Cristian Albornoz, M.Sc.
Cristian Albornoz has been working at the Department of Economic and Social Geography since September 2015, in cooperation with the Heidelberg Center for Latin America. He is currently a doctoral grant holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He obtained his degree in Historical and Geographical Sciences at University of Tarapacá (Chile), with additional bachelor courses at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and a Master's degree in Governance of Risk and Resource of Heidelberg University.
Research interests
He began his career as a junior-researcher at the Research Centre for Vulnerability and Socio-natural Disasters (CIVDES) at University of Chile. In his research, he has been focusing on the theoretical and practical analysis of the governance of risks and resources. His master's thesis considered the discussion about proposals for a new public agency responsible for disaster risk reduction in Chile after the earthquake and tsunami of 2010. His doctoral research examines a theoretical framework of models of legitimacy on network governance of common goods in Latin America.