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Prof. Dr. Reinhard Henkel

Außerplanmäßiger Professor.

Research Interests

  • Social and Cultural Geography, Geography of Religion, Urban Geography, Development Geography
  • Germany, Southeastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa

Curriculum Vitae

Born February 22, 1949 in Wallau/Lahn, married, four children

Higher Studies:

Universities of Marburg/Lahn, Kiel and Heidelberg (Germany) 1967 – 1976: Geography, Mathematics and Education

Academic Degrees:

First State Examination for High School teachers (equivalent to M.A. degree), University of Marburg 1972

Dr.rer.nat (Doctorate in Natural Sciences, Geography), Heidelberg University 1976, with a thesis on “Central Places in Western Kenya” (published in English)

Habilitation (Post-doctoral degree), Faculty of Geosciences, Heidelberg University 1985, with a thesis on “Christian Missions in Africa. A social-geographical study of the impact of their activities in Zambia” (published in English)

Ausserplanmaessiger Professor (Extraordinary Professor), Heidelberg University 1995


2002 - 2007, Professor of Political Geography, University of Zagreb, Croatia, as Langzeitdozent (Long term lecturer) of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service)

1991 – 2001 and since 2008: Universities of Mainz, Greifswald, Mannheim, Trier, Frankfurt/Main, Erlangen, Halle/Saale, Berufsakademie (University of Cooperative Education) Mannheim and Theological College Friedensau (near Magdeburg)

1986 - 1990 Professor, Dept. of Geography, Heidelberg University

1975 – 1981 and 1984 – 1986 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, Heidelberg University

1981 – 1984 Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Geography, University of Zambia (on secondment from Heidelberg University)

Offices and Memberships

  • German Geographical Society: Co-chairman of the Working Group on the Geography of Religion
  • Co-editor, GEOGRAPHIA RELIGIONUM, Interdisciplinary series on the geography of religion, Berlin: D. Reimer
  • Member of the Editorial Boards, Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik (Croatian Geographical Bulletin) and Acta Geographica Croatica (both Zagreb/Croatia) and Zbornik radova (Collection of Papers), Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade/Serbia
  • Elected Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Missionswissenschaft (German Association for Missiology)
  • Member of Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland (African Studies Association in Germany), Hamburg / Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (Southeast Europe Association), München / Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (Association of Geographers at German Universities) / Heidelberger Geographische Gesellschaft / International Society for the Sociology of Religion

Selected Publications

Central Places in Western Kenya. A comparative regional study using quantitative methods (= Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 54), 1979, 274 pp. (Doctoral thesis)

Periodic markets in Western Kenya. Die Erde (Berlin), 110, 1979, pp. 165 – 180.

Assessing the spatio-temporal integration of periodic market systems by a new measure. Erdkunde (Bonn), 38, 1984, pp. 167 – 177.

(with J.D. Huckabay, G.J. Williams und A.P. Wood:) Comment on "southern" African human geography as perceived by Wellings. Area (Institute of British Geographers), 16, 1984, pp. 258 – 260.

Studies of city-size distributions irrelevant? South African Geographical Journal, 66, 1984, p. 192.

Mission stations in Zambia: their location and diffusion pattern. Zambian Geographical Journal (Lusaka), 35, 1985, pp. 1 – 18.

The spatial structure of the retail sector of Lusaka outside the CBD. in: Lusaka and its Environs (ed. Geoffrey J. Williams), Lusaka: Zambia Geographical Association, 1986, pp. 226 – 243.

The urban systems in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In: Geographical perspectives on development in Southern Africa (eds. Geoffrey J. Williams & Adrian P. Wood). Townsville/Australia: James Cook University, 1987, pp. 157 – 167.

Christian Missions in Africa. A social geographical study of the impact of their activities in Zambia. Berlin: D. Reimer (= Geographia Religionum, Band 3), 1989, 237 pp.

Methods of measuring spatial inequality and their use: the example of Zambia. In: Inequality and Development. Case Studies from the Third World (eds. K. Swindell, J. M. Baba and M. J. Mortimore). London: MacMillan, 1989, pp. 63 – 75.

Health care services in Zambia. In: Disease ecology and health. In: Readings in Medical Geography (eds. R. Akhtar & Y. Verhasselt). Jaipur (India): Rawat Publisher, 1990, pp. 303 – 314.

