadian treeline. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231.
- Georgy, S., Lautenbach,S.,Jahn, H. J., Katzschner, L., Krämer, A. (2019): Erfassung von hitze- und feinstaubbedingten Gesundheitsrisiken in Deutschland: Ein epidemiologischer Studienansatz. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz,
- Vallejo Orti, M., Negussie, K., Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, E., Höfle, B. & Bubenzer, O. (2019): Comparison of Three Algorithms for the Evaluation of TanDEM-X Data for Gully Detection in Krumhuk Farm (Namibia). Remote Sensing. Vol. 11 (11), pp. 1-22.
- Mocnik, F.-B., Ludwig, C., Grinberger, A.Y., Jacobs, C., Klonner, C., Raifer, M. (2019): Shared Data Sources in the Geographical Domain—A Classification Schema and Corresponding Visualization Techniques ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8(5), 242.
Strauch, M., Cord, A.F., Pätzold, C., Lautenbach, S., Kaim, A., Schweitzer, C., Seppelt, R., Volk, M. (2019): Constraints in multi-objective optimization of land use allocation – repair or penalize? Environmental Modelling & Software, 2019. - Raifer, M., Troilo, R., Kowatsch, F., Auer, M., Loos, L., Marx, S., Przybill, K., Fendrich, S., Mocnik, F.-B.& Zipf, A. (2019): OSHDB: a framework for spatio-temporal analysis of OpenStreetMap history data.Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards 2019 4:3.
- Zia, M., Cakir, Z. & Seker, D. (2019): Turkey OpenStreetMap Dataset - Spatial Analysis of Development and Growth Proxies. Open Geosciences, 11(1), pp. 140-151,
- Alexey Noskov & Alexander Zipf (2019): Open-data-driven embeddable quality management services for map-based web applications. Big Earth Data, 2:4, 395-422, 2019
- Boike, J., Nitzbon, J., Anders, K., Grigoriev, M., Bolshiyanov, D., Langer, M., Lange, S., Bornemann, N., Morgenstern, A., Schreiber, P., Wille, C., Chadburn, S., Gouttevin, I., Burke, E., and Kutzbach, L. (2019): A 16-year record (2002–2017) of permafrost, active-layer, and meteorological conditions at the Samoylov Island Arctic permafrost research site, Lena River delta, northern Siberia: an opportunity to validate remote-sensing data and land surface, snow, and permafrost models. Earth System Science Data, 11, pp. 261-299,
- Chu, H.-J., Chen, Y.-C., Ali, M.Z. & Höfle, B. (2019): Multi-Parameter Relief Map from High-Resolution DEMs: A Case Study of Mudstone Badland. . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 16 (7), pp. 1-12,
- Ghamisi, P., Rasti, B., Yokoya, N., Wang, Q., Höfle, B., Bruzzone, L., Bovolo, F., Chi, M., Anders, K., Gloaguen, R., Atkinson, P.M. & Benediktsson, J.A. (2019): Multisource and Multitemporal Data Fusion in Remote Sensing: A Comprehensive Review of the State of the Art.. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. Vol. 7 (1), pp. 6-39,
- Ramírez-Núñez, C., Cyphers, A., Parrot, J.-F. & Höfle, B. (2019): Multidirectional Interpolation of LiDAR Data from Southern Veracruz, Mexico: Implications for Early Olmec Subsistence. Ancient Mesoamerica. Vol. 30, pp. 1-14. Cambridge University Press.
- Patenaude,G., Paterson, J., Lautenbach, S., Walz, A., Locatelli, T. , Dormann, C. F., Metzger, M. (2019): Breaking the ecosystem services glass ceiling: operationalising for impact Regional Environmental Change,
- Lautenbach, S., Mupepele, A.-C., Dormann, C. F., Lee, H., Schmidt, S., Scholte, S. S.K., Seppelt, R., van Teeffelen, A. J.A., Verhagen, W., Volk, M.(2019): Blind spots in ecosystem services research and implementation Regional Environmental Change,
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- Rylov, M., Reimer, A. (2015): Pairwise Line Labeling of Geographic Boundaries: An Efficient and Practical Algorithm. Cartographic Perspectives. 79, pp. 5-21. doi: 10.14714/CP79.1212
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- Koenig, K., Höfle, B., Hämmerle, M., Jarmer, T., Siegmann, B. & Lilienthal, H. (2015): Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth detection from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds in precision agriculture. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 104 (0), pp. 112-125. [postprint]
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- Westerholt, R., Resch, B., Zipf, A. (2015): A local scale-sensitive indicator of spatial autocorrelation for assessing high- and low-value clusters in multi-scale datasets. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), 29 (5), pp. 868-887, Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.1002499.
