Urban Office
Urban Office | Sub-project 1 | Sub-project 2 | Sub-project 3 | Sub-project 4 |
The Significance of Networks of Relevant Knowledge Actors
A sub-project of:
Urban Office at the University of Heidelberg: Establishing an “Reallabor” Sustainable city/urban development in a knowledge-based society
The Correlation of Network Positions, Moral Values and Urbanity in the Knowledge-Based Society Using the Example of the Building B³ in Bahnstadt, a District of Heidelberg
(Working Title)
In association with the Centre for Social Investment (CSI), the University of Speyer and the IBA – International Building Exhibition Heidelberg Knowledge Based Urbanism
, the Institute of Sociology conducts a three-year project accompanying the research of the progress of the cross-generational learning centre in the neighbourhood Bahnstadt, in Heidelberg.
Having completed the construction of the estate, it is supposed to be one of the biggest passive housing complexes in the world. The centre of the new estate is the B³, which is currently under construction and designed to initiate collective and cross-generational learning. The building houses not only a primary school but also a daycare centre as well as a civic centre and is planned to be structurally integrated into the district. It thereby questions the traditional separation of facilities according to their purpose.
Beside the structural innovation, the substantial organization is expected to generate synergies to meet the requests of the inhabitants belonging to the knowledge-based society. An important question is to what extent the future users of school, daycare and civic centre can contribute and share ideas for the conception with professional associates of the B³ project.
Taking the sociological perspective into consideration, the requests of all parties involved are to analyse as well as the interaction of B³, the district Bahnstadt, the city administration of Heidelberg and the IBA with regard to social sustainability. One aspect of this analysis is gender related disparities concerning participation. Additionally, the influence of network structure and position of single actors/parties is embedded into an urban sociological context.
The approach combines methods of network analysis, qualitative and quantitative criteria in accordance with a mixed-method-triangulation. Following the idea of a Reallabor
, the feedback of the conducted research can support the process of planning. The active participation of the project team regarding civic activism also.
Planned Research Process:
- Till Spring 2016: Acquirement of the theoretical base // Phase of preperation
- Spring 2016: First qualitive Survey on B³ // 7.5.2016 Ideaworkshop with interested and professional shapers of B³
- Oktober 2016: Survey of auntitative network data on B³
- First Quarter 2017: Second survey of the IBA-network
- Till January 2018: Phase of Evaluation