Dr. Adam Rousell
Dr. Adam Rousell is a PostDoc Researcher at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg.
Research Interests
- Virtual Reality
- Perception of space
- Urban Geographies
- Software development
- Web applications
- Uncertainty
- Cap4Access
Curriculum Vitae
- Juni 2012/Februar 2014: Post-doc researcher at the University of Nottingham (UK) investigating the visualisation of uncertainty and improving the sustainability of an e-learning materials repository through crowd-sourced methods.
- Januar 2012/Juni 2012: Software engineer at Weatherford International (East Leake, UK)
- 2013: PhD in Geographic Information Science – Spatial Task Performance in Virtual Geographic Environments , University of Leicester (UK)
- 2008: Web applications developer at Xibis ltd. (Oadby, UK)
- 2007: MSc in Geographic Information Science, University of Leicester (UK)
- 2006: BSc (hons) in Computing, DeMontfort University (Leicester, UK)
Conference Papers
Tomljenovic I. and Rousell A. 2014. Influence of crisp values on the object-based data extraction procedure from LiDAR data. EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria
Ranacher P. and Rousell A. 2013. An Adaptive Sampling Approach for Trajectories Based on the Concept of Error Ellipses. Proceedings of GI_Forum 2013. Salzburg, Austria
Rousell A. and Jarvis C. 2012. A 3D Visualisation Approach for Multi-Metric Track Log Analysis. Proceedings of GI_Forum 2012. Salzburg, Austria
Rousell A., Jarvis C. and Li J. 2008. The Effectiveness of Artificial Landmarks for Orientation Tasks Within a Large-Scale Virtual Environment. Proceedings of GISRUK. Manchester, UK
Rousell A., Jarvis C. and Brunsdon C. 2010. Distance Estimation in Virtual Reality: The Effects of Overview Maps. The 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Guimarães, Portugal