Geographisches Institut
Berliner Straße 48
69120 Heidelberg

Lehrraum Geographie


Topics of Urban Geography, in particular current urban development processes out of a social, planning, political and economic perspective, are the focus of attention in teaching. Additionally, various classes about North American Regional Geography are offered, which are also pertinent to students of the Bachelor and Master programs in American Studies. Applied teaching sessions also are of particular importance: A great number of urban development processes can be explored in the context of field works, field trips and seminars. For this purpose methods of qualitative and quantitative empirical social research are offered.

Innovative university teaching in Geography

Teaching is not only for students an important topic. In times of Bachelor and Master teaching at universities should not only be standardized, but quality and demands should be further extended. Therefore creative ideas and demands are necessary. In close cooperation with the Working Group Teaching Geography at Universities of the German Association of Geography innovative concepts of university teaching are developed which can be assigned and used via an interactive teaching platform Lehrraum Geographie. This platform enables the development and communication of teaching ideas and concepts for classes. Also E-Learning-programs for students such as Virtual Canadian Studies provide an opportunity to extend the offer of various class structures innovatively.

Lectures and seminars

Class schedule, Winter term 2024/2025

Please find all further information about classes on the new Heico platform.

Vorlesung North American Cities Gerhard Tue, 9-11 am
Kleine Forschergruppe Stadtgeographie Gerhard Tue, 2-4 pm
Kolloquium Forschungskolloquium Stadtgeographie Gerhard Mon, 2-4 pm (bi-weekly)
Hauptseminar Grün in der Stadt. Perspektiven auf Stadtgrün von gestern bis morgen Marquardt Mon, 4-7 pm (bi-weekly)
Hauptseminar Space: A critical and subaltern approach Abud Tue, 11 am - 1 pm
Proseminar Introduction to mobility studies Abud Mon, 11 am - 1 pm
Regionales Proseminar Stadtplanung in Deutschland Jung-König Fri, 1-4 pm (bi-weekly)
Übung Einführung in die Humangeographie Walter t.b.a.
Angewandte Humangeographie Location Scouts für die Kulturhauptstadt Europas Schweizer & Spuhler Tue, 4-6 pm
Angewandte Humangeographie Städtebauförderung in Baden-Württemberg: Die kommunale Praxis Schulz 16.10, 16-17.11, 11-12.01 & 25.01

Classes, Summer term 2024

Please find all further information about classes on the new Heico platform.

Lecture Stadtgeographie Gerhard Tue, 9-11 am
Upper-division seminar Neighborhoods in Comparative Perspective (English language) Gerhard & Malachuk May/June, Thu, 1-4 pm (prep meeting on Zoom: Apr 25, 2-4 pm)
Kolloquium Forschungskolloquium Gerhard Mon, 4-6 pm
Geländepraktikum Mut zur Innenstadt Jung-König tba
Proseminar Digital Geographies Schinnenburg Wed, 11 am-1 pm
Applied Human Geography Writings on Home, Place and Belonging: Creative Encounters and Geographical Reflections (English language) Keller Thu, 2-4 pm
Seminar Housing in Post-Socialist Countries (Englische Sprache) Jaczewska Tue, 2-4 pm
Seminar East meets West: Mechanisms Shaping Urban Areas in Central and Eastern Europe (Englische Sprache) Jaczewska Mon, 4-6 pm
Upper-division seminar Immigration, Education and Chinese Americans (English language) Lin Tue, 9-11 am
Seminar Stadtplanung im Klimawandel Lohe Wed, 4-7 pm (every other week)
Kleine Exkursion Sozialraum Stadt Holler tba
Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2025-02-05
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