Bevoelkerungswachstum, Wanderungsstroeme und Mobilitaet in Lusaka - juengste Veraenderungen und innerstaedtische Differenzierung (Population growth, migration streams and mobility in Lusaka – recent changes and intra-urban differentiation). Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie (Frankfurt/M.), 36, 1992, pp. 32 – 48.

Christian missions and churches as agents meeting human needs, wants, and rights in Africa: the example of Zambia. In: Geography is Discovery. Abstracts of the 27th Congress of the International Geographical Union, Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 256 – 257.

Religionsgeographie (Geography of religion). In: Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon , 3rd ed. (eds. E. Fahlbusch et al.). Goettingen and Zuerich: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Band 3, 1992, pp. 1551 – 1553.

Binnenintegration als Faktor für die Eingliederung russlanddeutscher Aussiedler in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - das Beispiel zweier Gemeinden in Rheinhessen (Internal integration as a factor for the incorporation of immigrants of German origin from the former Soviet Union into German society – the example of two communities in Rheinhessen. In: Festschrift für Erdmann Gormsen zum 65. Geburtstag (eds. Manfred Domroes & Wendelin Klaer). Mainzer Geographische Studien, Heft 40, 1994, pp. 445 – 458.

Sambia. In: Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, 3rd ed. (eds. E. Fahlbusch et al.), Goettingen and Zuerich: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Band 4, 1995, pp. 48 – 52.

Raumordnung sowie Landes- und Regionalplanung (Regional planning). In: Historischer und geographischer Atlas von Mecklenburg und Pommern (ed. Landeszentrale fuer politische Bildung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin), 1995, pp.109 – 111.

Problems of the social and economic integration of immigrants of German origin ("Aussiedler") from the former Soviet Union in Germany. Proceedings of the Regional Conference 1994 of the International Geographical Union on Environment and Quality of Life in Central Europe: Problems of Transition. Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic) 1995. Item No. 161 (on CD-ROM).

The spatial impact of the transformation from a planned to a market economy - the example of the retail activities in East Germany. In: Commerce et Lien Social. Actes du Colloque Européen de Rouen, Mars 1994 (eds. A Metton & N. Lemarchand) (= Collection Commerce et Société, XVII). Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 1996, pp. 173 – 185.

Afrika - Kontinent der Stammeskonflikte? (Africa – a continent of tribal conflicts?) HGG-Journal (Heidelberger Geographische Gesellschaft), 11, 1997, pp. 121 - 136.

Several articles on Anglophone countries in Africa and towns and regions within these. In: BROCKHAUS ENZYKLOPAEDIE (from letter K, new edition 1997 ff.).

Integration und Wohnsituation auslaendischer Haushalte. Eine Untersuchung in Kelsterbach bei Frankfurt am Main (Integration and residential situation of immigrant households. A study in Kelsterbach near Frankfurt). Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie (Frankfurt/M.), 42, 1998, pp. 82 – 96.

Geographische Stadtforschung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung (Geographical urban studies in the age of globalization). In: Global denken – lokal handeln: Geographieunterricht! (eds. Gisbert Rinschede & Josef Gareis) (= Regensburger Beitraege zur Didaktik der Geographie, Band 5), 1998, pp. 11 – 19.

Der Arbeitskreis Religionsgeographie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie - Bilanz 1983 bis 1998 (The Working Group Geography of Religion in the Association of German Geographers – a review). In: Geographie - Tradition und Fortschritt (ed. Heinz Karrasch) (= HGG-Journal, Heidelberger Geographische Gesellschaft, 12), 1998, pp. 269 – 272.

Kirche und Glaubensgemeinschaften (Churches and religious communities). In: Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 1: Gesellschaft und Staat (ed. Institut für Laenderkunde Leipzig). Heidelberg and Berlin 1999: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 102 - 105.

Die freikirchliche Landschaft in Deutschland. Untersuchungen über die raeumliche Verteilung der Freikirchen (The free church landscape in Germany. Studies on the spatial distribution of the free churches). In: Freikirchenforschung (Muenster), 9, 1999, pp. 214-263.

Religions- oder Kirchengeographie - Anmerkungen zu einem bisher wenig beachteten Fach (Religious or church geography – Annotations to a neglected study field). In: Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Gemeinde (Hamburg), 5, 2000, pp. 161-176.

Atlas der Kirchen und der anderen Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland – eine Religionsgeographie (Atlas of the churches and the other religious communities in Germany – a geography of religion). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2001, 299 pp.