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- Jokar Arsanjani, J., Mooney, P., Helbich, M., Zipf, A., (2015): An exploration of future patterns of the contributions to OpenStreetMap and development of a Contribution Index, Transactions in GIS, 19(6): 896–914. John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12139.
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- Shafizadeh-Moghadam, H., Hagenauer, J., Farajzadeh, M., & Helbich, M.(2015): Performance analysis of radial basis function networks (RBFN) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks in modeling urban change: A case study. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(4): 606-623. Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.993989.
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- Vaz, E. & Jokar Arsanjani, J. (2015): Crowd sourced mapping of land use in urban dense environments: An assessment of Toronto. The Canadian Geographer Journal, 59(2): 246-255. DOI: 10.1111/cag.12170
- Shafizadeh Moghadam, H. & Helbich, M. (2015): Spatiotemporal Variability of Urban Growth Factors: A Global and Local Perspective on the Megacity of Mumbai. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 35(B): 187-198. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2014.08.013
- Hämmerle, M., Höfle, B. (2014): Effects of Reduced Terrestrial LiDAR Point Density on High-Resolution Grain Crop Surface Models in Precision Agriculture. Sensors, Vol. 14, pp. 24212-24230, DOI: 10.3390/s141224212
- Marx, S., Phalkey, R., Aranda, C., Profe, J., Sauerborn, R. & Höfle, B. (2014): Geographic information analysis and web-based geoportals to explore malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of approaches. BMC Public Health, Vol. 14(1), DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1189.
- Zielstra, D. H. Hochmair, P. Neis and F. Tonini (2014): Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap. ISPRS International Journal for Geo-Information (IJGI), 3(4), 1211-1233; doi:10.3390/ijgi3041211
- Blankenhorn, V. and Resch, B. (2014): Determination of Suitable Areas for the Generation of Wind Energy in Germany: Potential Areas of the Present and Future. ISPRS International Journal for Geo-Information (IJGI), 3(3), pp. 942-967.
- Sun, L., Fukuda, T. and Resch, B. (2014): A Synchronous Distributed Cloud-based Virtual Reality Meeting System for Architectural and Urban Design. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3 (4), pp. 348-357. DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2014.05.001.
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- Jokar Arsanjani, J., Bakillah, M.,(2014):Understanding the potential relationship between the socio-economic variables and contributions to OpenStreetMap. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2014.951081
- Nesbitt, R., Gabrysch, S., Laub, A., Soremekun, S., Manu, A., Kirkwood, B., Amenga-Etego, S., Wiru, K., Höfle, B. & Grundy, C. (2014): Methods to measure potential spatial access to delivery care in low- and middle-income countries: a case study in rural Ghana. International Journal of Health Geographics. Vol. 13(1), pp. 1-13.
- Tomljenovic, I., Blaschke, T., Höfle, B. & Tiede, D. (2014): Potential and Idiosyncrasy of Object-Based Image Analysis for Airborne LiDAR-Based Building Detection. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics. Vol. 3 (2S), pp. 517-520.
- Rylov, M. & Reimer, A. (2014): Improving Label Placement Quality by considering Basemap Detail with a Raster-Based Approach. GeoInformatica, Vol. 19(3), pp. 463-486. DOI:10.1007/s10707-014-0214-6.
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- Bakillah, M., Liang, S. H. L., Mobasheri, A., Jokar Arsanjani, J. & Zipf, A. (2014): Fine resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), 28(9): 1940-1963. Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.909045
- Hämmerle, M., Höfle, B., Fuchs, J., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Vollweiler, N. & Frank, N. (2014): Comparison of Kinect and Terrestrial LiDAR Capturing Natural Karst Cave 3D Objects. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 11(11), pp. 1896-1900, DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2014.2313599.
