Geographisches Institut
Berliner Straße 48
69120 Heidelberg


Research Projects

Fields of Research

In the Working Group North America & Urban Geography, current aspects of urban development are analyzed from a theoretical-conceptual,and an applied perspective on an international level. Particular intrerest lies in inequalities in- and between cities, sustainable action in urban society, as well as authority and trust as factors of urban development. Aspects of housing, digitalization, mobility and migration are examined from an international, critical and comparative perspective with the aim of viewing cities as a mirror of societal developments and at the same time emphasizing their role as central actors in societal transformations.

Current Projects Former Projects
C-Newtral Doctoral Network

C-Newtral Doctoral Network

Horizon Europe MSCA (2024-2027)

Prof. U. Gerhard, N.N.

Reallabor Sustainable Urban Development in the Knowledge Society

Real-world Lab “Urban Office Heidelberg” - Sustainable Urban Development in Knowledge Society

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (2015–2018), IBA Heidelberg (2019–2020)

Prof. U. Gerhard, Dr. E. Marquardt


Mittendrinnenstadt: Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren

Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (2022-2025)

Prof. U. Gerhard; AG Stadtgeographie

Migration across the Americas

Migration Across the Americas

Forschungsprojekt in Kooperation mit HCA und HCIAS (2021-)

Prof. U. Gerhard, Yaatsil Guevara Gonzáles

Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2024-12-16
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