Oliver Roick, Diplom Geographer
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Subject of thesis
User Generated Content aus geo-sozialen Netzwerken - Datenqualität und Nutzungspotentiale
Research interests
- Web mapping
- Location Based Services
- Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information
- Social Networks
Offered Courses
- WebMapping - Grundlagen von WebGIS in der Praxis (WS 2010/11, WS 2011/12, WS 2012/13)
- Geosoziale Netzwerke - Theorien, Konzepte und aktuelle Forschungsansätze (SS 2012, SS 2013)
Curriculum vitae
- since April 2010: Research Assistant at the GIScience research group, Heidelberg University
- 2008 - 2010: Research Assistant at Chair of Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modeling, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
- 2001 - 2008: Academic study at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, subjects: Geography, Computer Science and Geology
Roick, O.; Heuser, S. (2013): Location Based Social Networks – Definition, Current State of the Art and Research Agenda. Transactions in GIS. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12032.
Roick, O.; Loos, L.; Zipf, A. (2012): A Technical Framework for Visualizing Spatio-temporal Quality Metrics of Volunteered Geographic Information. Geoinformatik 2012, Braunschweig, March 2012.
Roick, O.; Hagenauer, J.; Zipf, A. (2011): OSMatrix - Grid based analysis and visualization of OpenStreetMap. State of the Map EU. Vienna, July 2011.
Roick, O.; Neis, P.; Zipf, A. (2011): Volunteered Geographic Information – Datenqualität und Nutzungspotentiale am Beispiel von OpenStreetMap. Kommission „Angewandte Kartographie - Geovisualisierung“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kartographie (DGfK) - Symposium Königslutter 2011.
Roick, O.; Kralisch S.; Flügel, W.-A. (2010): Design and implementation of a mobile client for the River Basin Information System (RBIS). Geoinformatik 2010. Kiel, March 2010.
Roick, O.; Vogel, A.; Busch, H.; Flügel, W.-A. (2008): Innovative Technologies and their Demonstration for Indoor Positioning. 5th International Symposium on Location Based Services and TeleCartography. Salzburg, November 2008.
Roick, O.; Gerlach, R.; Lemmens, R. (2008): Using Open Standards for Browser-based Integration and Visualization of Geo-Spatial Data. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Wien, April 2008.