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- Helbich, M. & Jokar Arsanjani, J. (2014): Eigenvector Spatial Filtering for Spatiotemporal Crime Mapping and Spatial Crime Analysis. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2014.893839.
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- Resch, B., Wohlfahrt, R. & Wosniok, C. (2014): Web-based 4D Visualisation of Spatio-temporal Marine Geo-Data using WebGL. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2014.901901.
- Neis, A. & Zielstra, D. (2014): Generation of a tailored routing network for disabled people based on collaboratively collected geodata. Applied Geography. Vol. 47, pp. 70–77.
- Hochmair, H.H., Zielstra, D. & Neis, P.: Assessing the Completeness of Bicycle Trail and Designated Lane Features in OpenStreetMap for the United States. Transactions in GIS.
- Rylov, M. & Reimer, A. (2014): A Comprehensive Multi-Criteria Model for High Cartographic Quality Point-Feature Label Placement. Cartographica. The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization. .
- Hillen, F., Höfle, B., Ehlers, M. & Reinartz, P. (2014): Information Fusion Infrastructure for Remote Sensing and In-Situ Sensor Data to Model People Dynamics. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. Vol. 5(1), pp. 54-69. DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2013.870934.
- Höfle, B. (2014): Radiometric Correction of Terrestrial LiDAR Point Cloud Data for Individual Maize Plant Detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Vol. 11(1), pp. 94-98.
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- Helbich, M., Hagenauer, J., Leitner, M. & Edwards, R. (2013): Exploration of unstructured narrative crime reports: an unsupervised neural network and point pattern analysis approach . Journal of Cartography and GIS.
- Höfle, B., Griesbaum, L. & Forbriger, M. (2013): GIS-Based Detection of Gullies in Terrestrial LiDAR Data of the Cerro Llamoca Peatland (Peru). Remote Sensing. Vol. 11(5), pp. 5851-5870.
- Barron, C., Neis, P. & Zipf, A. (2013): A Comprehensive Framework for Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis. , Transactions in GIS, DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12073.
- Jokar Arsanjani, J., Helbich, M., Bakillah, M. & Loos, L. (2013): The emergence and evolution of OpenStreetMap: A cellular automata approach. International Journal of Digital Earth. 8(1), 74-88. doi:10.1080/17538947.2013.847125.
- Resch, B. & Zimmer, B. (2013): User Experience Design in Map-based Geo-portals. ISPRS International Journal for Geo-Information, Vol. 2(4), pp.1015-1037. DOI:10.3390/ijgi2041015.
- Mburu, L. & Helbich, M. (2013): Evaluating the Accuracy and Effectiveness of Criminal Geographic Profiling Methods: The Case of Dandora, Kenya. The Professional Geographer. DOI:10.1080/00330124.2014.886921.
- Sun, Y., Fan, H., Bakillah, M. & Zipf, A. (2013): Road-based Travel Recommendation Using Geo-tagged Images. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS). Elsevier.
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- Bakillah, M., Liang, S.H.L, Zipf, A. & Jokar Arsanjani, J. (2013): Semantic Interoperability of Sensor Data with Volunteered Geographic Information: A Unified Model. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Vol. 2(3), pp. 766-796. DOI:10.3390/ijgi2030766.
- Zielstra, D., Hochmair, H.H. & Neis, P. (2013): Assessing the Effect of Data Imports on the Completeness of OpenStreetMap – A United States Case Study. Transactions in GIS, Vol. 17(3), pp. 315–334.
- Koenig, K., Kiefer, A. & Höfle, B. (2013): Web-based visualization and object-based analysis of 3D geoinformation from laser scanning point clouds. gis.SCIENCE, Vol. 26(2), pp. 70-76.
- Neis, P., Zielstra, D. & Zipf, A. (2013): Comparison of Volunteered Geographic Information Data Contributions and Community Development for Selected World Regions. Future Internet. Vol. 5, pp. 282-300.
- Jokar Arsanjani, J., Helbich, M., Bakillah, M., Hagenauer,J. & Zipf, A. (2013): Toward mapping land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2013.800871.
- Luan X., Fan H. & Yang B. (2013): Extraction of high-layer road network in Urban area based on polygon analysis. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. (in Chinese).
