Xiang Wang

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Xiang Wang

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Xiang Wang studied geography at Lanzhou University (China) from 2017 to 2020 and joined the Department for Regional Governance as a visiting PhD student in December 2020 for a one-year research. His research interests are food security and resource and environmental management, mainly analyzing the global food supply and demand situation from the perspective of agricultural resource flow, especially researching the situation in China. In the completed research, he established an agricultural product trade network based on the complex trade network theory, through which he analyzed the global agricultural product flow trends and the status of major import and export countries. After that, he tried to complete the flow of water and land resources implied by the trade of agricultural products, including the calculation of virtual land and water. Finally, he will analyze the economic and environmental benefits of agricultural trade. The core of his research is still China's food security, especially in the current complex international situation, the Chinese people's food. His research is funded by the China Scholarship Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Lanzhou University.

Research interests
  • Food security
  • Agricultural trade
  • Resource and environmental management
Current talks and projects
  • Wang, X., Dai, R., Yan, S., Li, F., Tian, N. (08.2021-06.2022): Multidimensional scenario analysis of China's grain supply and demand balance during peak population periods. Project No. 2021CXZX-022, Gansu Province Educational Science and Technology Innovation Project, funded by Gansu Provincial Department of Education.
  • Wang, X. et al. (01.2020-12.2021): Measurement of Implied Resource Flows in China's Agricultural Trade and Analysis of Their Environmental Effects. Project No. lzujbky-2020-it23, Lanzhou University Outstanding Graduate Student Innovation Project, funded by the "Central University Basic Research Funds", Lanzhou University.
  • Wang, X. Qiang, W., Qiu, Z. (2018): Does Agricultural Trade Alleviate Environmental Pressure for Importing Countries? – A Case of China Soybean Import. Speech at The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science held in Sydney, Australia, 18 to 20 December 2018.
  • Wang, X., Niu S., Qiang W. Liu, A., Cheng, S., Qiu, X. (2019): Trade Network of Global Agricultural Products Weighted by Physical and Value Quantity. Speech at the Annual Conference of Chinese Geography Editing and Publishing held in Foshan, China, 31 March 2019.
  • Wang, X., Niu S., Qiang W., Liu, A., Cheng, S., Qiu, X. Li, F. (2020): Analysis on Global Food Supply and Demand Balance and its Evolution From a Perspective of Food Trade. In: Journal of Natural Resources, 35 (7), 1659-1671. DOI: 10.31497/zrzyxb.20200711.
  • Qiang, W., Niu, S., Wang, X., Zhang, C., Liu, A., Cheng, S. (2020): Evolution of Global Agricultural Trade Network Resource Flows and Resource and Policy Implications for China. In: Sustainability, 192 (12). DOI:10.3390/su120 10192.
  • Qiang, W., Niu, S., Liu, A., Kastner, B., Bie, Q., Wang, X. (2020): Trends in Global Virtual Land Trade in Relation to Agricultural Products. In: Land Use Policy, 92, 104439. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104439.
  • Niu, S., Li, Z., Qiu, X., Dai R., Wang, X., Qiang, W., Hong, Z. (2019): Measurement of Effective Energy Consumption in China's Rural Household Sector and Policy Implication. In: Energy Policy, 128, 553- 564. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.01.016.
  • Wang, X., Niu S., Qiang W. Liu, A., Cheng, S., Qiu, X. (2019): Trade Network of Global Agricultural Products Weighted by Physical and Value Quantity. In: Economic Geography, 39 (4), 164-173. DOI: 10.15957/j.cnki.jjdl.2019.04.020.
  • Wang, X., Qiang W., Niu S., Liu, A., Cheng, S., Li, Z. (2018): Analysis on Global Agricultural Trade Network and Its Evolution. In: Journal of Natural Resources, 33 (6), 940-953. DOI:10.31497/zrzyxb.20180403.
  • Wang, X., Qiang, W., Qiu, Z. (2018): Does Agricultural Trade Alleviate Environmental Pressure for Importing Countries? A Case of China Soybean Import APCEAS Conference papers.
  • Qiang, W., Niu, S., Liu, X., Wang, X., Jia, Z., Dai, R. (2018): Analysis of Generation Cost Changes During China's Energy Transition. In: Energy & Environment, 29 (4), 456-472. DOI: 10.1177/0958305X 17752493.
Editor: Webmaster Team
Latest Revision: 2022-05-27
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