Geography of Religion. In: Encyclopedia of Christianity, Vol. 2 (eds. Geoffrey W. Bromiley et al.). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2001, pp. 385-386.

Recent changes on the religious map in Germany. Annual Meeting 2001 of the Association of American Geographers, New York. Abstract Volume (on CD-ROM).

Religioese Minderheiten (Religious minorities). In: Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 4: Bevoelkerung (ed. Institut für Laenderkunde, Leipzig). Heidelberg and Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2001, pp. 68 - 71.

Denomination, Kastenordnung, Kirche, Konfession, Kult, Religioeser Orden, Religioese Gemeinschaften, Religion und Bevoelkerungsentwicklung, Religionszugehoerigkeit, Sekte. Ten articles on the geography of religion. In: Lexikon der Geographie (eds. E. Brunotte et al.). Heidelberg und Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2001f.

Die roemisch-katholische und die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (The Roman Catholic and the Protestant Church in Germany). In: Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 6: Bildung und Kultur (ed. Institut für Laenderkunde, Leipzig). Heidelberg and Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag , 2002, pp. 122 - 125.

Juedische Glaubensgemeinschaft (The Jewish community in Germany). In: Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 6: Bildung und Kultur (ed. Institut für Laenderkunde, Leipzig). Heidelberg and Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2002, pp. 128-129.

Religionsgemeinschaften als Institutionen der Binnenintegration. Das Beispiel russlanddeutscher Aussiedler in Rheinhessen (Religious communities as institutions of internal integration. The example of immigrants of German origin from the former Soviet Union in Rheinhessen). In: Neue Heimat Deutschland. Aspekte der Zuwanderung, Akkulturation und emotionalen Bindung (ed. Hartmut Heller) (= Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe A, Band 95), 2002, pp. 109 - 125.

Vorwort zu „Bilder aus dem Oriente, aufgenommen während einer Reise nach Ägypten,Nubien, Sudan in den Jahren 1853 und 1854“ von Jakob Schaschel (Karlstadt/Kroatien 1863), (Foreword to „Pictures from the Orient, taken on a journey to Egypt, Nubia, Sudan in the years 1853 and 1854 - in German and Croatian). Karlovac (Croatia) 2003.

Lebensstile und religiöse Gemeinschaften in deutschen Städten –religionsgeographische Untersuchungen am Beispiel von Hamburg, Heidelberg und Halle/Saale (Lifestyles and religious communities in German cities – religious geographical studies in Hamburg, Heidelberg and Halle/Saale). In: Lybæk, L., Raiser, K., Schardien, S. (Hg.): Gemeinschaft der Kirchen und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung: Die Würde des Anderen und das Recht anders zu denken. Festschrift für Erich Geldbach (= Ökumenische Studien/Ecumenical Studies, 30), Münster, 2004, 454- 464.

Der Ort der Religionen. Beobachtungen zu neueren Entwicklungen in der Religionsgeographie (The place of religions. Observations on recent developments in the geography of religions). Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, 78, 2004, 141-165.

Sambia. In: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th ed. (eds. H.D.Betz, D.S. Browning, B. Janowski, E. Jüngel), Band 7, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2004, 819-820.

Christian missions in Africa – the example of Zambia. In: Zimski seminar nastavnika geografije 2004. Zagreb/Croatia (Winter seminar for geography teachers, ed. A. Lukic', D. Spevec), 25-31.

Geography of religion – rediscovering a subdiscipline. Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik (Croatian Geographical Bulletin), Zagreb/Croatia, 67 (1), 2005, 5-25.

The changing religious landscape of Europe. In: Zbornik radova, 3. hrvatski geografski kongres 2003 (Proceedings of the Third Croatian Geographical Congress, Zadar 2003) (ed. A. Toskic'), Zagreb 2005, 60-67.

(with H. Knippenberg): Secularisation and the rise of religious pluralism: main features of the changing religious landscape of Europe. In: H. Knippenberg (ed.): The changing religious landscape of Europe. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis 2005, 1-13.

Germany: Recent changes of the religious landscape. In: H. Knippenberg (ed.): The changing religious landscape of Europe. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis 2005, 59-74.

Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland (Religious communities in Germany). Geographie und Schule (Aulis Verlag), 28, Heft 162, 2006 10-15.

State-church relationships in Germany – past and present. GeoJournal, 67(4), 2006, 307-316.

