Marius Zipf

Berliner Straße 48
Raum 117
Tel: 06221 54-4372

Current research projects
Unified Knowledge and Space

Marius Zipf

Marius Zipf joined the Department of Economic and Social Geography as a research associate in June 2021. He completed his master's degree in geography with a focus on economic geography and a minor in sociology at Heidelberg University from 2016-2020. As part of his thesis, he studied the trajectories of contested patent litigation cases in Germany considering judgment reversals by analyzing judgment records. During his studies (2017-2020), he also worked as a student assistant on various projects in the Economic Geography Group. Since January 2022, he is a research assistant in the project UNIFIED and an integral part of the Knowledge & Space project.

Editor: Webmaster Team
Letzte Änderung: 2023-10-09
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