Dr. Eva Bund
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Eva Bund was a PhD-candidate in the research group Human Geography of North America and now works for the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF). Her PhD project was part of an interdisciplinary pilot study on Self-regulation and Regulation that was funded by the Research Council FoF4 at Heidelberg University from 2013 to 2014. Prior to this, she was working as a research associate at the Centre for Social Investment (CSI) of Heidelberg University in the EU-sponsored project TEPSIE. Eva Bund studied cultural geography, special education and public law at the University of Würzburg, where she earned an M.A. and completed the first state examination (1. Staatsexamen).
Research Areas
Her predominant area of research is focused on migration, integration, social and public sector innovation. At the Bundesamt she was involved in empirical studies on the life situation of persons entitled to asylum or recognized as refugees as well as ethnic German resettlers in Germany.
PhD Project
In her PhD project Eva Bund analyzed the conditions and the (social) environment of processes of change in the public sector. Starting point is a blueprint of indicators that, by using a screening of existing technological-economic innovation indicators, has been designed to capture the specific environment for social innovations (top-down). Within the scope of the doctoral thesis the practical relevance of this indicator suite was tested in the exemplary field of increased immigration to Germany in the last decade with the help of case studies in four structurally different German cities and a transfer study on the processes of change within the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in the course of the so called “refugee crisis” (bottom-up).
- Bund, E./ Gerhard, U. (2021): “The Role of Institutional and Structural Differences for City-Specific Arrangements of Urban Migration Regimes.” Urban Planning 6(2) (Special Issue: Migration-Led Institutional Change in Urban Development and Planning).
- Bund, E. (2021): „Bedingungen für Verwaltungsinnovationen im Kontext von Krisen – Das BAMF in der Flüchtlingskrise.“ dms – der moderne Staat, 14(2), 1-22.
- Worbs, S./ Bund, E. (2016): Asylberechtigte und anerkannte Flüchtlinge in Deutschland. Qualifikationsstruktur, Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung und Zukunftsorientierungen.(Ausgabe 1|2016 der BAMF-Kurzanalysen. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.)
- Bund, E. (2015): Spielräume für Innovationen. Förderliche Strukturen in der kommunalen Integrationsarbeit. In: Migration und Soziale Arbeit, 4/2015, 353-361.
- Bund, E./ Gerhard, U./ Hoelscher, M./ Mildenberger, G. (2015): A Methodological Framework for Measuring Social Innovation. In: Historical Social Research 40 (3) (Special Issue: Methods of Innovation Research Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches), 48-78.
- Bund, E./ Kohls, M./ Worbs, S. (2014): Zuwanderung und Integration von (Spät-)Aussiedlern in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR), 10/2014, 349-354.
- Krlev, G./ Bund, E./ Mildenberger, G. (2014): Measuring what matters - Indicators of social innovativeness on the national level. Information Systems Management, 31(3), 200–224.
- Bund, E. (2014): Innovationsindikatorik zur Erfassung räumlicher Muster sozialen Innovationspotenzials. In: Gerhard, U./ Meier, G./ Nüsser, M./ Schmidt, S. (Hg.): Zwischen Ausbeutungs- und Zufluchtsorten: Aspekte der Globalisierung. HGG-Journal 28 (2013/14). Heidelberg: Heidelberger Geographische Gesellschaft, 36-44.
- Worbs, S.; Bund, E./ Kohls, M./ Babka von Gostomski, C. (2013): (Spät-)Aussiedler in Deutschland: Eine Analyse aktueller Daten und Forschungsergebnisse. Forschungsbericht 20. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.
- Bund, E. (2011): Flächennutzungskonkurrenz im Rahmen der Biomasseverwertung, dargestellt am Beispiel des Landkreises Ansbach (Kurztitel). Würzburg. (unveröffentlicht).
- Bund, E. (2010): Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund im deutschen Bildungssystem unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chancengleichheit. Würzburg. (unveröffentlicht).
- Schliephake, K./ Bund, E. (2009): Libyens Bevölkerung. Eine demografische und kartografische Skizze. In: Edlinger, F./ Ruprechtsberger, E.M. (Hg.): Libyen. Geschichte-Landschaft-Gesellschaft-Politik. Wien: 202-207.
Project reports
- Bund, E./ Hubrich, D.-K./ Schmitz, B./ Mildenberger, G./ Krlev, G. (2013): Blueprint of social innovation metrics – contributions to an understanding of opportunities and challenges of social innovation measurement. A deliverable of the project TEPSIE, European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research.
- Bund, E./ Hubrich, D.-K-./ Schmitz, B./ Mildenberger, G./ Krlev, G. (2013): Report on innovation metrics – Capturing theoretical, conceptual and operational insights for the measurement of social innovation. A deliverable of the project TEPSIE, European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research.
- Schmitz, B.; Krlev, G./ Mildenberger, G./ Bund, E.; Hubrich, D.-K. (2013): Paving the Way to Measurement – A Blueprint for Social Innovation Metrics. A short guide to the research for policy makers. A deliverable of the project TEPSIE, European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research.
- Hubrich, D.-K./ Bund, E./ Schmitz, B./ Mildenberger, G. (2012): Comparative Case Study Report on the State of the Social Economy. A deliverable of the project TEPSIE, European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research.
- Hubrich, D.-K./ Schmitz, B./ Mildenberger, G./ Bund, E. (2012): The measurement of social economies in europe - a first step towards an understanding of social innovation. A deliverable of the project TEPSIE, European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research.