Project details
Project duration: 2018 - 2023

Research projects

Arbeitsorte in der Wissensökonomie

Regional urbanisation in German metropolitan areas: functional, economic and demographic changes in the metropolitan hinterland

Since the turn of the millennium, an increasing concentration of economic activities in large centres has been observed in Germany. Reurbanisation processes show that large cities have also gained new importance as residential locations. Many socio-economic changes are mutually reinforcing and leading to metropolisation in Germany.

But how far into the hinterland of the big cities are these processes noticeable? Can surrounding areas also benefit from the attractiveness of the large core cities through spill-over processes? Or do surrounding areas develop their own locational advantages and can processes of regional urbanisation even be observed in Germany?

These questions are being addressed in cooperation with the ILS - Institute for Regional and Urban Development Research. For the first time, relocation processes of metropolitan functions, population and employment are being analysed jointly and for smaller spatial units than districts in German urban regions.

Publications from the project
Presentations from the project
  • Growe, A.; Münter, A.; Osterhage, F.; Volgmann, K. (2023): Suburbanisierung oder regionale Urbanisierung? Welche Ausstrahlungseffekte haben boomende Großstädte auf ihr Umland? Dortmunder Konferenz 2023. 13.-14.02.2023, Dortmund.
  • Growe, A./Volgmann, K. (2020): Regionalisation of Knowledge-based Metropolitan Functions in Germany's Urban Regions. Ruhr Lecture 2020/2021, 21.12.2020. Bochum/Online.
  • Growe, A./Münter, A. (2019): Die Reurbanisierung des Arbeitens und Wohnens. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG). 25.–30.09.2019, Kiel.
  • Growe, A./Münter, A. (2019): Regional urbanization: unpacking the relationships between the metropolis and its megaregion. Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). 03. 07.04.2019, Washington.
  • Growe, A./Münter, A./Osterhage, F. (2018) Reurbanisierung - Regionale Trends und Einflussfaktoren in der neuen Arbeitswelt. Dortmunder Konferenz 2018. 05.02.-06.02.2018, Dortmund.
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Latest Revision: 2022-10-19
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