Dr. Johann Braun
Berliner Str. 48
Room 203
Phone: +49 6221 54-4604

Dr. Johann Braun

Dr. Johann Braun is a research associate at the Chair of Human Geography at the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University since October 2022. After studying cultural geography, sociology and journalism at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, he worked there on the history of ideas and research in geographical urban research. From 2018, he developed his doctorate at the intersection of political geography and geographical urban research (funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation). Johann Braun received his doctorate from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2022 with a thesis on far-right urban politics. In the meantime, he worked at the University of Halle from 2021 to 2022. Since 2019, he is part of the scientific network Territorializations of the Radical Right, Terra R (funded by the German Research Foundation).

In his research, he focuses on spatial histories of ideas and imaginaries of the far-right as well as far-right mobilizations and social polarizations in the urban sphere. With his work, Johann Braun aims to contribute to a differentiated geography of authoritarian politics. He is interested in critical theories of urban research, the histories of geographical knowledge production and epistemologies as well as modes and means of (visual) communication of geographical knowledge.


Academic Publications

  • Braun, Johann (2024): Stadt von Rechts. Über Brennpunkte und Ordnungsversuche. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag.
  • Braun, Johann (2024): Untergang und Rettung in der Stadt. Zur Geographie rechter Gegenwartsbeschreibungen. In: Politisierung des Alltags, hg. Von Forschunsgruppe Diskursmonitor und Diskursintervention, 71–87. Siegen: universi.
  • Braun, Johann (2022): Stadt von Rechts. Regressive Versprechen zwischen Verachtung und Normalität. Dissertation. Erlangen: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
  • Braun, Johann und Boris Michel (2019): „Das komplizierteste Glied unserer hochorganisierten Kulturlandschaft“. Die Anfänge der quantitativ-theoretischen Wende und das Problem der Stadt. Geographische Zeitschrift 107 (2): 88–106.
  • Braun, Johann und Philipp Kühnlein (2018): „Kunst und Kultur im Nazibau“. Das Kulturzentrum Z-Bau zwischen Gegenwartskultur und Erinnerungsarbeit. Mitteilungen der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft (63/64): 59–74.
  • Braun, Johann und Frederieke Westerheide (2018): Kotti auf der Karte. Für eine kritische Kartographie! In: Gefährliche Orte. Unterwegs in Kreuzberg, hg. von Autor*innenkollektiv Gras & Beton, 92–110. Berlin: Assoziation A.


  • Limoncini, Sandra (2024): Stadt von rechts? Rundgang mit Johann Braun. Reportage for Zündfunk at Radio Bayern 2, 14th May 2024.
  • Schopp, Fides (2023): »Rechte wollen sich immer Räume aneignen«. nd-aktuell.de. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1175890.rechtsextremismus-rechte-wollen-sich-immer-raeume-aneignen.html (zugegriffen: 11th December 2023).
  • Braun, Johann (2021): Gefährlicher Ort und identitätsstiftendes Denkmal. Die Stadt im rechten Diskurs. Lotta Magazin (84): 7–10.
Talks and Workshops
  • Stadt von Rechts. Über Brennpunkte und Ordnungsversuche, Presentation, 15th May 2024, Lecture Series Verräumlichung der radikalen Rechten, Institute for Human Geography at Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt/Main.
  • Bookpresentation and reading, Stadt von Rechts. Über Brennpunkte und Ordnungsversuche, 8th Mai 2024, Literaturhaus Hannover, Hannover.
  • Stadt zwischen Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft, Presentation, 20th September 2023, German Congress of Geography, Frankfurt/Main.
  • „Transnational Dimensions of the Far Right“, Presentation and Panel Discussion, 2nd September 2021, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London.
  • „Political Geographies of the Far-Right“, Presentation with Boris Michel, 24th February 2020, Geography Colloquium Series, University of the Philippines Diliman (UP Diliman), Quezon City, Metro Manila.
  • „Stadt und die politische Rechte“, Presentation, 27th September 2019, German Congress of Geography, Kiel.
  • „Politische Geographien der Neuen Rechten, von Nation und Nationalismus“, Workshop, 3rd & 4th May 2019, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen.

Johann Braun is teaching undergraduate and advanced formats in subfields of human geography at the Universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Halle and Heidelberg since 2017. These include introductory courses in different areas and techniques of human geography, thematic, in-depth and research-related seminars as well as small and large excursions in German-speaking and non-European areas (especially Metro Manila and other regions of the Philippines). Current courses in heiCo.

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Latest Revision: 2024-05-30
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