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Der French-German Roundtable on Intangibles and Knowledge

Workshop 2: Dilemmas of the Knowledge Economy, 17. September 2012, Heidelberg

Mit dem French-German Roundtable haben die Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, der New Club of Paris und die Université Paris-Sud eine Länder und Disziplinen übergreifende Initiative gegründet. Gemeinsam mit Vertretern beider Länder aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik werden die Herausforderungen der Wissenswirtschaft diskutiert und der Dialog im gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bewusstsein voran gebracht.

Der diesjährige Workshop wird am Montag, den 17. September 2012, im Studio der Villa Bosch in Heidelberg stattfinden. Ziel ist es, die Erkenntnisse des ersten Workshops 2011 weiter zu entwickeln und Lösungen für die klassischen Dilemmata um intangible Güter, Wissen und Innovationen hervorzubringen: Wie kann das scheinbar Unmessbare (Intangible) gemessen und finanziell bewertet werden? Wie planbar ist die vorhersehbare Welt der Innovation? Wie lassen sich unternehmerische Monopolinteressen und öffentliche Wohlfahrtsinteressen im Umgang mit Innovation und geistigen Eigentumsrechten vereinbaren? Wie kann gebundenes Wissen mobilisiert und global verfügbar gemacht werden?

8:30 – 09:00Registration
9:00 – 09:15Introduction

Intangibles: A clarifying statement and agenda

Johannes Glückler, Professor of Economic and Social Geography, University of Heidelberg;

Ahmed Bounfour, European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, Université Paris-Sud

9:15 – 10:45Session I: The Measurement Dilemma

Intangibles in the true sense of the word cannot be touched. How can intangibles be made tangible in the sense of identifying, measuring and valuing them? Can qualities be quantified or monetized? How does business appreciate and value intangibles?

Discussant: Günter Koch, General Secretary, New Club of Paris

Non-financial reporting on intangibles: Issues and perspective

Ahmed Bounfour, European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, Université Paris-Sud;

Florence Depoers, Associate Professor, Université Paris-Sud

The Orse guidelines for reporting on operational risks

Patricia Lavaud, Head of the Finance Club, Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (ORSE)

Appraising intangible assets in moments of crisis: Corporate insolvency in Germany.

Michal Handke, Scientific Employee, University of Heidelberg

10:45 – 11:15Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45Session II: The Engineering Dilemma

How to plan innovation when novelty comes from serendipity and unforeseen creative recombination? This session contrasts management, forecasting and efficiency seeking in innovation with problems of causal ambiguity, domain-specificity and contextuality of knowledge generation. Do we acknowledge creativity in the periphery?

Discussant: Johannes Glückler, Professor of Economic and Social Geography, University of Heidelberg

The innovators dilemma in the print media industriy

Robert Crooker, Senior Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Partner Management, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Dilemma for decision makers in early phases of innovation

Peter Ohlhausen, Head of Competence Team Innovation Management, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO;

Stefan Waitzinger, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO

Cultural assets strategies - The case of branding for museums

Julien Anfruns, Director General, ICOM

12:45 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 15:30Session III: The Incentive Dilemma

While the state pursues welfare maximization, corporations strive for profits. While the state promotes the advance of knowledge as a public good, firms and inventors usually strive for knowledge monopolies. How can policies reconcile conflicting interests in order to advance the knowledge base of society and economy. What is the role of the third sector?

Discussant: Leif Edvinsson, CEO, Universal Networking Intellectual Capital AB and President of the New Club of Paris

Scenarios for the future of intellectual property rights

Clara Neppel, Examiner Directorate 2221, Scenario Analyst, European Patent Office

Why Do Governments (fund and) Conduct Applied R&D?

Georg Licht, Head of the research department of Industrial Economics and International Management, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)

Valorisation of public research results: Elements of international comparison

Rémi Lallement, Technical Officer, Conseil d'Analyse Stratégique

15:30 – 15:45Coffee break
15:45 – 17:15Session IV: The Circulation Dilemma

Intangibles are bound to people and organizations. How can localized knowledge be mobilized, reproduced and improved in other places? How does learning work? How can new knowledge be transformed in marketable goods and services?

Discussant: Peter Meusburger, Distinguished Senior Professor, University of Heidelberg

Intangible assets of territories

Ahmed Bounfour, European Chair of Intellectual Capital Management, Université Paris Sud

Danielle Bourlange, Deputy Director, Agence du patrimoine immatériel de l'Ètat (APIE)

Kristof De Meulder, Project Manager, Agence du patrimoine immatériel de l'État (APIE)

From inventions to innovations – Universities between basic science and IP management

Jürgen Rühe, Vice Rector for Internationalization and Technology Transfer / Head of the Laboratory for Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces Department of Microsystems Engineering – IMTEK, University of Freiburg

Innovation practices in Europe – A complexity theory approach based on CIS surveys

Andrés Barrenche, PhD Student and Research Assistant, Université Paris-Sud

Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Industry and Commerce – Supporting innovation and technology transfer

Nicolai Freiwald, Technical and Environmental Consulting, Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Industry and Commerce

17:15 – 18:00Plenary Discussion
18:00 – 19:30Dinner
Erster French-German Roundtable on Intangibles and Knowledge 2011

Der erste Workshop fand 2011 im französischen Finanzministerium in Paris statt, bei dem knapp 110 deutsche und französische Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft erfolgreich wichtige Impulse lieferten.

Weiterführende Informationen zum ersten Workshop finden Sie auf der Homepage des New Club of Paris.

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