Dr. Mon-Shieh Yang
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- LiDAR and Multispectral Remote Sensing
- Geoprocessing Algorithm for 3D Point Cloud Data
- Spatial Modelling of Geomorphological Hazards
- Since 04/2017: PostDoc, GISciecnce Research Group, Heidelberg University, Germany.
- 09/2008 – 08/2015: Ph.D., Dept. of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
- 07/2014 – 04/2015: Visiting Scholar, GIScience Research Group, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University, Germany.
- 08/2006 – 08/2008: Research Assistant, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan.
- 09/2004 – 02/2007: M.Sc., Dept. of Geography, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan.
- 09/2001 – 06/2004: Research Assistant, Digital Earth Research Center, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.
- 09/2000 – 06/2004: B.Sc., Dept. of Geography, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.
Best Student Paper – 2014 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts conference
Best Student Paper – 2013 International Conference on the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
Best Student Paper – 2013 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts conference
Pei-Ran Li Scholarship – 2013 National Cheng Kung University Scholarship
- Tutor for LiDAR training course at University Vienna, Austria (08/2014).
- Tutor for Engineering geology course at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2008-2014).
- (08/2013-07/2014) -Humanity, Socio-Economic Development and Environment Changes in the Region of Tai-jiang Inner Sea: An Inter-Disciplinary Study of Geo-Information Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
- (09/2009 - 09/ 2012) - Special Statute for Reconstruction for Post-Typhoon Morakot Disaster, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan.
- (01/2007-12/2007) - The Development of 3D City Model, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan.
- (04/2005-12/2007) - Acquisition of High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model Using Airborne LiDAR Technique and Its Application to Active Geomorphology in the Taipei Metropolitan Area, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan.
Peer-reviewed papers
- Chu, H.-J., Huang, M.-L., Yang, M.-S & Höfle, B, (2017). Historic Low Wall Detection via Topographic Parameter Images Derived from Fine-resolution DEM. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(11), 346.
- Profe, J., Höfle, B., Hämmerle, M., Steinbacher, F., Yang, M.-S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A. & Frank, N. (2016). Characterizing tufa barrages in relation to channel bed morphology in a small karstic river by airborne LiDAR topo-bathymetry. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 127(6), 664-675. doi:10.1016/j.pgeola.2016.10.004
- Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C., & Liu, J.-K. (2016). Landslides Vegetation Restoration Monitoring by Using Airborne LiDAR and Multispectral Imagery. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 20(3), 171-181. (in Chinese)
- Lee, C.-P, Wu, M.-C., Tsai, S.-C., Liu, C.-Y., Tsai, T.-L., Pan, C.-H. & Yang, M.-S. (2015). Numerical Analysis of Transport and Retardation for Cesium in Crushed Granite Using Multi-Stage Advection–Dispersion Column Experiments. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 304 (1), 377-386.
- Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C. & Liu, J.-K. (2014). Estimating Landslide-Induced Riverbed Roughness Variation by using LiDAR Data, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(4), 424-429. doi: 10.6119/JMST-013-0517-1
- Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C. & Liu, J.-K. (2012). Analysis of spatial characteristics for landslides vegetation restoration monitoring by LiDAR surface roughness data and multispectrum imagery. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 7561-7564. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6351912
- Wu, M.-C., Yang, M.-S.*, Liu, H.-C. & Liu, J.-K. (2012). Landslides volumetric estimation by using LiDAR data and Sediment Production Rate method. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 6305-6308. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6352701
- Wu, M.-C., Yang, M.-S.*, Chiu, N.-K. & Chang, T.-R. (2011). Using multitemporal satellite imagery for analyzing construction of Taiwan Su-Hwa highway tunnel. Tunnel Construction 31(1), 50-58.
- Hsiao, K.-H., Liu, J.-K., Ho, H.-Y. & Yang, M.-S. (2010). Change Analysis of the Estuary of Tou-Chien River Using Multi-temporal Images and DEM Data. Journal of Cadastral Survey, 29(1), 1-12. (in Chinese)
- Yang, M.-S., Lin, M.-C., Liu, J.-K. & Wu, M.-C. (2010). Automatic image classification of landslides improved with terrain roughness indices in carious kernel sizes. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 527-529. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5652504
- Liu, J.-K., Hsu, W.-C., Yang, M.-S., Shieh, Y.-C. & Shih, T.-Y. (2010). Landslide detection by indices of LiDAR point-cloud density. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3960-3963. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5651666
- Yang, M.-S., Lin, M.-C. & Liu, J.-K. (2009). Integrating Geomorphic Indexes and SPOT Multispectral Imagery for Landslides Classification. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 14(1), 11-23. (in Chinese)
- Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C. & H, Lee. (2013). Vegetation Restoration Assessment Using LiDAR Surface Roughness. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Wu, M.-C., Yang, M.-S., Tseng, C.-L. & Wang, T.-L. (2013). Assembling the Scattered Reflected GPS Signals for Waveform Measurement. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Huang, S.-M., Wu, M.-C., Yang, M.-S. & H, Lee. (2012). The Emergy Analysis on Coastal Wetland Ecosystem of Chiku, Taiwan. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Florida, U.S.A.
- Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C., Yu, S.-M. & Huang, S.-M. (2012). Coastal Wetland Monitoring by High-Resolution Satellite Imagery. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Florida, U.S.A.
- Liu, J.-K., Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C. & Hsu, W.-C. (2012). LiDAR DEM for Slope regulations of land development in Taiwan. EGU General Assembly Conference 14, 6729, Vienna, Austria.
- Yang, M.-S., Wu, M.-C. & Liu, J.-K. (2011). Morphological analysis of riverbed roughness by airborne LiDAR. 2011 International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Yeosu, Korea.
- Wu, M.-C. & Yang, M.-S. (2010). Coastal wetland monitoring and evaluation by integrated multitemporal remote sensing images and historical maps. IEEE International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ICCCE), 312-314.
- Yang, M.-S. & Wu, M.-C. (2011). Integrated multispectral image and LiDAR for landslides vegetation restoration monitoring. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wu, M.-C., Yang, M.-S. & Liu, J.-K. (2011). River circumstances investigation by using high-resolution topographic data analysis technique. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts. Keelung, Taiwan
- Yang, M.-S., Lin, M.-C. & Liu, J.-K. (2008). Landslide classification using LiDAR-Derived data and SPOT imagery. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Hsiao, K.-H., Liu, J.-K., Ho, H.-Y. & Yang, M.-S. (2008). Change analysis of the estuary of Touchien river using multi-temporal images and DEM data. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ho, H.-Y., Hsiao, K.-H., Yang, M.-S. & Liu, J.-K. (2008). Landuse classification using aerial photographs and LiDAR data. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Liu, J.-K., Yang, M.-S. & Shih, T.-Y. (2006). High-Resolution DTM for Characterizing Fragmentation and Fractals of Various Terrains in Northern Foothills of Taiwan. DEM&DSM Conference by Ministry of the Interior, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Liu, J.-K., Yang, M.-S. & Shih, T.-Y. (2006). LiDAR DEM for characterizing the volcanic landforms of mount seven-star volcano in metropolitan Taipei. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
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