- Helbich, M., Blüml, V., Leitner, M. & Kapusta, N. (2013): Does Altitude Moderate the Impact of Lithium on Suicide? The Case of Austria. Geospatial Health, Vol. 7(2), pp. 209-218.
- Sun, Y. & Bakillah, M. (2013): Analysis of tourist activity based on the tracking data collected by Flickr. gis.SCIENCE. Vol.3.
- Li, M., Bakillah, M. & Zipf, A. (2013): Embedding context-awareness to improve 3D geo-visualization for mobile users. gis.SCIENCE. Vol.3, pp. 81-86.
- Helbich, M., Brunauer, W., Vaz, E. & Nijkamp, P. (2013): Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic House Price Models: The Case of Austria. Urban Studies. SAGE Journals. DOI:10.1177/0042098013492234.
- Goethem, A., Meulemans, W., Reimer, A., Haverkort, H. & Speckmann, B. (2013): Topologically Safe Curved Schematization. The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 50(3), pp. 276-285.
- Resch, B., Hillen, F., Reimer, A. & Spitzer, W. (2013): Towards 4D Cartography - Four-dimensional Dynamic Maps for Understanding Spatio-temporal Correlations in Lightning Events. The Cartographic Journal, Vol.50(3), pp. 266-275.
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- Hagenauer, J. & Helbich, M. (2013): Hierarchical self-organizing maps for clustering spatio-temporal data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2013.788249.
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- Hillen, F. & Höfle, B. (2013): Web-based visibility analysis with LiDAR data. gis.SCIENCE, Vol 26(1), pp. 1-7.
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- Helbich, M., Hagenauer, J., Leitner, M. & Edwards, R. (2013): Exploration of Unstructured Narrative Crime Reports: An Unsupervised Neural Network and Point Pattern Analysis Approach. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2013.779780.
- Jokar Arsanjani, A., Helbich, M. & Mousivand, AJ., (2013):A Morphological Approach to Predicting Urban Expansion. Transactions in GIS, Vol.18, pp. 219–233. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12031.
- Jokar Arsanjani, J., Helbich, M. & Vaz, E. (2013): Spatiotemporal Simulation of Urban growth patterns using agent-based modeling: The case of Tehran. Cities 32, pp.33-42.
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- Helbich, M., Jochem, A., Mücke, W. & Höfle, B. (2013): Boosting the Predictive Accuracy of Urban Hedonic House Price Models Through Airborne Laser Scanning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 39 (0), pp. 81-92. [PDF]
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- Jokar Arsanjani, J., Helbich, M., Kainz, W. & Darvishi, A. (2013): Integration of Logistic Regression, Markov Chain and Cellular Automata Models to Simulate Urban Expansion - The Case of Tehran. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 21, pp. 265-275. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2011.12.014.
- Sagl, G., Resch, B., Mittlboeck, M., Hochwimmer, B., Lippautz, M. & Roth, C. (2012): Standardised Geo-sensor Webs and Web-based Geo-processing for Near Real-time Situational Awareness in Emergency Management. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management (IJBCRM), Special Issue on "Emergency Information Systems - Information Management Before, During, and After Crisis Events", Vol.3(4), pp. 339-358.
- Bakillah, M., Mostafavi, M. A., Liang, S.H.L. & Zipf, A. (2012): Fuzzy Query Propagation in Sensor Networks. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, Vol.5(3/4).
- Neis, P., Goetz, M. & Zipf, A. (2012): Towards Automatic Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Vol.1(3), pp.315-332. DOI:10.3390/ijgi1030315.
- Resch, B., Zipf, A., Breuss-Schneeweis, P., Beinat, E. & Boher, M. (2012): Towards the Live City - Paving the Way to Real-time Urbanism. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Vol. 5(3&4), pp. 470-482.
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- Jochem, R. & Goetz, M. (2012): Towards Interactive 3D City Models on the Web. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM), Special Issue on Visualizing 3D Geographic Information on the Web (Special Issue Eds.: M. Goetz, J. G. Rocha, A. Zipf). Special Issue on: 3D Web Visualization of Geographic Data. Vol.1(3) IGI-Global. DOI: 10.4018/ij3dim.2012070103.