(edited volume): South Eastern European Countries on their Way to Europe – Geographical Aspects. Leipzig: Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (= forum ifl, 5), 2006, 240 pp.

Regionalism and regionalisation in the European Union and in Croatia. In: Zimski seminar nastavnika geografije 2006. Zagreb (Winter seminar for geography teachers, Croatian Geographical Society, ed. A. Filipc(ic'), 5-9.

Das Christentum in den Städten Schwarzafrikas (Christianity in the cities of Sub-Saharan Africa). Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica (Charles University, Prague/Czechia), 41, 2006, 65-76.

Definition von Religion und Religionstheorien – was kann die Religionsgeographie aus der Diskussion in Religionssoziologie und Religionswissenschaft lernen? (Definitions and theories of religion – what can geography of religion learn from the discussion in sociology of religion and religious science?) Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica (Charles University, Prague/Czechia), 41, 2006, 77-90.

In the shadow of the duopoly: Free churches in Germany. Annual Meeting 2007 of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco. Abstract Volume, p. 272.

Zambia. In: Encyclopedia of Christianity, Vol. 5 (eds. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Erwin Fahlbusch et al.), Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2007, 344-346.

(with Laura Šakaja): Niša u konfliktnom prostoru: razvoj Baptističke crkve na području Petrinje, Gline, Siska i Dvora (A niche in a conflict area: The development of the Baptist Church in the areas of Petrinja, Glina, Sisak und Dvor, in Croatian). Migracijske i etničke teme (Migrations and Peoples), ed. Institut za migracije i narodnosti (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies), Zagreb, 23(1-2), 2007, 85-110.

Regionalismus und Regionalisierung in Kroatien vor dem Hintergrund des Beitritts zur Europäischen Union (Regionalism and regionalisation in Croatia in the context of accession to the European Union). In: Förster, Horst (Hg.): Regionalisierung, Regionalismus und Regionalpolitik in Südosteuropa (= Jahrbuch der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, München, Band 35), 2008, 183-194. München: Sagner.

Religions and religious institutions in the post-Yugoslav states between secularization and resurgence. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica (Karls-Universität Prag), 44, 2009, 49-61.

(with Laura Šakaja) A sanctuary in post-conflict space: the Baptist Church as a "middle option" in Banovina, Croatia. Geografiska Annaler B, 91(1), 2009, 39-56.

Identity, ethnicity and religion in the Western Balkans. In: Brace, Catherine et al. (eds.): Emerging Geographies of Belief. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2011, 91-111.

Migration nach Deutschland und Globalisierung aus der Sicht der Religionsgeographie – Fallbeispiel Mannheim/Heidelberg (Migration to Germany and globalization viewed from the geography of religion aspect – case study of Mannheim and Heidelberg). Interkulturelle Theologie (Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft), 37(2-3), 2011, 173-184.

Are human geographers religiously unmusical? Positionalities in geographical research on religion. Erdkunde, 65(4), 2011, 389-399.

Geographische Verbreitung der Freien evangelischen Gemeinden (The geographical distribution of the Free Evangelical Church). In: Demandt, Johannes (Hg.): Freie evangelische Gemeinden (= Die Kirchen der Gegenwart, Bensheimer Hefte). Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2012, 54-69.

The changing religious space in (large) Western European cities. Prace Geograficzne (Jagellionian University Krakow/Poland), 137, 2014, 7–15.

Säkulares Mitteldeutschland? Geographische Rundschau, 2017, 69(2), 36-41.

Geografia della religione. Riscoprendo una sottodisciplina (Übersetzung des Artikels in Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik 2005, mit Postscript). Historia Religionum (Pisa/Roma, ed. Maria Chiara Giorda), 11, 2019, 29-45.

Nachruf Werner Fricke. Journal der Heidelberger Geographischen Gesellschaft, 34, 2019/20, 5-7.

Täufer in der rechtsrheinischen Kurpfalz – Beobachtungen eines Religionsgeographen. In: Kißkalt, M., A. Klimt & M. Rothkegel (Hg.): Pastor Bonus. Theologie für die pastorale Praxis. Festschrift für Volker Spangenberg, 119-129. Kassel: Oncken Verlag 2021.

Stichwort „Religionsgeographie“ im Evangelischen Lexikon für Theologie und Gemeinde, 2. Auflage (Hrsg. H. Hempelmann und U. Swarat), Witten: SCM R. Brockhaus, Band 3, 2021

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