Research Projects
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CryoHyd – changes in the cryosphere and its impact on hydrology
Prof. Dr. Lucas Menzel
Drought processes, impacts and resilience: making the invisible visible (DRIeR)
State of Baden-Württemberg (2016–)
Prof. Dr. Lucas Menzel, Dr. Erik Tijdeman, Michael Kraft, Verena Maurer
Rhine-Transect: An interdisciplinary, long-term research project across the Upper Rhine Valley
State of Rhineland-Palatinate (2012–)
Matthias Stork, Chunyu Dong, Zhiyong Liu
GLOWA Jordan River Project
BMBF (2000–2012)
Tobias Törnros, Martina Strakova
Spatial and Temporal Resolution Limits for Regional Mass Transport and Mass Distribution (STREMP)
DFG (seit 2006)
Prof. Lucas Menzel
Das hydrologische Modell TRAIN
Prof. Lucas Menzel
Wasserhaushalt RP
Prof. Lucas Menzel
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