Alireza Aboutalebi Adergani

Berliner Straße 48
Raum 111
E-Mail: alireza.aboutalebi@mail.polimi.it
Tel: +49 6221 54-4546


Alireza Aboutalebi Adergani

Alireza Aboutalebi is a researcher associated with the C-Newtral Doctoral Network and is currently in Heidelberg as part of this European research program. As an urban planner intern at LANDSCAPE OF LIMITS, Alireza Aboutalebi participated in an enriching program that deepened his understanding of the complex interplay between natural landscapes and human-defined limits. He applied his skills in GIS, mapping, and spatial analysis to create innovative and sustainable landscape design solutions for various projects in Italy. Alireza is currently graduated in urban planning and policy design from Politecnico di Milano, where he was awarded the EU Erasmus scholarship. He also completed a one-year exchange program at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, gaining intercultural competence and learning about urban agglomeration. Aboutalebi holds a bachelor's degree in urban planning from Islamic Azad University.

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Letzte Änderung: 21.10.2024
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