Dr. Anke Schwarz
Dr. Anke Schwarz holds the position of interim associate professor of Human Geography at Heidelberg University's Institute of Geography since October 2023. Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at Dresden University of Technology's Institute of Geography, at TU Berlin's Center for Metropolitan Studies, and at the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig. Anke studied Urban Planning in Hamburg and Vienna, and spend an extended period of time as a guest researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and El Colegio de México in Mexico City before receiving her PhD from University of Hamburg in 2016. Anke is a founding member of the Terra R network (DFG-Netzwerk Territorialisierungen der radikalen Rechten), Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG), and member of Research Committee 21 on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association (RC21) and the International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA).
As a human geographer who specializes in Political Geography and Urban Studies, her current focus is on geographies of Speculative and Science Fiction, territorialization and territorial identity formation, critical and post-/decolonial approaches to future geographies, and creative writing as a method in research and teaching.
Research areas
- Political Geographies
- Comparative Urban Studies
- New Cultural Geographies
- Future Geographies
- Geographies of Speculative and Science Fiction
Publications (selection)
- Schwarz, A. (ed.) (2023): Emparamol Shorts. Dresden: Selbstverlag. https://ankeschwarz.net/emparamol-shorts/
- de Aquino, E.; Müller, F. and Schwarz, A. (eds) (2021): Protagonists of Latin American Futures. Theme issue, Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 9 (1).
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (eds) (2019): Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized Perspectives. Geographica Helvetica Special Issue 938.
- Schwarz, A. (2017): Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City. Megacities and Global Change, Volume 22. Stuttgart: Steiner. https://www.steiner-verlag.de/Demanding-Water/9783515116862.
- Schwarz A and Streule M (2024): Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization. Progress in Human Geography, online first, https://doi.org/10.1177/03091325241228600
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2023): Von Territorium zu Territorio: Land, Allmende und soziale Kämpfe in Mexiko-Stadt. In: Bauriedl, S./Carstensen-Egwuom, I. (eds.): Geographien der Kolonialität. Geschichten globaler Ungleichheitsverhältnisse der Gegenwart. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Schwarz, A. (2022): Parochial imaginations: The ‘European City’ as a territorialised entity. In: Ha, N./Picker, G. (eds.): European Cities: Modernity, Race and Colonialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2022): Rendering Territory (In)visible. Approaching Urban Struggles Through a Socio-Territorial Lens. In: Brighenti, A.M./Kärrholm, M. (eds.): Territories, Environments, Politics. Explorations in Territoriology. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Kübler, F., Schilk, F. and Schwarz, A. (2022): Rechte Räume reconstructed. Identitätsfassaden in Skopje und Dresden. In: Miggelbrink, J./Mullis, D. (eds.): Lokal extrem rechts. Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Schwarz, A. (2021): Hydraulic standby: Anticipating water in Mexico City. ephemera 21 (1), 173-196.
- Hutta, J.S. and Schwarz, A. (2021): Umkämpfte Differenzen. Für wen und mit wem Geographie machen? In: Schneider-Sliwa R., R. Wehrhahn, I. Helbrecht, B. Braun (eds.): Westermann Lehrbuch Humangeographie. Braunschweig: Westermann Bildungsmedien.
- Schwarz, A. (2020): The essential vat: Geographies of Food in Science Fiction. Lo Squaderno 56 – Urban Recipes, 13-16.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2020): Introduction to the special issue “Contested urban territories: decolonized perspectives”. Geographica Helvetica 75 (1), 11-18.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2016): A Transposition of Territory. Decolonized Perspectives in Current Urban Research. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (5), 1000–1016.
For a complete list of publications, please visit: https://ankeschwarz.net/publications/