Dr. Maximilian Benner

Maximilian Benner is an economist and economic geographer with a focus on regional development in EU enlargement and neighborhood countries. He is a habilitation candidate at the University of Vienna and teaches at Heidelberg University, the University of Vienna, Hafen City University, and the University of Klagenfurt. He has worked as a consultant in projects funded by international donors, including in a study on export development in Cyprus, a study on agricultural innovation in Tunisia, an Interreg project fpr the Danube macro-region, an international support facility for innovation in the Western Balkans, and technical assistance projects on regional development in Tunisia. Further, he has worked at the European Commission's Joint Research Center in Seville. His research focuses on conceptual aspects of institutional and evolutionary economic geography with a focus on Austria and Mediterranean Europe and on the economic geography of EU enlargement and neighborhood countries with a particular focus on Israel and Tunisia. 

Research Interests

Regional development and innovation policy in the context of EU cohesion policy, enlargement policy, and neighborhood policy including EU structural funds, smart specialization, LEADER/CLLD, IPA, ENI Institutional and evolutionary economic geography and behavioral approaches to regional development in EU member states (incl. Austria and Mediterranean Europe) Policy-oriented economic geography including regional development, industrial policy and tourism development in Mediterranean countries (incl. Croatia, Slovenia, Western Balkans, Cyprus, Jordan, Turkey, Israel, Tunisia)

Editor: Webmaster-Team
Latest Revision: 2024-07-03
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