Chunyu Dong Ph.D.
Dr. Chunyu Dong has a research background in snow hydrology and ecohydrology. His research seeks to understand the impacts of climate change on the water cycle and terrestrial ecosystems at different scales. Multiple methods have been applied to his studies, e.g. remote sensing/GIS, hydrological modeling, field observations, and hydrogeochemical analysis. He obtained a Ph.D. in physical geography at Heidelberg University in 2016. Then he joined the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) as a postdoctoral scholar.
Research Interests
- Hydrological Remote Sensing
- Water Resources and Climate Change
- Drought and Human-Natural Ecosystem
- Ecohydrological Processes and Modeling
Selected Publications
- Dong, C., MacDonald, G. M., Willis, K.S. et al., (2019). Vegetation responses to 2012–2016 drought in Northern and Southern California. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 3810–3821. 10.1029/2019GL082137
- Dong, C., (2018): Remote sensing, hydrological modeling and in situ observations in snow cover research: a review. Journal of Hydrology, 561, 573–583.
- Okin, G.S., Dong, C., Willis, K.S. et al., (2018): The impact of drought on native southern California vegetation: remote sensing analysis using MODIS-derived time series, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 1927–1939.
- Gillespie, T.W., Ostermann-Kelm, S., Dong, C. et al., (2018): Monitoring changes of NDVI in protected areas of southern California. Ecological Indicators, 88, 485–494.
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., (2017): Snow process monitoring in montane forests with time-lapse photography. Hydrological Processes, 31, 2872–2886.
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., (2016): Producing cloud-free MODIS snow cover products with conditional probability interpolation and meteorological data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 186, 439–451.
- Dong, C. Y., & Menzel, L., (2016): Improving the accuracy of MODIS 8-day snow products with in situ temperature and precipitation data. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 466-477.
- Dong, C., Wang, N., Chen, J. et al., (2016): New observational and experimental evidence for the recharge mechanism of the lake group in the Alxa Desert, north-central China. Journal of Arid Environments. 124, 48-61.
- Liu, Z., Menzel, L., Dong, C. & Fang, R., (2015): Temporal dynamics and spatial patterns of drought and the relation to ENSO: a case study in Northwest China. International Journal of Climatology. 36, 2886–2898.
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Snow cover reduction and changing hydrological regime due to climate change and rain-on-snow events in southwestern Germany. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 08.04.2019. (Poster)
- MacDonald, G., Dong, C., Okin, G., Gillespie, T. Differential geographic responses of hydroclimate and vegetation to climate change and 21st century aridity in California. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 12.2018. (Invited Talk)
- Dong, C., MacDonald, G., Okin, G., Gillespie, T., Willis, K., & Williams, P. Evidence of a hydroclimatic dipole in recent droughts and vegetation response in California. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 04.2018. (Talk)
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Snow process monitoring in montane forests with a digital camera network. SnowHydro 2018- International Conference on Snow Hydrology, Heidelberg, Germany, 14.02.2018. (Talk)
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Snow process monitoring in mountain forest environments with a digital camera network. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 20.04.2016. (Talk)
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Potential of meteorological data for improving remotely sensed snow data in water resources assessment. International Conference Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction, Koblenz, Germany, 14.10.2015. (Poster)
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Monitoring snow cover variability in the Upper Rhine Region with improved MODIS snow products. International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conference, Moscow, Russia, 18.08.2015. (Talk)
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Spatio-temporal variation of snow cover in the Upper Rhine Region based on MODIS data. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 24.04.2015. (Talk)
- Dong, C. & Menzel, L., Untersuchungen zum Langzeitverhalten der Schneedecke in Südwestdeutschland. Tag der Hydrologie 2015, Bonn, Germany, 20.03.2015. (Poster)
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