Schila Németh, M.A.
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Schila Németh has been working as a scientific employee of the research group of Economic and Social Geography until 2013. She studied Sociology, Economic Geography and Political Science in the Magister degree course at the RWTH Aachen (University of Aachen). Her master’s thesis deals with the analysis of policy networks in the context of the cooperation network of quarter-relevant organisations within the support programme “Social town of Ansbach“. Within this matter she dealt as well with aspects of urban development as with networks in a (communal) political context.
Research Interests
Schila Németh is interested in organisational networks in the public and private sector. Currently she researches on the organisation and management of innovation-oriented business networks in the health sector within the framework of the BMBF project Krea.nets. Methods of the social network analysis are one focus of the empirical research.
Current Publications
Németh, S (2008): Interorganisatorische Netzwerkstrukturen im Rahmen des Bund-Länder-Förderprogramms „Soziale Stadt“ im Fördergebiet Ansbach – Innenstadt. Aachen: RWTH, Institut für Soziologie. (unpublished master’s thesis)