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- Helbich, M., Leitner, M. & Kapusta, N. (2012): Geospatial Examination of Lithium in Drinking Water and Suicide Mortality. International Journal of Health Geographics. Vol.11(19). DOI:10.1186/1476-072X-11-19 [PDF]
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- Rutzinger, M., Höfle, B. & Kringer, K. (2012): Accuracy of automatically extracted geomorphological breaklines from airborne LiDAR curvature images. Geografiska Annaler: Series A. Vol. 94(1), pp. 33-42. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00453.x.
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- Hagenauer, J. & Helbich, M. (2012):Contextual Neural Gas for Spatial Clustering and Analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). Taylor & Francis. 10.1080/13658816.2012.667106.
- Helbich, M. (2012): Beyond Postsuburbia? Multifunctional Service Agglomeration in Vienna's Urban Fringe. Journal of Economic & Social Geography, Vol. 103(1), pp. 39-52 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9663.2011.00673.x).
- Jochem, A., Höfle, B., Wichmann, V., Rutzinger, M. & Zipf, A. (2012): Area-wide roof plane segmentation in airborne LiDAR point clouds. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 36(1), pp. 54-64.
- Höfle, B., Hollaus, M. & Hagenauer, J. (2012): Urban vegetation detection using radiometrically calibrated small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 67(0), pp. 134-147.
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- Zipf, A. (2003): Forschungsfragen für kontextadaptive personalisierte Kartographie. Kartographische Nachrichten (KN). Themenheft "Mobile Kartographie". Vol.1, pp. 6-11.
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- Zipf, A. & Richter, K.F. (2002): Using Focus Maps to Ease Map Reading. Developing Smart Applications for Mobile Devices. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) (Artificial Intelligence). Special Issue: Spatial Cognition. Vol.4, S.35-37.
- Zipf, A. & Schilling, A. (2002): Dynamische Generierung von VR-Stadtmodellen aus 2D- und 3D-Geodaten für Tourenanimationen. GIS - Geo-Informations-Systeme. Zeitschrift für raumbezogene Information und Entscheidungen. Vol.6, S. 24-30.
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- Zipf, A. (2001): Interoperables GIS für LBS. Mitteilungsblatt des deutschen Vereins für Vermessungswesen. Landesverein Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. Heft 2001. 50. Jahrgang. S.6-18. (eingeladener Beitrag).
- Zipf, A. & Krüger, S. (2001): Flexible Verwaltung temporaler 3D-Geodaten. GIS - Geo-Informations-Systeme. Zeitschrift für raumbezogene Information und Entscheidungen. Vol.12, S. 20-27.
- Zipf, A. (2001): Interoperable GIS-Infrastruktur für Location-Based Services (LBS) - M-Commerce und GIS im Spannungsfeld zwischen Standardisierung und Forschung. GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme. Zeitschrift für raumbezogene Information und Entscheidungen. Vol.9, S. 37-43.
- Zipf, A. (2001): Projektabschlußbericht: Deep Map/GIS. HGG-Journal. Journal der Heidelberger Geographischen Gesellschaft. Heidelberg.
- Zipf, A., Häußler, J., Chandrasekhara, V. & Malaka, R. (2000):Deep Map - Mobiles GIS hilft Touristen bei der Navigation. HGG-Journal. 2000. Heidelberg.
- Weinmann, R., Häußler, J. Zipf, A. & Malaka, R. (2000): Die Besucher Heidelbergs informieren - die multimediale historische Deep Map Datenbank. HGG-Journal. 2000/1. Heidelberg.
- Zipf, A. & Malaka, R. (1999): Durch Raum und Zeit - Deep Map - das historische Touristeninformationssystem für Heidelberg. GeoBit. Vol.5, S.30-34.
- Meusburger, P. & Zipf, A. (1998): Auf dem Weg zu einem 4D-Geoinformationssystem - das Projekt Deep Map. HGG-Journal, Heidelberg. Vol.13, S. 212-214.
- Zipf, A. (1999): Tourenplanung im Web und Navigation durch Raum und Zeit mit Deep Map. Arc-Aktuell. ESRI, Kranzberg.
until 1998
- Zipf, A. (1997): Geographie im Cyberspace. Geographische Forschung und Lehre im "virtuellen Raum". HGG Journal, Heidelberg. Vol.11, S. 221-235.
- Zipf, A. (1996): Geographie und Internet. HGG Journal, Heidelberg. Vol.10, S. 172-186.
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